Ten minutes before Ye Hao arrived, the demons here shook and surrounded two Tongtian Sword Sect disciples.

Emit bursts of demonic sounds and terrifying roars

"Brother, are we going to die?"

"We won't die. I just sent out the sect's rescue signal, and my brothers will arrive soon."

The two people surrounded by a group of demons were back to back, holding swords in both hands, staring at the demons rushing around.

One was in the early stage of the Sword King, and the other was in the realm of the Sword King.

Both of them were from within a year ago. The disciples were promoted to the core disciples of Daotongtian Palace.

Both of them were talented and talented, but now facing the demons, they turned their fear into fighting spirit as long as they could hold on. After staying for ten minutes, fellow disciples from the same school arrived.


"For the sect!"

The two of them shouted loudly, swinging their swords to kill the demon, dead or alive.


A powerful demon opened its mouth, and brilliant light flew out of its mouth, overwhelming the sky and the earth, instantly submerging the world, razing everything around it to the ground, and turning it into... The ashes were in a mess.

The disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect with the Sword Emperor cultivation were standing behind him. The clothes on his body were illuminated by the light and turned into ashes instantly. The terrifying light had a corrosive power, leaving behind him. Horrifying bloodstains

"Senior brother, are you okay?"Junior brother asked worriedly

"Ahem, senior brother is fine. As long as senior brother does not fall down, nothing will happen to you."As soon as the senior brother finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing his murderous intent, and said:"Senior brother, follow me to break out of the siege."

"yes!"Junior brother responded.

At this time, a group of demons rushed over, and the two of them fought risking their lives.

At this moment, Ye Hao arrived.

At the moment when the two of them thought they were going to die, a peerless figure appeared in the sky and the earth. , his whole body was filled with awe-inspiring sword energy. This sword energy was extremely powerful. When he waved his sword, the awe-inspiring sword energy filled the world and covered thousands of miles.

It turned into long swords one after another. Kill it.

Boom boom boom -

In an instant, the demon that rushed in front of the two core disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect was reduced to ashes.

Ye Hao stepped in front of them and saw that their bodies were covered with wounds. He frowned slightly and said,"Two senior brothers, are you okay?

When the two of them saw Ye Hao, they cupped their hands and said,"Song Yuan and Han Jiang have met the Holy Son. We are fine, just suffered some skin injuries.""

Although Ye Hao calls them senior disciples, since Ye Hao swept away the core disciples, they no longer regard Ye Hao as their junior disciples, but are recognized by them and respectfully called the Holy Son."

"Don't be brave and heal your wounds on the side. I will deal with these monsters."

Ye Hao could tell at a glance that they were seriously injured and were just trying to show off their strength.

After hearing Ye Hao's words, Song Yuan said:"Holy Son, we can still fight. Han

Jiang held the sword in his hand, and the sword light burst out:"Holy Son, I'm fine."

Ye Hao said:"Just wait and don't move.""

After saying that, Ye Hao rose into the wind and floated in mid-air.


The demons danced wildly, and many demons looked at Ye Hao, with scarlet eyes, as if they saw something delicious, and they rushed over directly.

To deal with the demons, Ye Hao has a method called 'Haoran Sword Technique'.

This sword method can suppress

Ye Hao couldn't use it on ordinary days, and it was very useful in the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

Ye Hao looked at the surging demons like thousands of troops. , he remained motionless, standing in front of the two disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect. For a moment, his figure became taller and majestic.


Ye Hao scolded, his body shook, and the mighty sword energy rushed out from the soul.

Some low-level demons were swept by the sword energy, as if they encountered some terrifying energy, and exploded directly in their bodies. Open.

Puff puff!

The demon bodies exploded, and the brown blood mist dyed the black mist red.

Ye Hao waved his hand, and the sword light burst out from the Great Emperor Sword. , swept away, and killed hundreds of huge monsters in an instant. Ye Hao walked forward step by step, and monsters kept falling at his feet. Fierce.

Like the sword god coming down to earth, unstoppable.

"So strong!"

Song Yuan, Han Jiang couldn't help but say.

Now they admire Ye Hao even more.

At this moment, Ye Hao's whole body is blessed by Haoran's sword. All evils are not invaded, and all demons are not close. No matter the sorcery or magic performed by demons, they are all close. He couldn't.


The two giant white tiger demons opened their mouths, and a golden Gengjin sword energy washed over them, splitting the space.


Ye Hao swung his sword and slashed, directly smashing the Gengjin sword energy. The light exploded in the air. The heaven and earth were gorgeous and dazzling. There were golden sword lights everywhere.


The Great Luo Emperor Sword absorbed this amazing sword energy. After that, the power increased again.

Ye Hao slashed down with his sword, and the two white tiger monsters were instantly killed, and the two huge tiger heads fell to the ground.

After the two white tiger monsters died, more monsters rushed over. Ye Hao blocked the two Tongtian Sword Sect disciples with one person and one sword. No demon could get close to them. He swung his sword and slashed out thousands of sword shadows. All the demons that rushed towards him were turned into powder.

Move and kill a large number of monsters.

At this moment, he is standing on a mountain of corpses piled up with monster corpses. His eyes are focused in front of him. On top of a monster stands a creature full of demonic energy. His demonic flames are rising, like a statue rushing out. The demon in hell.

The demon in front of me is a real demon, not a demonized monster.

"Jie Jie!"

The demon gave out a weird laugh, and stared at Ye Hao with its sinister eyes. Then his pupils shrank, showing a shocked look, and smiled:"The Five Elements Sword Body is actually the Five Elements Sword Body!"

