Chapter 1334-Fifth Tier Slashing Hole Void (2)

“Boom boom boom!”

The dragon’s tail swept across, and a series of terrifying explosions erupted in the sky, even if the dragon’s tail hadn’t landed on Bing Hanzi’s body.

The explosion was already deafening.


Feeling Wang Xian’s terrifying dragon tail, Bing Hanzi’s face changed slightly, and with a wave of his arm, the sixty or seventy-meter long sword slashed directly towards the dragon’s tail.


Obviously, the sound of breaking came, and cracks appeared on the ice sword.

“Dragon Claw!”

Without any hesitation, Wang Xian grabbed a huge dragon claw directly towards the center of the ice armor god.

In the center of the dragon’s claw, a wave of violent energy is constantly annihilated and destroyed!

Wang Xian who has integrated into the Five Elements Damo carries devastating energy in every move.

The five elements are the ultimate, and the five elements are reversed.

“Ice Wing God, cut!”

The huge ice wings slashed directly towards Wang Xian’s dragon claws.

“Dragon Breath!”

Wang Xian opened his mouth, and a mouthful of flames like magma rock ejected directly from his mouth.

The flame spray that this time sprayed did not disappear directly after spraying, but Wang Xian was like an erupting mountain of flames.

The magma rushed forward continuously.

Water and fire are incompatible, the impact of the flame slurry fell on the ice wing, and the ice wing began to melt quickly.

Wang Xian’s dragon claws moved forward, grabbing directly on the chest of the ice armor god.


“Boom boom boom!”

The explosion at the origin sounded endlessly.

The twenty-meter ice armor god slowly appeared cracks.

Standing in the center of the Ice Armor God, Han Bingzi’s eyes were almost raised and bloodshot.

“Dissolve, retreat!”

He gave a soft drink, and the place where Wang Xian attacked directly turned into a stream of water, and his figure quickly retreated towards the back.

“Bing Hanzi is at a disadvantage!”

“After Wang Xian merged that terrifying grinding disc, his strength has improved a lot!”

“It’s horrible, is this the battle of the fifth-tier Dongxu powerhouse? They are already at a height of 10,000 meters. Below, they still give me a feeling that it is difficult to breathe!”

Below, everyone looked up at the battle in the sky, their faces flushed.

In the entire ladyboy cemetery, everyone’s eyes were focused on the island of the Guanglong Dynasty, and each one was shocked.


Wang Xian saw Bing Hanzi fleeing, swaying his huge body, and rushed directly, without giving him any time to breathe.

“I Bing Hanzi, even if I have been trapped in Guanglongyuan Lake for more than two thousand years, I haven’t died. I want to kill me, wishful thinking, it is you who will die!”

Bing Hanzi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He opened his mouth slightly, and a blue hockey puck came out of his body.

A faint white mist exuded from the hockey puck, and a khaka sound came from the air.

A wave of cold, flooding a range of tens of kilometers.

All the people below couldn’t help but wrap themselves around.

After the ice hockey puck was spit out from Binghanzi’s mouth, Binghanzi’s whole body appeared even thinner, completely wrapped in a skin of his body, which looked like a skeleton.

His eyes protruded completely, looking terrifying.

“I knew that as a monster who lived a few years ago, there are definitely some hole cards in it!”

“The real fight begins now!”

Everyone below saw the shining hockey puck and took a deep breath one by one, staring at the sky intently.

At this time, Long Xiaoyun and Long Xiaotian all clenched their fists.

This battle, no matter who wins or loses, will have a great impact on their future power.

“Have you done your best?”

Wang Xian felt the extremely cold temperature coming from the ice hockey, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

“Dharma, surrounded by icebergs!”

Standing in front of the ice hockey puck, Bing Hanzi stared at Wang Xian, and roared.

Surrounded by icebergs, another powerful aspect.

In addition to the three ruined states of his body, this is already his fourth state!


As soon as his voice fell, blue rays of light bloomed on the ice hockey, and icebergs of kilometer-sized appeared out of thin air around him.

There are five icebergs in total.

Five icebergs guard the ice cold on the top, and the hockey puck blooms and stands several kilometers in the sky.

Bing Hanzi at this time was like a god of ice.

“Haha, well, that’s interesting. In that case, let’s make the strongest collision!”

Wang Xian stared fiercely at Bing Hanzi standing above the five icebergs and laughed.

“Dharma Phase: Five Elements Great Grinding!”

The Great Mill of the Five Elements is not only Wang Xian’s form of comprehension at the first level of the hole, but also a weapon he built with the Five Elements Dragon Ball, the Five Elements Origin and the enormous energy of the Five Elements.

The moment when the Five Elements Great Grinding Phase appears.

A huge grinding disc appeared under Wang Xian’s body.

Within a range of 2,000 meters, Wang Xian stood at the center, and around him, five dragons with five elements of thirty to forty meters were in five positions.

Shenlong guards and stands on the millpan.

The energy blessing of the five elements made Wang Xian’s strength soar again.

Bing Hanzi looked at Wang Xian’s face with embarrassment in his eyes, as the exposed yellow teeth clenched tightly.


At this time, Wang Xian’s figure was galloping above the Five Elements Great Grinding Phenomenon, and the five dragons were also galloping, carrying the Five Elements Great Grinding towards the front.


Bing Hanzi showed a sorrowful look on his face, gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

One after another icebergs directly attacked Wang Xian.


Wang Xian’s eyes are like a torch.


On the Five Elements Great Mill, the Vulcan Dragon jumped directly, and the other four dragons pulled the millstone to spin.

Under the blessing of the other four dragons, the fire dragon grew bigger and bigger, eventually becoming more than two hundred meters, and the terrifying dragon tail swept away directly.


An iceberg collapsed instantly under the attack of the Vulcan Dragon.


Immediately afterwards, the second and third icebergs also collapsed directly. The flame on the Vulcan Dragon began to decrease sharply.

The chain pulled the Vulcan Dragon back directly, and then the Earth Dragon jumped up again.

Turk water.


A dragon’s tail swept over, and the two icebergs instantly collapsed.

The iceberg without a seat guarding Binghanzi collapsed.

“Dharma, the frozen earth!”

Seeing that his face was easily broken, Bing Hanzi’s face changed drastically, and with a wave of his arm, the ice puck in front of him smashed directly towards the Five Elements.

At the same time, the last law came out.

“Take it up!”

When Wang Xian saw the hockey puck being thrown and the air was closed, his eyes condensed and roared.

His body slowly turned aqua blue.

The water dragon of the Five Elements Great Grinding Technique began to grow bigger and swallowed directly towards the cold ice ball.

The entire Five Elements Mill, runs the water energy to the extreme.

Take the Dhamma, wrap the Dhamma.

The hockey puck was swallowed directly into the abdomen by the water dragon, and the water dragon instantly froze.

The ice-bound ground fell on the five-element mill, and the five-element mill began to freeze.

“This is the opportunity!”

At this moment, Wang Xian looked at the lone Bing Hanzi in the sky, jumped up, opened his huge mouth, and swallowed away.

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