Chapter 1267 Five Elements Spirit Orb

When Wang Xian entered this space, the speed did not slow down at all, but much faster.

The demon lin clan is fire-attribute energy, and its speed in the water is much slower than just now.

“Hehe, still want to escape?”

Wang Xian saw the demon soul disappearing and the speed was drastically reduced, with a hint of mockery on his face.

With a wave of his arm, Yaoyang’s combined combat technique once again attacked towards the demon soul.

“His speed, why is his speed so fast!”

Seeing Wang Xian rushing in, the demon soul gritted his teeth tightly, looked at the holes in the seabed, and hurriedly got in.


The power of the starburst exploded behind him, and the terrifying energy made a dull sound on the bottom of the sea.

The demon soul that was impacted by the starburst force had scarred wounds on his body again.

It entered a hole, and it was familiar to this area, and it began a frantic escape.

“Do you think you can escape when you enter the cave?”

There was a trace of sarcasm on Wang Xian’s face, his eyes gleamed with a strange luster, looking at the shadow in the hole below, the Magic Sword in his hand swung towards the seabed.

“Wear a golden sword!”

The demon soul desperately fleeing inside the sea cave entrance instantly sensed a powerful attack from above, and its face changed drastically.

“How the fuck is it possible, how does he know that I am in this direction?”

The demon soul’s face changed drastically, he opened his huge mouth, and his sharp teeth bit directly towards the golden sword.

The body of the monster beast is dozens of times that of ordinary human beings. In the case of human beings without the help of weapons, human beings are at a disadvantage at the same level.

“Swish swish!”

However, just when it stopped to resist, a sharp rain of swords attacked.

The demon soul’s face changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and resisted two attacks.

“If I use the four types of magical powers at this time, Earth Sorrow, will the demon soul in it directly turn into dust?”

Wang Xian looked at the demon soul struggling crazily in the cave, hesitated, but still didn’t use it.

The demon soul was really cut into dust by him with a single blow, and he would not be rewarded by the 100,000 spiritual liquid of the mercenary group.

“In that case, turn into a dragon!”

Wang Xian didn’t want to consume it with the demon soul.


However, just when Wang Xian was about to transform into a dragon, a terrible flame came from the cave.

Wang Xian was slightly startled and looked quickly.

“This is?”

Suddenly, his eyes showed a fiery luster, and his eyes were staring down tightly.

Five fire spirit orbs containing terrifying flames hovered around the demon soul, and waves of majestic flames entered its body.

“Five spirit orbs, and they are also the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, so strong flame energy, each of which is at least second-order, and there are still five!”

Wang Xian’s eyes are extremely hot, five spirit orbs, and at least they are still second-order spirit orbs.

These five spirit orbs are different from individual spirit orbs. The five kinds of them are connected together, which is obviously more like a treasure composed of five kinds of spirit orbs.

“The five elements are coexisting, and the energy of the remaining four spirit orbs is used to bless the power of the fire spirit orb. This is very simple for the use of the five element spirit orbs. Even so, the energy of the five element spirit orbs can also increase the power of the demon soul a lot! ”

Wang Xian’s eyes were extremely hot.

The Five Elements Spirit Orb, and it is also the Five Elements Spirit Orb of the second-order hole.

Wang Xian currently possesses five dragon balls, and the highest-level dragon ball is only an extraordinary eighth rank, for him, it has no effect at all.

But if he can get the Five Elements Spirit Orbs, after a long period of pregnancy, he can directly get five Dragon Balls of the second-order hole.

Dragon Ball is the real artifact of Shenlong.

Can greatly enhance the strength of Shenlong.

“Damn it, forcing me to expose this treasure!”

Huo Soul’s face was extremely embarrassed at this time, if it weren’t for the moment of life and death, it would never take out this treasure.

It was originally just an ordinary monster of the Demon Lin clan, but because of a great opportunity, he entered the Hall of the Blood Flow Sect Master and obtained this treasure.

Using this treasure to practice cultivation, its cultivation speed is five times faster than before.

It knows the preciousness of this treasure, even if it is seen by the emperor of the Demon Lin clan, it will take it away.

So it has not dared to expose it. This time, if it weren’t for that despicable human being, it would still be hidden.

“This treasure of the Five Elements Spirit Orb combination not only has powerful auxiliary energy, but also has terrifying defensive capabilities!”

Wang Xian stood flying in the sky, looking at the fire soul below, one by one, he attacked forward again.

The dense attacks, this time, he didn’t fully explode his full strength.

An attack, accompanied by an attack.

“No, that human being can sense me on it!”

The demon soul gritted his teeth, and the Five Elements Spirit Orb on his body exuded a terrifying flame, floating above its head.

With a strong rush, it rushed out of the hole under the seabed and flew towards the distance.

“I’m telling you, never want to run away from me!”

Wang Xian chased him immediately, and various combinations of combat skills attacked him.

“Hoho, my demon soul swears that I will smash you into pieces in the future and make you food in my mouth!”

The Five Elements Spirit Orb on the top of the head provides it with a steady stream of flames, and its speed has more than doubled.

Wang Xian chased behind and flew fast.

“What’s going on? What happened? God, that’s the Demon Soul King Beast, and there is a human behind, that human being is actually chasing the Demon Soul King!”

“What did I see? Oh my god? How could the Demon Soul King be hunted down by humans? You must know that the Demon Soul King is an invincible young man in the Monster Beast clan!”

“Is that the arrogance of mankind? Impossible… how could there be such a young and strong man among human beings!”

The demon soul ran away desperately, and Wang Xian chased after him.

In the middle of the journey, some experienced monster beasts saw their monster soul king beast, Tianjiao king beast, the strongest of the young generation, was chased and killed by a human, and their faces were shocked.

This is the Demon Soul King, in the demon beast clan, known as the most outstanding demon beast in a thousand years.

Now he is being chased by a human?

“The front is the exit, the front is the exit!”

The whole body of the demon soul was full of scars, and when he looked at the exit of the more than five thousand meters in front of him, his eyes burst with strong vitality.

“The front is an exit, he must be left behind, even if he becomes dust, as long as he can obtain the Five Elements Spirit Orb!”

Wang Xian saw that the exit of the monster beast trial ground ahead, slowly showing murderous intent in his eyes.

“Demon soul, you forced me to die, Sorrow of the Earth!”

Wang Xian snorted softly, and four terrifying energies radiated from his body. The energies were intertwined, covering the front.

Sorrow of the Earth, four-attribute supernatural powers!

Wang Xian’s strongest means of attack!

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