"Come again!"

Both the sword and the master need to be sharpened. Ye Hao rushes forward with the sword, and is he on par with the previous generation of saints?

But every time they fight, Ye Hao can feel that the previous generation of saints' subconsciousness seems to be trying to kill him. Polish your own sword moves, find your own shortcomings every time, and break them with one sword

"Could it be that your consciousness has not completely passed away?"

Ye Hao couldn't believe it. When he came here, he had never seen any puppet that could have its own consciousness. Of course, the ancestor of the Ye family could be regarded as a rather special accident.

But now it seems that Holy Son Tongtian It is not without reason that he can achieve such an achievement at a young age.

In any case, Ye Hao is old and has too little experience. After fighting against the previous generation of saints for so long, Ye Hao understands more. About the principles of sword moves

"Broken sword style!"

Facing the Heaven-cutting Sword Technique of the previous Saint Son, Ye Hao was a little confused about how to break the opponent's sword moves.

The Sword-Breaking Style was still useful, breaking the Heaven-Jieting Sword Technique of the previous Saint Son.

However, this was not what Ye Hao wanted. As a result, he found that he could not only improve himself by fighting with the previous generation of saints, but also gain the opponent's sword energy. At this time,

Ye Hao used all his tricks and fought with the saints in front of him.

This allows Ye Hao to have a clear understanding of his own moves and where his sword moves are weak.

To a certain extent, Jie Tian Sword Technique can discover the shortcomings of the opponent's sword moves, which were targeted by Ye Hao of the previous generation. , be able to understand your own shortcomings


"Fengyun Sword Jue"

"Wan Jian returns to his clan"

"sword of life and death"

"Qing Ming Sword Technique"


At this time, Ye Hao was like a tireless sword-drawing machine, exerting all his strength, but he did not dare to add his own Haoran sword energy.

Ye Hao knew what the puppet body of the previous saint in front of him was afraid of.

I'm afraid that when his righteousness is released, it's still a question of whether his body can hold on.

"Supreme Sword Sea!"

Ye Hao constructed his huge field. In the Supreme Sword Sea, countless sword shadows surged.

"Thank you, Holy Son, for your guidance."

"Jianwan, Daluo Tiandi."

The sword shadows in the Supreme Sword Sea were all summoned by Ye Hao, and they danced with the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand.

The whole sky became a sky of ten thousand swords.

"Ten thousand swords return to one, finally."

In the process of polishing again and again, Ye Hao once again understood his new sword moves, and was able to display the sword moves he had mastered more perfectly.

The sword that was dancing suddenly stopped, and at this moment, one after another sword shadows all appeared. Overlapping the sword body of the Great Luo Emperor Sword, an extremely fast sword flew directly through the air and pierced the humanoid demon.

"puff……"Like something being punctured, a white figure emerged

"I didn’t expect that a hundred years later, I would meet a new Holy Son. It seems that Tongtian Sword Sect has a new successor. I hope you will continue to work hard and reach a higher peak."

"This sword belongs to you."

That white figure and beautiful face, Ye Haodu admired how he looked during his lifetime.

"Don't worry, seniors will definitely live up to your expectations."

After saying that, the white shadow floated away with a smile, and Ye Hao got a huge demon heart in his hand.

"Unexpectedly, when I came here, I actually polished all my sword moves."

"The most important thing is that the Great Luo Emperor Sword has gained powerful sword energy."

Ye Hao was shaking all over, and he could feel that the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand was not far away from upgrading the imperial weapon.

Ye Hao once again stared at the door plaque of the cave in front of him.

"The owner of this cave seems to be a master at first glance. These two words are engraved vigorously and powerfully, which contains the meaning of the sword. However, I am afraid that he is the leader of the demon clan. There are amazing secrets in this cave."

There must be a lot of benefits in the cave. Ye Hao ran in without saying a word.

Ye Hao could feel that the reason why the previous generation of saints became puppets was because they were trapped here, which meant that there might be dangers in this cave. The existence of life.

However, if you don't go through a desperate situation, how can you risk your life and survive?

Ye Hao walked away resolutely.

"What a terrifying aura... What kind of person can condense such an aura?"

As soon as he entered the cave, Ye Hao could feel an astonishing cold air penetrating into his bones.

Even after death, he could still emit such a huge aura. Ye Hao could no longer judge what state he was in during his lifetime.

"Even the Dragon Pond and Tiger’s Den, I have to walk there today."

Ye Hao has never been a timid person. Now that he is here, he must bring some benefits with him.

Ye Hao goes deeper and deeper, and there is another world in this cave. However, the benefits in the palace that Ye Hao steps into, Already taken away

"It seemed like the only option was to keep going down."

When Ye Hao insisted on walking down, he found that as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the palace, countless corpses were piled up in front of him.

"How many people have been tempted by this, but it seems that no one can enter this palace."

Ye Hao said while holding the Great Luo Emperor Sword, for fear that something abnormal would happen here.

At the same time, Ye Hao was also curious why the people who died here did not turn into humanoid monsters, but instead all turned into white skeletons and piled up here. It seems that here There is another world.

But when Ye Hao approached these bones, nothing happened, which surprised Ye Hao. What on earth was going on?

"Could it be that to cross the gate of this palace is based on character, am I a very good character?"

Ye Hao stepped into the hall very easily. The moment the door opened, he was greeted by a pile of bones in black robes.

"This is! ?"

Ye Hao couldn't feel from this bone master which realm he belonged to. It was obvious that the other party had to tell him that he must be at least a big realm to make him feel this humble.

"Is this really an explosion of my character?"Ye Hao didn't quite believe it, why he was the only one who walked into this hall.

Ye Hao moved forward again. At this time, he held the Great Luo Emperor Sword tightly in his hand, for fear of any sudden change.

Ye Hao got closer to the bones. Found an ancient book under him, Ye Hao picked it up and saw the words written on it

"I am the Demonic Sword Saint, but I cannot break through to a higher realm. I am sitting here. I only hope that the destined person can inherit this Saint and defeat the immortals against heaven!"

These few words deeply reveal the helplessness and arrogance of this sword master.

"Unexpectedly, the person sitting here turned out to be a sword master!"

"its not right! Even if he wants to inherit, he can't choose a human race, right? What about going against the will of heaven and slaying immortals?"

All sudden questions appeared in Ye Hao's mind, and they lingered for a long time.

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