The Demon King was killed, his body exploded, his neck was cut off by the Great Luo Emperor Sword, and his head rolled to the ground.

Only his demon head is intact now, while the other parts have turned into blood mist.

Ye Hao looked at the demon in front of him and slashed it with his sword. boom!

In an instant, the body of a huge monster fell apart.

Ye Hao sheathed his sword, and a faint blood mist filled his surroundings. The demons rushing around him were suppressed by Ye Hao's momentum and did not dare to take a step forward.

Ye Hao went to the demon's side and took out a demon elixir the size of a goose egg. Then he came to the demon's powerful head and cut it with a sword energy, and a demon core fell out.

After putting these two things away, Ye Hao came to the two disciples again and said with a smile:"The matter has been resolved. You can rest here for a while before entering the depths of the Lingxu Sword Tomb."

After Ye Hao finished speaking, he jumped down. Leap, directly towards the depths of Lingxu Sword Tomb.

Seeing the direction in which Ye Hao disappeared, Song Yuan and Han Jiang admired Ye Hao more and more.

Ye Hao saved them today���Their lives will always be engraved in their hearts and they will always support the Holy Son Ye Hao in the Tongtian Sword Sect.

Song Yuan looked at the demon corpses around him and said:"Junior brother Han Jiang, these demons were killed by the Holy Son. We will help him dig out the demon heart of this demon. After the incident at the Lingxu Sword Tomb is over, Give it back to him."

Han Jiang nodded and said,"Yes!"

Then the two of them began to organize the battlefield and collect the demon hearts......

At this moment, Ye Hao was already thousands of miles away from his two classmates.

The deeper you go into the Lingxu Sword Tomb, the more solemn the aura of demons here becomes. The demons that appear here are no longer at the sword master level, most of them are demons around the sword spirit.

When these demons discovered Ye Hao, they all pounced on Ye Hao and wanted to eat him alive.

Ye Hao released Haoran's sword intent, and these monsters exploded, leaving only the hearts of monsters in their bodies.

In fact, Ye Hao didn't need the demon heart to exchange for the sect's contribution points at all. He was the Holy Son, and the sect promised him everything. Whatever he needed, the sect would prepare it for him immediately.

But he is the holy son of the sect and a role model for hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

In this demon-slaying operation, he must win the first place in slaying demons.

Along the way, Ye Hao didn't know how many monsters he killed, but he killed them whenever he saw them.

He is like a god of death, his life will be harvested every time a demon appears in front of him.

But even though Ye Hao killed so many demons, he didn't see the number of demons in Lingxu Sword Tomb decrease, as if the demons he hunted were just a drop in the bucket.

Ye Hao also realized that this time the Lingxu Sword Tomb was more terrifying than the previous demon riots. No wonder the sect master and the elders were so cautious.

When he went deep into the Lingxu Sword Tomb, Ye Hao saw fellow disciples and disciples from the other two holy places.

Tai Chi Sword Sect, Qiankun Sword Sect and Tongtian Sword Sect are not hostile forces.

Therefore, Ye Hao did not encounter any bloody things like other sects robbing him here. His family was all harmonious, greeting each other, encouraging each other, and there was no such thing as the plot of cheating and cheating in the world.

Of course, Ye Hao does not rule out the possibility that he will be cautious when meeting the other two Holy Land disciples.

After all, if you sail with caution, who knows if these two sects are mentally retarded.

If so, Ye Hao wouldn't mind sending them to see the King of Hell.

The Lingxu Sword Tomb covers an area of one hundred thousand miles, and the black mist fills hundreds of thousands of miles.

Ye Hao has traveled thousands of miles, but he is still outside the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

However, Wanli was already very deep, and Ye Hao saw fewer and fewer people here. Instead, there were more and more demons, as densely packed as the tide.

But here, the sword energy becomes more and more solemn.

The Great Luo Emperor Sword in Ye Hao's hand made a series of sword sounds, as if it wanted to take off its sheath and rush forward, as if there was something attracting him somewhere.

"Ho ho ho!"

On the black earth, black mist surged wildly, and tens of thousands of demons surged towards Ye Hao like a tide. Their momentum was so majestic that they drowned Ye Hao in an instant.