The demon recognized Ye Hao's physique. After being shocked, he was immediately ecstatic.

"If I kill you, it will be a great achievement."I don't know when a spear appeared in the hands of the demons. The tip of the spear was stained with blood and exuded a terrifying aura of violence. The entire spear was as scarlet as blood and full of the smell of blood. I don't know how many people the demons had killed. , Cai Yun raised a bloody magic gun.

Song Yuandao behind Ye Hao said:"Holy Son, the strength of this demon is in the middle stage of the Sword Emperor, and the demon he controls also has the strength of the Sword Emperor."

"I know."Ye Hao said calmly.

Although it is said that there are thousands of races and countless strong men.

Ye Hao has seen monsters and monsters.

But this is the first time that Ye Hao has seen a real demon. The demon in front of him is still A demon king is very powerful.

But what if he is powerful?

The sword in Ye Hao's hand flickered, and swords flashed, densely packed with them, each with a total of 3,600. They are all treasures

"kill me? You have this ability."

Ye Hao sneered. The demons in front of him were strong, but they were no match for him.

"Wan Jian returns to his clan!"

With Ye Hao's slight scolding, the thousands of long swords behind him shattered the space and killed each other.

The master of the Demon King's eyes shrank, and he immediately swung his blood-colored spear and swept over. With a spear in his hand, he swept across all directions.

He flew over. Many of his long swords were knocked away.

However, the sword light was like rain, and it was as fast as lightning. In addition, Wan Jian Guizong's heaven-level sword skills were extremely powerful.


The Demon King of the Demon Clan let out a muffled groan and staggered back. He looked down and saw seven or eight blood holes on his body, and blood gurgled out. His arrogant expression changed and he was extremely horrified.

"You can actually hurt me."

The powerful Demon Emperor of the Demon Race said in horror.

He has been in Lingxu Sword Tomb for hundreds of years and has never been injured.

Unexpectedly, he was injured today, and he was injured by a human boy.

"Not only can I hurt you, I can also kill you."Ye Hao said with a faint smile. His words made the master of the Demon King angry.

He has been practicing for longer than him, and his realm is higher than his.... wrong!

In an instant, the Demon King showed a shocked expression. The human boy in front of him was actually at the same level of strength as him.

Judging from his appearance, he was only around sixteen, not even twenty.

He is actually in the middle stage of Sword Emperor cultivation.

The Demon King of the Demon Clan secretly thought in his heart:"I'm going to kill him already, otherwise when he grows up, he will be a big problem for our Demon Clan."


The Demon Emperor stamped his feet, and the demon under his feet rumbled up, shaking the earth. The ground cracked for several miles around, and the demon rushed over like a cannonball, carrying the powerful Demon Emperor.


The powerful Demon Sword King struck the sky and came to kill.

The spear shattered the void and destroyed everything. The black mist surged and the devilish energy filled the world.

Ye Hao snorted coldly and scolded:"Haoran's righteousness exists in the world!"

In an instant, I saw sand and rocks flying behind Ye Hao. All the towering trees rose from the ground. Everything around him was torn apart. A mighty sword light condensed into a giant sword and slashed across.

The scene between the two of them was really... It was so terrifying that Song Yuan and Han Jiang were terrified.


The spear collided with the Great Luo Emperor Sword, bursting out with bright light, shining in the world, and the spear and sword saw a terrifying energy, which surged in all directions in an instant.

For a time, between Ye Hao and the demon clan The energy in the Demon King's body was surging, and the spear and sword lights were flashing.

Ye Hao became more and more courageous as he fought, and his sword power became more and more powerful.

The Demon King in front of him was very powerful, and the core disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect were unable to do so. In comparison, this Demon King has been practicing in Lingxu Sword Tomb for hundreds of years, and even Ye Hao cannot kill him with one move, because this is a battle of life and death, not a competition. There is room for each move.

If you are not careful when fighting here, you may die on the spot.

Ye Hao has also become serious, but he has not activated the Supreme Sword Body, Five Elements Sword Intent, and Destruction Sword.

He chose to use Haoran Sword Intention, Supreme Sword Intent, and other sword intentions to hone himself with this demon.

After ten moves with the demon, Ye Hao struck his shoulder with a bang. , the arm was removed directly, and blood spattered.

Ye Hao's blow caused the powerful figure of the Demon King to retreat quickly.

"Damn it!

The powerful Demon King said angrily:"Thirteen Spears of the Demon!"!"

Buzzing buzzing -

I saw the spear in the hand of the powerful Demon King of the Demon Race dancing. When he stretched out his hand, thirteen gods and demons appeared. They were extremely tall. The thirteen demon gods waved their spears and blasted towards Ye Hao.

"Breaking gun style!"

Ye Hao directly used the spear-breaking style of Dugu Nine Swords.

In an instant!

The spear technique was broken by Ye Hao.

Ye Hao no longer retained his strength and shouted:"Jietian Sword Technique!"

The Great Luo Emperor Sword cut through the void, cutting off the sky and the earth. Sword shadows were everywhere, blocking the retreat of the powerful Demon King.


The Emperor Sword fell, and the body of the Demon King exploded. Demons were everywhere. Blood and mighty evil energy swept everywhere

"Is that human being?"

"The Holy Son is too strong!"

Song Yuan and Han Jiang were shocked by Ye Hao's strength. The astonishing scene in front of them made them stunned and excited, and they could not calm down for a long time....

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