"No matter, since I, Ye Hao, have met you, I won’t be polite."

Ye Hao, regardless of whether he is a human or a demon, since he is willing to choose inheritance, why should Ye Hao be polite?

"If you die, you will die, so his unique skills belong to me."

Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh.

The things left by the Demon Sword Master must be good things.

He is a Sword Master after all.

Ye Hao found a space ring on the Demon Sword Master's body, and then his spiritual thoughts penetrated In the space ring.

As expected, there were only two scrolls left in the space ring, glowing faintly.

Apart from these things, there were no other items.

"Take a look at what these two ancient books are"

With a thought, Ye Hao directly took out the two scrolls from the space ring.


Ye Hao opened the scroll.

The two scrolls were found to contain two secret books.

And the grade is astonishingly high

"Seven Heaven-defying Swords, such a domineering name, or is it a swordsmanship of the holy level?"Ye Hao was extremely excited when he saw the first book on swordsmanship, and then opened another book again,"There is also...the eight steps of the devil, the holy level body skills!"

"As expected of something left by the Sword Master, he actually gave it to two holy-level exercises?!"

Ye Hao suddenly had a new understanding of the sword master in front of him. At their level, are there really any differences between races? But I think the previous blood demon generals hated him, maybe because of their demons.

Ye Hao waved his head, stopped thinking about these things, and opened the"Eight Steps of the Demon" in his hand. Even now, Ye Hao has not learned any body skills. His thunder Shen, I still realized it myself, but compared with the eight steps of the devil, it is simply a thousand miles away

"The demon takes eight steps, and each step condenses a figure. It is not only the movement of the body, but also the condensed figure. It has half the strength of the main body. It can launch attacks. If you practice to perfection, you can cultivate the wings of the demon and fly around the world. The figure cannot be caught."

Just seeing the description of the Eight Steps of the Demon, Ye Hao could imagine how difficult it is to practice the Eight Steps of the Demon.

At the same time, he could also imagine that if he really succeeded in practicing it, I am afraid that no one at the same level would be able to catch up. Go to yourself

"Good stuff... Let’s watch Seven Swords Against the Heavens again"

"The seven heaven-defying swords can defy the heavens and defeat immortals and kill gods!"

The few words that came into view contained a huge evil spirit. Seeing these words, Ye Hao almost fell into it. If it weren't for Ye Hao's clear sword mind, which gave him an extra calmness, I might have fallen into it just now. Got it

"The Seven Heaven-Defying Swords are really terrifying, but can what is written above really achieve that level? I don’t know what step the sword master achieved during his lifetime."

Ye Hao was curious and turned to the next page of Seven Swords Against the Heavens again.

"The Seven Swords Against Heaven, the First Sword, Destroys Heaven and Earth"


When Ye Hao turned to page 1, his whole face froze when he saw the name.

"Is this kind of swordsmanship really just a holy level?"

Ye Hao is a little curious. What is this sword technique? Why can it directly destroy the world with the first sword. What will he do when he reaches the seventh sword? Destroy the entire continent?

Ye Hao can't do it. Imagine that just by seeing the first sword, Ye Hao can realize that the difficulty of the first sword has exceeded the sum of all the moves he has learned.

"It seems that the first sword, with my current level, is still out of reach."

After understanding the two techniques in his mind, Ye Hao took a look around the corpse of the demon sword master, and there was nothing else.

"Where did the weapons of this demon sword master go?"Ye Hao was a little curious, but he searched around the cave and found nothing except this skeleton.

"Two holy level exercises have been drilled."Then Ye Hao walked out of the cave.

Ye Hao touched the whetstone in his arms. If it weren't for the whetstone, he wouldn't have gained so many benefits.

At this time, Ye Hao wanted to fix the whetstone. It is his lucky thing.

He has just obtained the Eight Steps of Heavenly Demon, and he plans to practice it successfully. After all, learning such a powerful movement method will give him an extra life.

"The first step is to teleport anywhere within ten miles."

Although the first step of the Demonic Eight Steps can only allow Ye Hao to teleport within ten miles, in close combat, such fast teleportation can carry out the most precise and unexpected strikes.

"Go to the front."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Hao disappeared in place, but he did not appear where he wanted to appear, and moved to the very back.

I felt that I almost didn't laugh when I observed the direction of my departure. , this is simply too unreliable

"It seems that it still needs more practice."

After Ye Hao practiced drawing the sword so many times, he was not discouraged at all when he failed to practice the Eight Steps of the Demon. Instead, he looked excited and vowed not to give up until he succeeded in practicing the Eight Steps of the Demon.


Ye Hao's training continued, and Ye Hao, who has penetrated deep into the rear area, there are not so many demons here, there are only some powerful demons.

Some powerful demons have instincts, knowing that there are strong human beings here, they dare not be too Too close.

Ye Hao was practicing his Eight Steps of the Demon with peace of mind here.

"No, there is still offset."

In less than an hour, Ye Hao's deflection angle was able to be controlled within 30 degrees.

Ye Hao, who was immersed in his movement skills, suddenly found that the scenery in front of him had changed drastically........

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