Chapter 1266 The Terrified Demon Soul King Beast

Are you an old thing?

Did you come here through the art of descent?

Listening to the words of the demon soul, Wang Xian showed a smile on his face. With a movement, he directly attacked the demon soul.

“Today, you never want to run away!”

He said, with a wave of the long sword in his hand, the energy of the three attributes of gold, wood, and earth oscillated, and the huge attack caused the thorns domain to directly cover the demon soul.

“Despicable, despicable!”

The demon soul saw the dense thorns appearing within a two-kilometer radius, moving toward it, and the flames in its heart jumped tremendously. Without the slightest hesitation, it quickly fled towards the distance.

“Swish swish!”

However, the dense thorns are like a terrifying tree demon, and each thorn is full of sharp spikes.

Once entangled by this thorn, it is definitely not as simple as a bondage, it will be penetrated by sharp thorns.

“The demon flame burns the sky!”

Looking at the terrifying thorns, the demon soul burst into flames and burned directly toward the thorns domain.

It didn’t stay any longer, and continued to fly forward.

The demon soul at this moment had an extremely embarrassed expression. Just now, he tortured and killed an old human who had descended to the trial ground by a special method.

It did not expect that there is such a human being, despicable, too despicable!

“Can you escape?”

At this moment, there was a cold voice behind him, and the demon soul’s heart beat, and he suddenly sensed that an ocean appeared under him, covering a two-kilometer radius.

The sea water was like demon claws protruding from the area, grabbing towards its body.

This caused its speed to drop immediately.

“How come this human has so many methods!”

There was a look of horror in the eyes of the demon soul, and it split its huge mouth and spouted out waves of terrifying flames.

The flame fell on the thorns, causing it to slowly burn.

“Golden Spirit Tree Demon!”

At this moment, Wang Xian swiftly pursued the demon soul, his figure was once again, and the golden spirit tree demon’s magical powers were displayed.

The Golden Spirit Tree Demon, the magical powers of three attributes, are similar to the summoning powers that descend from the Wood Realm.

In an instant, a tree demon exuding golden light condensed directly from the sky. The tree demon was about a hundred meters in shape and looked like a metal monster.


Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Xian showed his spiritual supernatural power again.

When the enchanted spirit fell on the golden spirit tree demon, the entire tree seemed to come to life. It grabbed the thorns field covering a two-kilometer radius of thorns and threw it directly towards the demon soul.

“This…what a fucking monster!”

Seeing this scene, the demon soul couldn’t help but cursed loudly, his eyes full of horror.


“Dharma Phase: Wings of Demon Lin!”

The demon soul roared, and on both sides of its body, a dark red flame wing appeared.

On the wings formed by the flames, there are scales like real ones, which look extremely sharp.

The entire fire wing was twenty meters in size, exuding a terrifying aura.

“Demon Lin Wing Slash!”

With a wave of its huge fire wing, it directly slashed towards the 100-meter-sized Golden Spirit Tree Demon.


The terrifying magical element, the Wings of the Demon Lin collided with the Golden Spirit Tree Demon, and launched a terrifying collision.

The thorns in the thorns field were instantly burned by the fire, and the scales on it fell on the golden spirit tree demon’s body, and a crack of tens of meters was seen.


The demon soul did not instantly destroy his strongest attack on the opponent’s magical powers, which made him even more shocked.

This is not a level of battle at all!


Its entire wings trembled violently, making a sound of breaking through the air. The wings of the magical demon lin were used to escape, increasing its speed several times.

“Hehe, it’s really a bullshit!”

Wang Xian showed a look of disdain, his figure moved, and he hurriedly chased after him.

He would never let this guy escape, not to mention accepting it as a mount, even if the quest there was a reward of 100,000 spiritual liquids, he would also keep the demon soul.

“The flame wears gold!”

The Demonless Sword in Wang Xian’s hand attacked towards the demon soul desperately fleeing.

The golden tree demon who was chasing behind also waved the golden branches and attacked towards it.


The demon soul evaded the attack of the Golden Spirit Tree Demon, and the flame-piercing attack fell on it, instantly tearing a long wound on his body.

It made a screaming sound, gritted its teeth, and continued to flee towards the distance.

After casting the magic image, its speed was very fast, and the golden tree demon was quickly left behind.

Even if it is Wang Xian, he must pursue it with all his strength.

“God, the Demon Soul King is in big trouble, let’s find a place to hide, and get out of it!”

“That human being is too strong, run away!”

In the rear, a dozen monsters of the Demon Lin clan looked at this scene with horror, and quickly fled in the other direction.

“Golden Crack Void!”

“Fire Dragon Flame!”

Wang Xian, who followed closely behind, moved towards the demon soul with magical powers and combined attacks.

Facing the powerful attacks one by one, the demon soul’s face turned black, and his mouth roared from time to time.

It didn’t make any resistance, because it was the fastest when casting the magic phase.

Once the energy of the Dhamma has not been used to avoid the human’s attack, with the human’s attack power, he will definitely be planted in his hands.

A series of wounds appeared on the demon Lin’s body, even if it was seven or eight meters in size, with strong resilience, it was still bloody.

The scales on his body were falling towards the ground one by one.



The flames on the demon soul rose again, and the speed suddenly increased again.

“Huh? So fast!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly, looking at the demon soul who was about two kilometers away from him, his figure was also shocked, and he immediately accelerated.

The entire trial area was huge, and the demon soul ran away desperately in front.

Wang Xian chased after him.

In the deep trial place, it caused a great sensation.

Seeing the terrifying aura of the two, the crowds of fierce beasts scattered around one by one in horror.

“Hey, have you reached the direction of the monster beast area?”

At this moment, Wang Xian looked forward, and the position in front was the seabed.

In the dark red water, there is a formation in the center that blocks the water from entering it.


The blood on the demon soul kept dripping downwards, and seeing the area in front of the demon beast, there was a look of survival in his eyes.

Its figure dashed again, and the entire Demon Lin Wing began to slowly collapse, bursting out the last energy.

The Demon Wings of Faxiang had consumed all the energy during the few minutes it had escaped.


Wang Xian entered the position of the ocean in the trial land, and instantly felt that he had entered a different space.

If there was a deep abyss just now, this is a bloody abyss.

A touch of blood came into my mind!

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