What, did I hear that right? He actually wants to go alone……"

Li Chunyang couldn't believe what Ye Hao said.

"You heard it right, that's what he said, but he must have a trump card, otherwise how could he be so confident?"

Kun Gan is relatively calm. Li Chunyang listened to the analysis and nodded.

"That's right, but just in case, let's inform the elders."After Li Chunyang finished speaking, he and Kun Qian pressed the emergency contact order.

At this time, Ye Hao was staring at the Blood Demon General in front of him.

"Not to mention, I have never seen the strength of any sword sect until now. Today I will see how much your sword sect weighs."

The Supreme Sword Sea on Ye Hao's body erupted directly. Ye Hao was in the middle of the Supreme Sword Sea, and his whole body was radiant. When the disciples below saw that Ye Hao was going to face the demon in front of him alone, they were even more shocked.

"I didn't expect that you are quite brave, but no matter how much courage you have, it has no color in the face of absolute strength."

"Become my puppet, Deep Sea Blood Story"

"Blood Demon Sword!"

A huge pool of bright red blood appeared under the feet of the Blood Demon General, and the Blood Demon General stretched his hand into it.

He pulled out a Blood Demon Sword that was in it. As soon as the Blood Demon Sword came out, it looked like this The laws of the world have changed, and the souls controlled by blood magic have become demons one after another.

"Uh uh uh……"

"Ahhhh... let me out……"

"ah!...I will kill you."

For a moment, the blood-red light overwhelmed the light of the Supreme Sword Sea on Ye Hao's body, and rushed towards everyone, covering the entire battlefield.

No one could tell clearly how many innocent creatures were buried in the blood pool of the Blood Demon General. Just hearing that resentful voice gave people goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Blood Demon Thorn."

The Blood Demon General didn't give Ye Hao any chance to delay. He stabbed out his sword as soon as he came up.

The Blood Demon General's attack slowly magnified in Ye Hao's eyes, and blood magic was mixed into it.

At this moment , Ye Hao suddenly discovered that the sword sect was indeed well-deserved, and the power of the law was even more breathtaking.

Not to mention the great power contained in this sword, even the power of the law was not on the same level as the sword emperor's field.

"snort! The awe-inspiring sword energy will last forever in the world"

"Broken Sword Style."

Ye Hao, who was framed by the Supreme, moved with the sword. At this moment, the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand went straight towards the Blood Demon General's Blood Demon Thorn.


The Dugu Nine Swords originally had heaven-defying power. After the sword-breaking style was used, it directly broke the blood demon thorn of the blood demon general.

At this moment, the blood demon general was slightly surprised.

"I didn’t expect that you kid has two brushes, but with your Sword King cultivation, do you really think you can stop me?"

The Blood Demon General did not stay where he was and waved the Blood Demon Sword in his hand.

"Go to hell! Blood Demon Slash"

"Huh, let's see whose life is tougher."

Ye Hao didn't just surrender.

"Wan Jian returns to his clan!"

Thousands of swords emerged around Ye Hao to fight against the Blood Demon General.

The Blood Demon General's sword fell from the sky and was hit by a collision, but he sneered.

"Boy, no matter how powerful you are, you will die here today."

The Blood Demon Sword collided with the Wan Jian. Under the suppression of the power of the law, it continued to fall without any hindrance.

Li Chunyang and Kun Qian who were watching the battle saw that Ye Hao actually exchanged a move with the Blood Demon General.

Although he reluctantly used his The sword attack was broken, but at this moment their hearts were in their throats as they saw that the Blood Demon General's Blood Demon Sword was about to strike Ye Hao.


The blood demon general's sword passed through ten thousand swords and appeared in front of Ye Hao

"Jie Tian Sword Technique."

Just when the Blood Demon General thought he had dealt with Ye Hao, he found that the sword in Ye Hao's hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

The light of the Great Luo Emperor Sword recognized the flaws in the Blood Demon Sword, broke it with one sword, and destroyed the Blood Demon Sword. The Demon General's attack collapsed

"What?! How many secrets do you have in this kid? In this case, I can’t even keep you."The Blood Demon General said in surprise.

"There are still many secrets in me, and my life is in my own hands and I don’t need you to decide."

Ye Hao looked at the Blood Demon General in front of him calmly.

Seeing that Ye Hao was safe, Li Chunyang and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ye Hao's strength is indeed extraordinary, he can be so calm when facing Jian Zong."

Li Chunyang became more and more sure of Ye Hao.

"Didn't you see that General Blood Demon only used 70% of his strength? He completely treated Ye Hao as a toy."

What Kun Qian said shocked Li Chunyang, and then he turned his attention to Ye Hao's battlefield.

Although Ye Hao seemed calm on the surface at this time, he was already stirred up in his heart.

Although he He knew that there was a certain gap between him and the Sword Sect, but when the Blood Demon General launched an attack on him,

Ye Hao realized the gap between them. The Blood Demon General might not have as much sword power as he did, but he did. A kind of sword intent that has reached the state of law, and its strength is much greater than mine.

"Thunder cloud storm!"

Billions of thunderclouds rioted around Ye Hao, shaking the Blood Demon General away.

Ye Hao didn't have anything to hide. This time, either he dies or the Blood Demon General dies.

"Sword Intent of Life and Death……"

"Haoran Sword Intent……"

"Destruction Sword Intent……"

"Five Elements Sword Intent……"

"Supreme Sword Intent……"

It takes ten or even hundreds of years to comprehend each kind of sword intent.

At this time, 5 different sword intents burst out from Ye Hao, who was only over 20 years old.

The sword intent that burst out was each more gigantic than the last.

The final Supreme Sword Intention was coordinated and all the Sword Intent was brought together.

At this moment, all the sword intent was contained in Ye Hao's body.

Ye Hao's whole body was radiating light at this moment. Ye Hao was like the sword in his hand, emitting sharp light and piercing the blood demon general's eyebrows.

At the same time, the sky was full of bright red, and gaps appeared under Ye Hao's sword intention.

"What? This kid actually burst out with such huge sword power and blood magic!"

The Blood Demon General did not hesitate, and directly exploded with all his power.

In the entire sky, two different forces were confronting each other.

"Ten times the sword power, the Supreme Qingming Sword of Life and Death!"

Ye Hao's breath penetrated the world, and the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand was like the sharpest weapon in the world.

"What, why does his sword move have the connotation of our Tai Chi?"Li Chunyang exclaimed

"His sword moves also contain a hint of the universe."Although Kun Qian looked calm on the outside, he was extremely surprised in his heart.

The sword in Ye Hao's hand went straight towards the Blood Demon General, and all the blood energy in the Blood Demon General's body rose at this moment.

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