Chapter 1427

The colorful monsters hovered in the sky, and they scanned the surroundings coldly.

Located in the central position, the five- or six-meter-sized monster leader stared at the front with his eyes gleaming, his face was a bit cold.

“Which power are you?”

The head of the monster beast suspended in the center spit out human language, and asked coldly toward the front.

“What kind of monster are you, why did you break into the realm of my dragon palace?”

Nine flood dragons slowly appeared in the sight of a group of monsters, surrounded by magic monkeys and thunder shrimps slowly.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Wang Xian glanced at the monster race in front of him, and asked faintly.

“Encircle us, what are you doing?”

A demon beast swayed its colorful body and shouted sharply.

“Shut up and let your two leaders speak, you are not qualified yet!”


Mou Zesen’s icy voice sounded, and a terrifying arrow rolled over the sea and directly attacked the monster beast.

The powerful power has greatly changed the faces of all members of the entire Monster Beast clan.

“Swish swish!”

The face of a monster beast not far away from the leader of the central monster beast changed slightly.

His size was similar to that of the monster leader in the center, his pupils shrank slightly and his whole body fluttered when he saw the arrow coming from the attack.

The seaweed rose directly into the sky, entwining towards the arrow.


A violent explosion sounded in the center.

Even if it is more than 20,000 meters deep, there is still a stream of water surging.

The face of the monster who had just spoken changed drastically, and his pupils were full of fear.

“We are a clan of colorful algae monsters. I don’t know if this is the land of your dragon palace, how offensive it is!”

The leader of the monster beast floating in the center saw the explosion ahead, his face also changed slightly, his eyes swept across the members of the Dragon Palace that surrounded them, and said vigilantly towards Wang Xian.

“Are you from the Shemale Cemetery?”

Wang Xian scanned this monster race with interest, and asked with a smile.

“Yes, if our colorful algae monster clan bothers you, we will leave immediately!”

The colorful algae monster leader said with gleaming eyes.

“The entire sea area, except for the cemetery of the monsters, has been ruled by our Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian stared at the leader of the colorful algae monster, and continued with a smile: “I’m curious, what happened to the monster cemetery that would make you come here?”

“Is it here to hunt down other monsters and fierce beasts, or?”

“These things seem to have nothing to do with you!”

The colorful algae monster leader said directly with a bad expression.


When his voice just fell, the surrounding Dragon Palace members raised their weapons, and all the aura exploded.

There are more than a thousand strong holes in the hole, more than a thousand half-step hole holes in the strong.

When this power came under the pressure of more than a thousand monster beasts, the entire space was frozen.

The pupils of more than a thousand colorful algae monsters shrank slightly, and their bodies swayed in panic.

Even the leader in the center was shaking slightly.

Wang Xian stared at the leader of the colorful algae monster beast and smiled: “See your own situation clearly. If we want to destroy you, it will be easy!”


The leader of Variety Algae obviously took a deep breath, and slowly lowered his head with embarrassment: “Great changes have taken place in the cemetery of the shemales, and a lot of monsters are fighting!”

“The blood savage monster family wants to establish a dynasty, and all the monster beast races join the dynasty!”

“There are some monster beast races that are unwilling to be driven. They don’t agree. They want to establish a dynasty. Each race establishes each dynasty, but several top monster beast races do not agree!”

“Several top monster beast races are vying for the throne of the dynasty. It is in chaos. It has only stabilized a little in the past few days, but the result is not what we subordinate monster beast races want to see!”

“So I led the people here, ready to hide!”

The colorful algae monster leader said, raising his head to look at Wang Xian, and finally said, “We have no intention of offending you!”

“Establishing a dynasty? A dynasty? What was the situation in the cemetery before you left?”

Wang Xian asked suspiciously.

“Several major races have established and established a dynasty. The strongest sit on the throne, all monsters can participate, and the strong are respected!”

The colorful algae monster leader said solemnly.

“Oh? It’s fair, strength is respected!”

Wang Xian raised his brows and said with a smile.

It is very fair to the top monster beast races, but it is not very fair to the rest of the monster beast races.

Once the dynasty is established, the rest of the monster races will be reduced to courtiers!

There are nearly a hundred monster beast races of various sizes in the shemale cemetery.

As he spoke, his eyes scanned all the members of the colorful algae monster clan, his eyes gleaming.

The monster race from the cemetery of the monsters is second only to the top-level races in strength.

There are more than a thousand members, and the weakest is also Transcendent Rank Seven.

If it is subdued, it can greatly enhance the strength of the Dragon Palace.

“Your colorful algae monster clan, since you have come out of the cemetery of the monsters, why not join my dragon palace!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.


“This is impossible, we will never follow anyone’s orders!”

Upon hearing Wang Xian’s words, the two colorful algae monster beasts of the fifth-order cave virtual roared with anger on their faces.

“I can take you to the Dragon Palace to have a look. Then you are making choices. If you refuse now, it will be useless!”

Wang Xian smiled and looked at them.

All the members of the Dragon Palace approached several hundred meters, the meaning was very obvious.

Disagree, then we will do it.

This made the faces of all members of the whole colorful algae monster clan extremely embarrassing.

The leader of the colorful algae monster glanced around, and his heart sank.

He really just got out of the tiger’s mouth and entered the dragon’s den!


The colorful algae monster leader had no way at all, and he responded with an embarrassed expression.

“Okay, let us go, don’t think about running away!”

As Wang Xian said, with a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Great Mill appeared directly in the ocean.


The Five Elements Great Mill covers an area of ​​two kilometers, and directly envelops the whole family of colorful algae monsters.

“what is this?”

“Hi, what a terrifying power!”

“This… that human being is so strong!”

The members of the colorful algae monster group clan looked terrified when they saw the Wu Xing Da Mo that contained the aura of obscurity above their heads.

The leader of the colorful algae monster also shrank his pupils slightly, and swept a little weakly.

That’s it!


“Ho Ho Ho Ho!

The nine dragons roared and flew directly towards the Dragon Palace.

A powerful monster race, under the power of the Dragon Palace today, there is no room for resistance.

Next, only by joining Dragon Palace can you survive.

The expansion of all forces is full of domineering and bloody.

Dragon Palace, the same is true!

However, this is not necessarily a bad thing for the colorful algae monster race!

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