At this time, what Ni Meng wanted to do was to kill Ye Hao with his own sword. Ni Meng didn't think about anything else.

"Boy, get out of the way, this attack is too powerful!"

Tongtian Sect Master immediately reminded Ye Hao from behind, and Ye Hao waved to Tongtian Sect Master with his left hand at this time, telling him not to worry

"Explode, Lingxu Sword Qi!"


Ye Hao directly integrated his Lingxu Sword Qi into the storm.

Thunderstorms originally had the power to weaken demons. With the blessing of Lingxu Sword Qi, Ye Hao quickly eliminated them in the face of Ni Meng's attack. Close to Ni Meng

"There was a flash of lightning."

Just when Ye Hao was close enough to Ni Meng, the wind and cloud thunderstorm in his hand was directly removed, and Ye Hao turned into a bolt of lightning and flashed directly past Ni Meng's body. The divine thunder power in Ye Haomei's heart filled every part of Ye Hao's body. At this point, the destructive black divine thunder condensed a destructive aura on Ye Hao's body.


Ye Hao's speed was very fast. After the sword flashed by, even Ni Meng didn't realize that he was dead.

He saw his head slowly falling down, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"How could I...……"

Before he could finish speaking, his head had already fallen to the ground.

And Ni Meng's body slowly descended from the sky.

The"dong" sound of Ni Meng's body falling to the ground clearly appeared in everyone's ears. Everyone couldn't believe that the master of the late stage Sword Master of the Demon Tribe was actually in the hands of a saint son of the middle stage Sword Master. , died so easily

"Next is you!"

Ye Hao didn't want to leave an enemy for himself, so he turned around and rushed towards Huangwo.

When Huangwo saw Ye Hao rushing over, he felt panicked. Even if he was fighting against Ni Meng, he might not win..

And Ye Hao's sword went directly through Ni Meng's body, causing Ni Meng to die in front of everyone.

Huang Wo didn't want to fight with Ye Hao at this moment, for fear that he would suffer a loss and die here.

"Let's work together and we can't let this kid live!"

Feeling the sword energy on Ye Hao's body, the Blood Demon looked confused next to him.

He clearly felt that the puppet he sent out seemed to have been killed by Ye Hao.

When he saw Ye Hao, he was just a The little guy in the middle stage of Sword Master was actually able to kill Ni Meng with one sword.

"My puppets, come here!"

The blood demon began to summon his puppets and let his puppets besiege Ye Hao.

When Ye Hao set his target on Huang Wo, Ye Hao suddenly laughed secretly.

He had already focused on On the body of the Blood Demon, Ye Hao knew that this was because the Blood Demon controlled the corpses of six demon saints.

If it were not for these six demon saints, the masters of the major sects and the four major families would not be trapped. Here, the situation became more and more difficult. Huangwo saw that Ye Hao had come to him, and Tongtian

Sect Master saw Ye Hao entering the circle of demons.

Blood, for fear that something might happen to Ye Hao.

Just when Tongtian Sect Leader wanted to rush to the sky to help Ye Hao break through the siege, he found that Ye Hao, who was running towards Huangwo, suddenly turned into a black shadow. Shadow turned out to be Ye Hao

"Shadow switch."

Ye Hao said something silently, and appeared beside the Blood Demon inexplicably, as if everything had been arranged.

The Blood Demon was shocked when he saw Ye Hao suddenly appearing in front of him, and was about to summon The six demon saints came to surround Ye Hao and discovered that all the sword energy in Ye Hao suddenly exploded.

"The seven heaven-defying swords! Destroy heaven and earth."

The deadly demon appeared again, and Ye Hao rushed out with the demon behind him.

"Reincarnation! combine."

The number of demonic shadows became more and more, and the attacks they issued were difficult to distinguish. At the moment when Ye Hao combined, all the demonic shadows merged into one. Ye Hao and the demonic shadows appeared at the same time, and the demonic shadows directly hit The Blood Demon's head was chopped off.

Ye Hao inserted his Great Luo Emperor Sword into the Blood Demon's chest. At this moment, the sword energy of Ye Hao's Great Luo Emperor Sword poured into the Blood Demon's body.

The Blood Demon's body exploded. The demon saint puppets that had planned to join forces to deal with Ye Hao and put Ye Hao to death all stopped.

The other demon sword masters and other major holy land sect masters couldn't believe what was happening. What was happening in front of him. As soon as Ye Hao appeared, he first killed Ni Meng directly, and then ruthlessly chopped down the Blood Demon, so that all the puppets summoned by the Blood Demon fell to the ground.

The high-level puppets all fell to the ground, and there was no movement. The only ones left in the field were a few masters of the Demon Tribe and four other demon sword masters.

Compared with the human masters, he was not at the same level.

After Ye Hao solved everything, he felt a sword light running towards him.

This sword light was none other than

Zhou Tiankan. When Zhou Tian suddenly attacked Ye Hao, he was shocked, but he could no longer stop Zhou Tian.

"Humph, even a mere early-stage swordsman dares to do anything in front of me!"

Ye Hao's sword-drawing skill was once again on display. As soon as the sword-drawing skill came out, Zhou Tian, who rushed towards Ye Hao, was directly defeated by Ye Hao's sword energy. He fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

Zhou Tian held the sword, and his hands began to tremble. At this time, his hands were full of blood. Ye Hao's attack just now had already shattered his tiger's mouth.

"This... is not your sword domain after all. If you want to run wild here, I will let you die here."

Although Zhou Tian came out to practice, he was not like Ye Hao, who was killed in the deep mountains and seas of blood.

The moment Ye Hao's eyes stared at the past, Zhou Tian felt as if he was being stared at by the god of death. , He couldn't even speak. Ma Shi felt helpless when he saw his young master being frightened like this. He saw that Ye Hao's attack just now was very fierce, and he would probably attack Ye Hao again here.

, the two of them can’t even imagine walking out of the Holy Land of Underworld today.

"You kid... Hahaha, you bring surprises to me every day!"

Tongtian Sect Master wiped the blood from his mouth and patted Ye Hao on the back happily.


Ye Hao's faint voice made Tongtian Sect Master hear the most beautiful voice in the world. It was definitely worth it for him to accept such a disciple in the first place.

"They can't stay!"

Ye Haogang finished speaking, and waved the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand again, staring at the 4 Demon Saints in front of him. _

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