Chapter 156 Nine Dragons Royal Driver (Second!)

“Surrender, or die!”

Covered by the might of the dragon, Wang Xian swayed his body, staring coldly at the Jiutiao Feng.

Kujo huddled together, staring at Wang Xian with some fear in his eyes.

They originally possessed the blood of dragons, and Wang Xian had instinctive suppression of them, but because the level of Wang Xian was too weak, they wanted to swallow it.

Now, under the heavy damage, facing the real dragon, a little trembling.

“Surrender, or die!”

Wang Xian raised his dragon claws and said to them again coldly.

“We surrender!”

Facing the power of Wang Xian, several horns lowered their heads and said in a deep voice.

“Absorb it!”

Wang Xian threw a drop of Shenlong essence and blood, and landed on the head of Jiutiaoyu.

Jiujiao looked at the essence and blood with a fiery look in his eyes, but his face was also a little struggling.

Looking at the majestic Wang Xian, they still swallowed it completely.

A satisfied smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face.

The nine dragons have the bloodline of the wind attribute of the dragon. These nine dragons are very rare.

The only people who have the blood of the Fengshen Dragon and have the way of evolution are preserved, and their blood is exceptionally pure.

But this kind of creature does not mean that it can easily evolve into the Feng Shenlong.

If you want to transform a dragon, the time required for cultivation is more than thousands of years. If there is no great opportunity, it is difficult to become a wind god dragon.

But after Wang Xian taught them the cultivation techniques of the Fengshen Dragon, the road of the Nine Dragons was undoubtedly much smoother.

As long as they practice hard, one day they will be able to leap over the dragon gate and turn into a dragon.

“Jiu Tiaoyu, looking at their appearance, it shouldn’t be long before they can transform into a dragon!”

Wang Xian stared at the nine horns with flickering eyes. From the first glance he saw them, he had an idea.

Kowloon Yujia!

That’s right, it is the Jiulong Yujia, patrolling the world!

Think of the nine wind dragons, no, even the nine dragons flying in the air, with a throne behind him, sitting on it, what a majestic thing this is.

Wang Xian’s eyes were a little hot, his gaze was staring at the nine horns, the dragon’s claws waved, and the rich wood attributes entered their bodies to heal his injuries.

“Thank you Dragon King!”

The injuries on Nine Tiaoyu slowly recovered, one by one at the bottom of the lake, bowing his head respectfully.

“Well, you first cultivate here for a few days, and I will take you to the sea in a few days.”

Wang Xian looked at them with satisfaction and said.

“Yes, Dragon King!”

Kujiu nodded his head.

“Practice hard!”

Wang Xian took a look and moved towards the lake.

Wang Xian was extremely satisfied with the nine men he got from Xianfeng Lake this time.

This one is more important than a group of magic monkeys.

Among the entire group of magic monkeys, perhaps only Ao Qitian could contend with Nine-Tiao Zhuo, and the others were worse.


He flew out of the lake, put on his underwear, and moved quickly into the room.

“In the future, you have to find a way to get some clothes, otherwise you will have to take off your clothes every time you transform the dragon.

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart. He looked at the time and found that it was eleven o’clock. Without thinking about it, he fell asleep.

“Brother, get up!”

Early the next morning, Xiaoyu called out Wang Xian early.

“Brother, let’s go, Sister Li will be hosting a banquet in a hotel in the city today!”

“Is the hotel in the city going this far? Can it be done in the county?”

Wang Xian quickly got dressed, and looked at Xiao Yu suspiciously.

“This is the decision of Sister Li’s husband. It is said that the city will be more elegant and let Sister Li marry gracefully. Uncle Zhang also meant this. It proves that they gave a bride price of 580,000, which is enough.”

Xiaoyu explained.

“Well, well, let’s go to Uncle Zhang’s house.”

Wang Xian and Xiao Yu came to Uncle Zhang’s house, and there were already many people in the yard.

These are the people in charge of the surroundings, similar to the existence of the village chief, who is responsible for collecting money from the people.

“Yeah, Xiaoxian Xiaoyu is here.”

A crowd saw them say hello.

Wang Xian smiled and greeted him, and looked at Uncle Zhang: “Uncle Zhang, can I help you?”

“No, no, oh, by the way, Xiaoxian, don’t you have a car. Later, you will take your sister Li and your aunt Zhang to the hotel first, and make an agreement to the hotel first.”

Uncle Zhang is going to get busy today and said to them.

“Okay.” Wang Xian nodded.

At nine o’clock, Sister Li and Aunt Zhang followed them into the yard. Looking at this pink Bentley, Zhang Yuanli’s face was full of surprise.

“Kohane, this Bentley will cost at least four million yuan!”

“Well, my brother gave it to me, but others didn’t ask for my brother’s money!”

Xiaoyu chuckled.

“No money?” Sister Li was puzzled.

“More than four million, dear.” Aunt Zhang on the side looked at the car with shocked expression on her face.

Xiaoyu opened the car door, and a crowd of people sat in.

Aunt Zhang looked at the interior of the car curiously.

“Sister Li, at which hotel, let me navigate!”

“Sanwen International Hotel!”


Wang Xian sat in the co-pilot, and the car drove out slowly.

The crowd gathered at Uncle Zhang’s door looked over curiously, and their faces were full of surprises.

No one thought that the Wang family brothers and sisters would have been mixed up to this point.

More than 30 minutes away, the car came to the center of the city.

Sanwen International Hotel is considered to be a good hotel. Pengzhou is just a small city without five-star hotels.

The car stopped aside, and Aunt Zhang and Sister Li walked towards the hotel.

“Let’s go with Sister Li and Aunt Zhang, I’ll get some money.”

Wang Xian said towards Xiaoyu.

“Good brother.”

When Sister Li got married, Wang Xian came to the bank with some gift money, and he directly withdrew 660,000 yuan, which was also a good omen.

When they returned to the hotel, Aunt Zhangli and the others had already done everything in the hotel.

The hotel is very big. Today, more than one wedding is held here, and there is another one outside.

The other one at the door is very gorgeous.

Sister Li and the others didn’t arrange too much, after all, they just let relatives and friends eat a meal without any ceremony.

When he came to a temporary room in the hotel lobby, Wang Xian saw that Sister Li had changed into festive clothes.

“Xiao Li, call Xiao Wei again and see if he is coming!”

Aunt Zhang said to Sister Li in a bad mood.

“Good mom!”

Sister Li nodded, took out her mobile phone and went out to make a call.

“You said that this happened, and we didn’t show up even after we got married. Where do we put our face?”

Aunt Zhang complained and said angrily: “Our girl doesn’t have to join the giants, it’s your child who caused this…”

“Aunt Zhang, don’t be angry, you are happy when you are married. When Sister Li goes to Jiangcheng, my brother and I will be with Sister Li!”

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