Chapter 155 Nine Dragons Royal Driver (first more)


While Wang Xian was staring at Jiu Tiao Yao, each of them slowly stuck out his tongue, and slowly came out of the cave, with his body twisted together, staring at him with cold eyes.

“These dongs want to devour themselves!”

Wang Xian felt the expression of Jiu Tiao Yu, and his figure slowly retreated to the back.

The nine-point tenth-level 虺 has been able to pose some threats to him, especially, these few 虺 are more powerful than Ao Qitian.

Wang Xian can crush Ao Qitian, but in the face of these nine 虺, he needs to deal with it carefully.

He is a Shenlong, but because his level is too weak, the Jiujiao wants to swallow it. If he swallows himself, they can even transform the dragon right away!

“Eat him!”

At the moment when Wang Xian was thinking, the central body swiftly attacked him.

They have the intelligence quotient, and directly attack together.

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, his tail swayed slightly, and a stream of water directly created a thick swamp space around him.

But to Wang Xian’s surprise, the speed of Jiu Tiao Yu was still very fast, not slower than him.

“Fu has the bloodline of Fengshenlong after all, and even Thunder Dragon cannot match it in speed.”

With a solemn expression on Wang Xian’s face, he looked at Jiujoo, who was besieging him, swept past with his tail.

The size of the Nine Tiaoyu is about five meters. Some people have thick thighs, and they are a little smaller than Wang Xian.


The mighty power of the dragon directly swept the three horns to a distance of tens of meters.

However, the fourth man opened his big mouth with a blood basin, and the black teeth inside were directly biting on Wang Xian’s tail.

A feeling of numbness came, making Wang Xian stiff.

At this moment, the other five dragons opened their mouths and bite directly towards his body.


Strong pain came from Wang Xian’s body, and he felt fangs enter his body.

“No, the IQs of these 虺 are too high, and the joint attack is so perfect.”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and he felt that these nine horns seemed to have a sharp heart, and they attacked perfectly.

A drop of blood was absorbed by the five venomous snakes. If the body part was not the most defensive place, he might be injured more severely.


Wang Xian yelled coldly, and the colorful colors on his body flickered violently. In the end, his body turned blue.

Cyan, wood attribute dragon, detox.


Wang Xian opened his mouth and sprayed out a burst of cyan air.


The rich wood attributes fell on Guo’s body and made a sighing sound.


With a painful look on Liujo’s face, he quickly let go of his mouth and backed away.

The blue aura on Wang Xian’s body was shocked, and the injuries on his body slowly recovered.


Jiu Tiao Yao looked at Wang Xian, then came around again, staring at him ferociously.

Wang Xian looked at these nine guys with cold eyes, swaying his cyan body, looking at the black water plants around him.


This time, Wang Xian took the initiative, and the cyan wood attributes on his body vibrated towards the surroundings.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, the surrounding aquatic plants began to grow wildly, and thousands of aquatic plants entangled towards the Nine Artifacts.


One by one, the snakes swayed their bodies, and the snakes swam quickly, and attacked again towards Wang Xian.

“act recklessly!”

Wang Xian exudes a strong cyan aura, and water plants grow crazily around him.

There is a move like the first generation of Hokage in Naruto novels.

Although it was not enough to grow out of thin air to trap the opponent, but within a range of tens of meters, the water plants grew crazily, all under his control.


Kujo swayed his body, avoiding the water weeds, but there were so many water weeds that it was too much for them to move an inch.

“You can’t stop us, die!”

A horn swallows his tongue, and quickly smashes away a waterweed.

“My own strength is still too weak, and the water plants can’t support it for long!”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and his heart moved: “It is you who are looking for death!”

Wang Xian’s dragon claws waved, and all the surrounding water plants gradually entangled together, completely trapping the nine dragons in a semicircular space.


With a movement, a small hole was knocked away.

Hu, in fact, is just a poisonous snake now, without claws, it takes at least ten seconds to break the space surrounded by water plants!

“It’s now!”

Wang Xian took a deep breath, and success or failure was at one go. If he failed, he could only wait for his own strength to be stronger.

The luster of his body changed, eventually forming a blue water dragon.


He opened his mouth wide and directly sucked all the lake water in the area surrounded by water plants into his abdomen.

At the bottom of the lake, an area of ​​vacuum is formed.

One by one, he looked around with a little surprise, and hurriedly broke through toward the water plants.

“go to hell!”

There was a cold look on Wang Xian’s face, these few guys who didn’t know what to do, they could only cook them up.

The color on his body changed again, and the fiery dragon-colored body exuded fiery flames.

The lake made a boiling sound, he opened his mouth, and a dragon ball attacked towards the place surrounded by water plants.


The flame of more than ten meters jetted directly away and fell on the black water plants.


The flame fell on the water plants, because the surrounding lake water had been pulled away by Wang Xian, when the flame fell.

The wood helped the fire, and the entire area quickly burned.

The bottom of the lake was red.

If you look from the sky above, you can see the entire bottom of the lake a fiery red, as if there is a volcanic eruption, it is terrifying.


Wang Xian regained the form of the blue dragon, panting slightly, and successively released several attacks that consumed a lot of money, which was also a huge cost to him.

The form of the blue dragon can quickly restore the consumption of the body.

The flame burned, the lake boiled, and a magical picture appeared at the bottom of the lake.


There was a terrible cry from the sea, and Wang Xian watched coldly.

The flame slowly shrank under the control of Dragon Ball.


At this moment, the dragon ball flew back, and Wang Xian opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The flame disappeared, and all the water plants within 100 meters of the surrounding area turned into ashes.

In the central position, the nine heads are entwined together, and the nine heads are leaning on each other.

A burnt smell came from their bodies, and sticky blood was exposed on their bodies.

Unusually miserable.

But these nine horns were not dead, they huddled together and resisted the strong attack of the Dragon Ball Flame.

However, even if they did not die, they were all severely wounded and entangled in malaise.

The sharpness in his eyes disappeared completely.

Wang Xian was a little surprised when he saw this scene. Just now, his attack method was no less than three sixth-level dragons attacking together, but they were only seriously injured.

That being the case!

His eyes flickered, and he slowly uttered five words:

“Surrender or die!”

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