Chapter 1335 The Eight Princes Have to Die! superior

“How is this possible, how can he still have power?”

Bing Hanzi, who was suspended in the sky, saw Wang Xian directly rushing towards him, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes on his skinny face.

He stared at Wang Xian who was flying towards him, waved his hands, and icebergs of a hundred meters in size smashed towards Wang Xian.

“Boom boom boom!”

Wang Xian stared at Bing Hanzi in his dragon eyes, and with a light wave of the dragon’s claws, the icebergs collapsed directly.

“No, run away!”

A trace of panic appeared on his face, his figure moved, and he turned and fled towards the distance.

“Can you escape?”

Wang Xian opened his mouth, and the Five Elements Great Mill appeared again. This was not a Dharma form, but a weapon.


The Five Elements Damo flew out and attacked Binghanzi, becoming bigger and bigger in the air, and the annihilated aura appeared again.

It’s like the long river of time can wipe out everything.

“There is another grinding disc of this kind? Is it going to fall after all?”

Bing Hanzi’s eyes were a little dim as he watched the Five Elements Great Mill that attacked behind him.

He stared at Wang Xian deeply and slowly closed his eyes.

Having lived for thousands of years, he has enough money, and the only thing that makes him unwilling is that he wanted to witness the young master becoming an invincible powerhouse.

Witnessing the peak of Hanzong standing on the Liuhai area, it is invisible now.

Bing Hanzi didn’t struggle too much and closed his eyes dimly.

Wang Xianlong’s body stepped forward, and with a wave of the dragon’s claws, he directly put his corpse into the space ring.

The corpse of the fifth-order hole, but contains extremely terrifying energy.

Wang Xian swayed, looking towards the position of the five elements of the law.

The death of Bing Hanzi did not make the frozen earth disappear.

The energy brought by that horrible ice hockey is still against the Five Elements Great Moment.


Wang Xian roared, and bursts of dragon flames spit towards the position below.

The ice is slowly melting, turning into water energy, and instead replenishing the body of the Five Elements Damo.

The four dragons of Jinmuhuotu began to move, and a burst of energy was transferred to the frozen water dragon.

The water god dragon slowly recovered, he opened his mouth, and an extremely cold ice ball appeared in his line of sight.

Bingxin: The seventh step of the hole virtual

“Seventh-stage Dongxu, it turned out to be the terrifying energy of seventh-stage Dongxu!”

Wang Xian looked at the hockey puck, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.


At this moment, the Five Elements Great Mo, which was transformed into the Five Elements Dragon Ball, flew over, and the Water God Dragon standing on it opened its mouth and swallowed directly towards Bing Xin.

The other four dragons, immediately help to conquer them!

“Tsk tusk, the Great Mill of the Five Elements not only contains powerful power, but also has its own spirituality, so you can swallow energy by yourself and improve your strength!”

Wang Xian saw the water god dragon slowly subduing Bing Xin, and a smile appeared on his face.

The core of the Five Elements Great Mill is these five dragon balls, and the dragon balls are Wang Xian’s natal artifact.

Now, after turning into the Five Elements Great Mill, every dragon is born with spirituality.

In the future, they can become powerful artifacts with thinking, and their improvement will not require Wang Xian to be pregnant alone in the future.

“Now my own strength can kill the fifth step of the hole virtual!”

Wang Xian landed in the center of the Five Elements of Dharma, with a smile on his face.

With a movement in his heart, he returned to his human form again, and at the same time, the five elements of the Dharma and the Five Elements disappeared a little bit.

The weapon of the Great Grinding of the Five Elements rotates slowly, turning into a crown and falling on Wang Xian’s head.

The lifelike five-element dragon, added a bit of majesty to Wang Xian.

A black dress appeared on the body, the crown and the top of the head.

“Why is there no movement above? What is the situation now?”

“Is it over? Who wins and who loses?”

In the lower position, when Wang Xian’s magic phase with a coverage area of ​​about two kilometers appeared, everyone below would not be able to see the battle above.

Until the sound of fighting disappeared, everyone murmured.

“That big grinding wheel is disappearing a little bit, is that Wang Xian defeated?”

“It’s very possible, after all, his opponent is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years!”

When the Five Elements Grinding Disc slowly dissipated, some people exclaimed and shouted loudly.

When Long Xiaotian saw this scene, his eyes were filled with despair, and his body was weak.

“Haha, won, won, that damn guy finally…”

Long Xiaoyun looked at the sky and saw Wang Xian’s law dissipating, thinking that Bing Hanzi would win, his face flushed, and he roared excitedly.

However, when he saw a black figure falling towards here, everyone’s eyes were dumbfounded.

“That’s… that’s Wang Xian…”

“Wang Xian, where is Binghanzi? Where is Binghanzi? Could it be…”

Soon, everyone saw Wang Xian’s figure, their eyes widened, and they shouted in shock.

The confrontation between the old and new peerless strong, the new generation of peerless Tianjiao wins.

As for why Bing Hanzi was not seen, everyone had a hunch in their hearts.


“What? This is impossible…this is impossible…this is impossible!”

Eight Prince Long Xiaoyun stared at Wang Xian firmly, shook his head vigorously, and shouted in disbelief.

Behind him, the faces of the cold sects also changed drastically, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

“Haha, I won, Brother Wang Xian won!”

Compared to the despair of Hachioji, Long Xiaotian stared at Wang Xian excitedly, even tears streaming out.

Long Xiaotian’s grandfather raised his fists excitedly.


Wang Xian sat in the center, wearing a crown, proudly scanning everyone around him.

“Invincible posture, this is the real invincible posture!”

“Wang Xian can be called invincible, because he is only twenty-six years old. At this age, he defeated Bing Hanzi and defended against the sky. Even on the entire Transcendent Continent, he is definitely the invincible powerhouse of the younger generation!”

“It’s so cool, so handsome!”

All eyes were focused on Wang Xian’s body.

The respect of the younger generation!

Admiration of the middle-aged generation!

The sigh of the older generation!

And the color of awe mixed in it.

All kinds of eyes fell on Wang Xian, at this moment, even in the next hundred years.

Wang Xian is definitely the most shining existence in the Liuhai area.

“Unexpectedly, this Wang Xian brother, young and light, has such a powerful strength, and I am deeply impressed in Xialong Tengyang!”

At this time, the voice of the King of the Guanglong Dynasty sitting in the center of the stage came.

Everyone was slightly startled and quickly turned their heads.

The king of the Guanglong Dynasty, standing there, arched his hands, and said to Wangxian.

One sentence Brother Wang Xian!

One sentence!

A long Tengyang!

At this moment, the king of the Guanglong Dynasty completely placed Wangxian at the same level.

And Wang Xian also has this qualification to communicate with him on an equal footing.

After slaying the founder of Hanzong Bing Hanzi, in the entire Liuhai area, few people were stronger than that.

There are only a few people whose status is more noble than that.

The king of the Guanglong Dynasty is not among them!

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