But in the center of the black tide of demons, thousands of lights suddenly flashed. Sword light.

Chi Chi Chi!

The sword light was fierce and penetrated everything.

Ye Hao stood in the middle of the monster, surrounded by corpses

, and the swords were shining under his feet. The long river rose and fell, and the whole person became fierce, like an emperor in the dust, with unparalleled momentum, looking down on the world.


The Supreme Sword Sea appeared hundreds of feet above the head, shining with golden light, and there were wisps of purple light in the Supreme Sword Sea. , looks extremely noble

"Thunder cloud storm!"

Ye Hao shouted softly, and the Thunder Cloud Sword Pill floating in the Supreme Sword Sea flew out all the flying swords, washing away the demons blocking the way like a storm.

Wherever Ye Hao went, it was wiped out, and no demons could stop it. He just walked forward, unstoppable and invincible. There was a loud roar in the sky and the earth.

Some monks who had just stepped into this area were shocked when they saw what Ye Hao did.

"who's that person?"

"I do not know either!"

"Could it be that he is the saint son of the Tai Chi Sword Sect who possesses the Tai Chi Sword Heart?"

"His sword skills are like thunder, very similar to the Tai Chi Five Elements Sky Thunder Sword Skills of the Tai Chi Sword Sect."

Several core disciples of the Qiankun Sword Sect said in shock.

Because they saw the figure in front of them, walking in the sea of demons and demons, with sword energy like divine thunder falling from their heads, which was very much like the Five Elements Heaven of the Tai Chi Sword Sect. Thunder Swordsmanship

"I am the saint son of the Tai Chi Sword Sect!"

Just when they thought Ye Hao was the saint son of the Tai Chi Sword Sect, a voice came from behind everyone in the Qiankun Sword Sect.

The real saint son of the Tai Chi Sword Sect appeared.

Behind him were seven disciples, each holding a seven-star sword.

Wearing Tai Chi Taoist robes, possessing immortal style and unparalleled aura, the man from Qiankun Sword Sect said,"Then who is this person? Li Chunyang , the saint son of the Tai Chi Sword Sect, said:"The future saint son of the Tongtian Sword Sect, the legendary Five Elements Sword Body, Ye Hao, who has the ninth-level swordsmanship talent, and the sword technique he performs is not the Five Elements Heavenly Thunder Sword Technique, but the Five Elements Heavenly Thunder Sword Technique.

" It is the lost heaven-level sword skill 'Thunder Cloud Storm', which was once the supreme sword skill of the Thunder Cloud Sword Master.


The origin of Ye Hao that Li Chunyang mentioned was the swordsmanship he used.

As the holy son of the Holy Land of Tai Chi Swordsmanship, he had channels to know Ye Hao's secrets, but that was limited to this. As for Ye Hao's swordsmanship, he had been in Tai Chi Sword Pavilion recorded it, so it was clear what kind of sword technique Ye Hao performed.

Li Chunyang stepped forward and landed lightly among the demons. He held the sword technique and waved his hand, and the pure sword technique cast by Tai Chi Sword Pavilion was revealed. The Yang Sword came out of its sheath.


Li Chunyang burst out with an astonishing aura, and saw a strange phenomenon appearing above his head. One black and one white, there were two Yin Yang swordfish swimming in it, looking like a Tai Chi diagram..

This is Li Chunyang's gifted vision,"Tai Chi Sword Diagram"!

Li Chunyang swung his long sword and used the Five Elements Heavenly Thunder Sword Technique to kill the demon and chased Ye Hao.....

Ye Hao looked back and found that someone was following him, seemingly chasing him. Ye Hao smiled and said,"Are you competing with me?"

The next moment, Ye Hao became serious. With various sword intentions, he killed Ahead, until the person behind you can no longer see his figure....

Everyone in the two sects of Taiji Holy Land and Qiankun Holy Land knew that these two saints were competing and fighting to see who was stronger.

For a moment, everyone held their breath and looked at Ye Hao and Li Chunyang. Who can win? Who will be the most powerful saint in the two holy places of Tongtian Sword Sect and Tai Chi Sword Sect?.....

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