"What just happened? Did you see it clearly?!"

"See something clearly, pull out the sword, and then... it's gone!"

The disciples watching the battle below were completely confused about Ye Hao's tricks.

Li Chunyang and Kunqian, who were fighting, also couldn't understand Ye Hao's tricks.

"Isn't the speed of drawing the sword too fast?!"

The two people exclaimed at the same time.

"Ho ho ho……"

When the two people were distracted, the two humanoid demons were fighting equally, and they suddenly launched an attack. If they were not careful, they were suppressed by the humanoid demon.

"Damn it, you were distracted at this time?!"

Li Chunyang and Kun Qian have regained their feelings again. They are facing old seniors and have connections with their own sects.

"We cannot let our predecessors be controlled by demons here, otherwise, they will never rest in peace forever."

What Ye Hao did just now made it impossible for the two seniors who also didn't want their own sect to rest in peace here.

"Come on you two."

Ye Hao saw that the two people were still fighting, but he set his sights on the battlefield further away.

"Where are the people from Tongtian Sword Sect?!"

Ye Hao shouted. The people who were watching the battle below saw Ye Hao kill the humanoid demon in front of them with one sword, and their hearts were full of reverence.

At this moment, after Ye Hao's voice came out, the disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect below immediately became passionate. Looking high up at Ye Hao in the sky




Their rich voices echoed in the scene for a long time. When he heard the rich voices of the people in his Heavenly Sword, Ye Hao seemed to be inspired.

"Follow me and move forward together! Kill the demon!"

While Li Chunyang and Kun Qian were still fighting against the human demons in front of them, Ye Hao focused his attention on the central area further ahead.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"The Holy Son is invincible!"

At this time, the disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect shouted one after another, formed a sword formation, and went to the center with Ye Hao to kill.

"Damn it, how could I be dragged here?"

Li Chunyang and Kun Qian were full of unwillingness and accelerated their attacks.

Just to catch up with Ye Hao's speed, they participated in the battle in the central area.

Li Chunyang and they are each the saint sons of their own sects. Here, their Performance represents his sect, and now Ye Hao is one step ahead of them.

If Ye Hao is allowed to be far ahead, I am afraid that the names of these two saints will be overtaken by Ye Hao at the same time. The sect would also bow down to them in front of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

The entire land was still filled with dark colors, and among them, the bright red-furred demons colored the entire land. At this time, Ye Hao raised his sword and waved it.

The disciples all gathered together. At this moment, they were no longer fighting alone, but were all following Ye Hao.

Everyone felt the shocking battle happening here in various places on the battlefield, and the disciples scattered in various places rushed here. Go.

The disciples who have gathered here follow Ye Hao to fight forward.

"Jie Jie... I didn't expect that the best puppet of my Blood Demon General would be killed by you so easily. I want to see how much you weigh. Maybe you can be in my hands. Play a more powerful role, Jie Jie……"

Ye Hao led the disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect behind him to fight the enemy bravely here.

In the distant sky, a blood-red figure stood, watching the battle in front of him.

At this time, his eyes were full of enthusiasm. At the moment when he lost a puppet, he fixed his gaze on this battlefield.

Originally, as one of the generals of the demon clan going out for the expedition at this moment, what he had to do was to stop the elders of the three sects in another battlefield. Let these ordinary demons and the humanoid demons controlled by them wipe out all the disciples of the three sects in front of them.

But at this moment, he observed Ye Hao

"This kid can't stay, otherwise he will definitely become a powerful enemy later, and the Demon Emperor will be born. Three thousand years have passed, and no one can stop the birth of the Demon Emperor."

Speaking of the Demon Emperor, the Blood Demon General's eyes were full of fanaticism.

Just as we don't know how the forbidden land was born, after fighting against the demons for so many years, the three sects can't explain what their intentions are when they appear here.

Three The sects know that as long as the demon breaks out of this situation, it will be a devastating blow to the outside world.

Therefore, all sects outside the forbidden area gather their maximum strength to prevent the demon from being born.

"snort! Look at my sword pill"

"The awe-inspiring righteousness runs through heaven and earth."

The Great Luo Emperor Sword in Ye Hao's hand was swung again, but at the moment when the Great Luo Emperor Sword was waved, the Great Luo Emperor Sword began to clone itself. It was born as two, two was born as three, and three was born as Ten Thousand Swords.

"Try my fusion move of Wan Jian Guizong and Jian Wan!"

One after another sword shadows swam out from the sword in Ye Hao's hand. Take a closer look. They are all mini versions of the Great Luo Emperor Sword. These were transformed by Ye Hao's sword energy.

Densely packed swords fell from the sky and penetrated the earth. Above, the densely packed red demons on the ground were directly penetrated by Ye Hao's thousands of swords.

Coupled with the effect of Haoran's righteousness, the red demons exploded and died without any movement.

"Brothers, let’s rush!"

Jiang Chen and several seed-level masters from Tongtian Sword Sect came one after another. Seeing Ye Hao's methods, they rushed forward one after another.

"Kill, the morning light is endless!"

Jiang Chen was dressed in white and had already been stained with blood. I don't know if it was the demon's blood or his own. He was already numb. Not only him, but everyone who participated in the battle was numb.

"Jiejie, boy, I have been observing you for a long time."

At this moment, the people below hit���During the excitement, General Blood Demon appeared in front of Ye Hao

"You...are in the Sword Sect realm?!"

Feeling the aura of the Blood Demon General in front of him, Ye Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I never thought I could meet someone like you here."

Ye Hao also knows that the strong men of the Sword Sect generally do not appear here, but the Blood Demon General is an accident.

"Yin and Yang Killing Formation!"

"A throw of heaven and earth."

At this time, Li Chunyang and Kun Qian finally ended their battle. When they cast their eyes on Ye Hao, they felt the aura of the Blood Demon General.

"Is this the Sword Sect? Quickly report to the elders and ask them to use sword projection to support."

The two of them knew exactly what being a strong swordsman meant to them.

"Ye Hao, get back quickly. We are no match for him. What we have to do now is to delay."

What can Kun and Qian say? They are also masters in the Sword Queen stage. Even if they can't defeat the Blood Demon General, they think it won't be a problem to delay Ye Hao.

"You continue to kill the enemy, leave this guy to me."

Ye Hao clenched the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand, his eyes were full of fighting intent, and the Supreme Sword Sea above his head was blooming with light.

With a sword in his hand!

He is invincible!

So what if he is the Sword Sect.

Just fight him!

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