Chapter 1426 Colorful Algae Monster Beast

“Hehe, Prince Wang has such a strong network relationship, let the Prince Wang contact the Guanglong Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Sect!”

“Yes, yes, even the daughter of the other person is done, isn’t it just that everything is easy to say?”

When the white-haired old man had just finished speaking, the voices of several girls in Guan Shuqing rang.

They stared at Wang Xian with smiles, mocking with a chill in their eyes.

Seeing this situation, the white-haired old man, as a human spirit who has lived for thousands of years, naturally knows that he has said something wrong.

However, he held up the teacup with his face unchanged, and took a faint sip, very calm.

I even feel a little refreshed in my heart!

Deserve it!

“Ahem, it’s not too ripe, not too ripe!”

Wang Xian coughed.

“The alliance thing, I will trouble you a few days later!”

Feng Luan said towards Wang Xian.

“I will try, I will try!”

Wang Xian felt a few very unfriendly eyes and smiled awkwardly.


At this moment, the communication stone plate in his space ring shook!


Wang Xian took out the communication stone tray and looked at it, and raised his brows slightly.

“Long Palace has something for me to deal with, I have to go there now!”

Wang Xian said directly towards Guan Shuqing.

“What a coincidence?”

Several girls looked at him up and down.


Wang Xian took the communication stone tray!

“Go back if you have anything!”

Sun Lingxiu smiled and said to him.

“We will go back after discussing some things with the blood flow sect. If something happens in the Dragon Palace, then you go back first!”

Feng Luan also smiled aside.

“Well, Ao Jian, protect them here!”

Wang Xian nodded and turned and flew away.

Slipped away!

Guan Shuqing Xiaoyu and the others looked at Wang Xian’s fleeing figure and rolled their eyes.

“Interestingly, a powerful marine monster race suddenly appeared near the Dragon Palace, suspected of coming from the sea around the monster cemetery!”

Wang Xian flew into the sky and galloped towards the Dragon Palace quickly.

Prime Minister Turtle just sent a message that a group of terrifying monsters appeared in the area of ​​Dragon Palace.

Among the group of monsters, there is the existence of the fifth-order hole virtual.

The fifth step of the hole virtual, a monster in the cemetery of a monster?

This reminded Wang Xian of the recent changes in the cemetery of the monsters.


Wang Xian speeded up and flew towards the Dragon Palace’s position with extreme speed.

His strength reached the realm of emptiness, his speed was 10,000 to 20,000 sons per hour, more than ten times the speed of sound!

This speed is already very scary, and you can’t even see the shadow.

It took ten full hours before Wang Xian returned to the sky above the Dragon Palace.


Entering the Dragon Palace, Prime Minister Turtle rushed over immediately.

“Dragon King!”

“How is the situation now?”

Wang Xian asked directly towards Prime Minister Turtle.

“The monster race is currently unmoved. It is located 11,200 kilometers northeast of our Dragon Palace. A group of creepy monsters are watching over there!”

Prime Minister Kame immediately reported.

“Do you know what they are here for us?”

Wang Xianmugang asked flickeringly.

“I don’t know yet, Dragon King, should we do it first?”

Prime Minister Turtle asked.

“Call us the soldiers of the Dragon Palace, let’s go and see!”

Wang Xian said directly without hesitation.

A powerful monster race, if it is an enemy, then kill it directly!

Today’s Dragon Palace has 100% control over the surrounding seas, and any unstable factors will either surrender or die.

The weak eat the strong!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded and swam to the side.


Soon, the sound of the horn sounded at the location of Dragon Palace, and a member of the famous Dragon Palace quickly flew towards the location of Dragon Field.


The sound of metal sounded, each of the magic monkeys holding golden sticks in their hands!

One by one, the thunder shrimp shining with blue light, in their vital positions, were pasted with pieces of armor.

The golden swordfish exuding golden light and wearing a golden armor.

Holding metal bows and arrows, wearing light armor

Dolphins and colorful sea snakes.

Nine dragons reaching the size of forty meters.

Every member of the Dragon Palace contains terrifying power.

At this time, compared to a year ago, they are now fully armed, and each of them has a weapon of the hole virtual level in their hands.

He is wearing a hole-level armor.

Compared with the past, combat effectiveness has increased by at least 30%.

Don’t underestimate these 30%.

It is possible that the current Dragon Palace members, six or seven members with the first order of the hole, can fight against a strong enemy of the third order of the hole, before at least ten.

This is the powerful benefit of weapons!

In just ten seconds, more than two thousand Dragon Palace soldiers arrived neatly in the dragon field.

“The target is more than ten thousand kilometers away, and immediately set out!”

Wang Xian glanced across all the Dragon Palace members, with a satisfied expression on his face, and gave a soft drink.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

All the members of the Dragon Palace snorted softly.


The nine dragons roared, pulling the dragon chair to the front.

When Wang Xian moved, he sat directly in front of the dragon chair, and the dragon palace army rushed towards the northeast.


Although there were only more than 2,000 Dragon Palace members who followed the expedition this time, there were 1,000 strong people at the hole virtual level.

More than two thousand creatures are worth the sum of the power of thirty or forty dynasties.

There are not so many even the hole virtual powerhouses of the Blood Flow Dynasty.

In the water, the members of the Dragon Palace are very fast, and they can get there in just over two hours for a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers.

“Report to the Dragon King that the powerful monster race is located fifty kilometers ahead!”

When the Dragon Palace army arrived, Ao Yao, who had been investigating nearby, appeared in front of the army and reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Ao Yao, how is the opponent’s strength?”

Wang Xian asked towards Ao Yao.

“Dragon King, the opponent belongs to the wood-attribute marine creatures, there are two strong in the fifth rank of the hole, six strong in the fourth rank of the hole, a dozen of the third rank in the hole, and there are more than 20 strong ones in the hole!”

Ao Yao reported directly.

“Two holes in the fifth rank?”

Wang Xian murmured: “Surround yourself!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The Demon War Department and Lei Department directly surrounded the two wings.

The nine dragons took the throne and continued to rush forward.

The position ahead is an area with dense seagrass, and plants three to four meters high are swaying on the bottom of the sea.

In the center of the seaweed, more than a thousand creatures are scattered around.

This is a very beautiful monster with colorful colors, just like beautiful seaweed.

With a colorful eye, if they stood there still, they thought it would be a special kind of undersea plant.

“Swish swish!”

More than a thousand colorful monsters were moving within a radius of ten kilometers, and suddenly a special language came.

“Swish swish!”

Immediately afterwards, in the center, a monster beast with a size of five or six meters with a good-looking head and a body floating below was directly suspended in the ocean, his eyes full of vigilance.

A special sound was made from his body, causing all the monsters around him to float in the sea, and his eyes were full of coldness!

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