"Boy, take this token. No matter where you go, with this token, you can enter at will. The Holy Land of Underworld may be unblocked from now on. The only thing I hope you can do is to clear the Holy Land of Underworld. All evil spirits are eliminated!"

"The holy land back then should not be as lifeless as it is now. Even if it is damaged, it should still be upright!"

After hearing what Ruan Pingzhen said, Ye Hao agreed.

"Don't worry, Sect Master, the demonic energy here will not stay for long. Soon, I will expel all the demonic aura here and restore righteousness to the Holy Land of Huangquan!"

After Ye Hao agreed, he could feel that the aura that had been surrounding him dissipated. In other words, Ruan Pingzhen's last spiritual wisdom dissipated in the world.

"Senior walks slowly."

Ye Hao clenched the token in his hand and entered the Sutra Pavilion. In the Sutra Pavilion, Ye Hao found various books inside, which were no weaker than those of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

Even in terms of holy-level skills, Huangquan Holy Land also has more inventory

"This holy land of underworld probably has a long history.……"

While flipping through the books here, he sighed. In the end, Ye Hao fixed his eyes on the top floor, where three books were floating.

"Huang Quan Sword Technique, Holy Level Superior……"

"Reincarnation Sword Technique, Holy Level Superior……"

"Nine Nether Transformations, Saint Level Medium……"

Ye Hao took all three books without saying a word. Ye Hao took a look at the following books. He didn't pay too much attention to the windy volcano forest and various sword moves in them.

Ye Hao was very concerned about the sword moves of the Huang Quan File Sect.

Ye Hao took away all the sword moves that suited him. Ye Hao was going to give Tongtian Sword Sect more inventory, and then went to Lingdan Pavilion and Sword Casting Pavilion.

Ye Hao gained a lot of benefits from it and put all the elixirs from the Underworld Holy Land in his space ring.

As for those swords, they also appeared in Ye Hao's space ring.

"The benefits here have almost been taken. In this case, it is time to go out and collect interest."

Walking around the Holy Land of Underworld, Ye Hao entered the middle stage of Sword Master. Ye Hao who entered the middle stage of Sword Master. At this time, even if he met a master in the late stage of Sword Master, he didn't have to work so hard to win.

Ye Hao said to himself The real opponents are sympathetic, but for guys like the demon, Ye Hao will not give them the slightest chance of survival. Moreover, Ye Hao is not the same as the secret organization that wants to attack him and his family.

If he continues to do evil in the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory, then Ye Hao will target the Dark Grid Organization.


Ye Hao thought as he came to the place where the sect masters and the others were fighting.

Here, the battle between the various sects was coming to an end.

With the Demon Clan and the Monster Clan joining forces, although the leaders of the various sects were still able to deal with it at the beginning..

But as the demonic energy continued to invade their bodies, their battle became extremely difficult.

Ni Meng did not want to continue to be the leader here and planned to fight quickly in case something unexpected happened. At that time, the leader of the Tongtian Sect, who had been fighting against Ni Meng, was in danger. He and the leader of the Tai Chi Sword Sect were able to hold Ni Meng back with great difficulty.

At this time, Ni Meng was able to suppress them both.

"The devil is coming!"

A ferocious sword energy rushed towards the two of them. At this critical moment, Ye Hao, a demon from behind, rushed in front of the two of them.

"Lingxu Sword Technique!"

The huge demonic shadow became extremely weak under Ye Hao's Lingxu Sword Technique. Ye Hao swung the Great Luo Emperor Sword again and broke it.

Before Ni Meng could fully react, Ye Hao's body All the sword energy suddenly erupted, and now Ye Hao was like an active volcano.

The sword energy erupted from point to point, flying straight into the sky and cutting off all the evil spirits in the sky in Jiangnan.

"Samsara Sword Qi"

"The art of sword drawing."

Countless sword-drawing skills were all integrated at this moment, and a polar shadow was emitted.

Although Ni Meng's condition is much better than that of the leaders of various sects, after all, he has been fighting for so long, and he is a little tired.

In Ye Haoba The moment when the sword skill was supplemented with the sword energy of reincarnation, Ye Hao's sword energy was in a trance, moving left and right, as if the sword energy had already existed before, or as if he had returned to the present time period from the future. Ni Meng reacted, but his left arm was cut off by Ye Hao's extremely fast sword energy.

This was a situation that he had made a pre-judgment of. If he had not reacted in time, he would have lost it now. It was his head.

Looking at his bloody left arm, Ni Meng stared at Ye Hao fiercely. Ye Hao's sword shocked everyone in the room.

"This kid... He was still in the late stage of Sword Sect before, how come he is now in the middle stage of Sword Master?! And this sword actually cut off Ni Meng's arm."

The heads of various sects were exclaiming in shock, and the heads of the four major families couldn't believe it. Just now they saw the figure of the Reincarnation Sword Qi from Ye Hao.

Of course they knew it was the Reincarnation Sword Qi. What a sponge, I didn’t expect that in the end, they fought here and it actually made Ye Hao’s dream come true.

"Eight steps of the devil!"

In front of Ye Hao. Five different black figures appeared again. Together with Ye Hao, they continued to attack Ni Meng in front of them.

Ni Meng saw that Ye Hao was about to continue attacking him and waved the sword in his hand.

"A little sword master can actually hurt me. It seems that you can't stay here. Since it is a disaster, I will let you stay here today."

The Heavenly Demon Clan has its own honor. To deal with Ye Hao with a master in the late stage of Sword Saint is already a killing opportunity.

So when the other masters in the Heavenly Demon Clan saw that Ni Meng was injured, they planned to come to help. When Ni Meng waved his hand and refused, Ye Hao's eyes were full of disdain. At this time, the thunder power in Ye Hao's eyebrows was forming, and

Ye Hao planned to find an opportunity to launch a thunderous strike. Ni Meng killed him.

At this moment, when Ye Hao faced Ni Meng, his eyes were focused on another battlefield. In that battlefield, there was the demon dragon Huang Wo.

"You boy! You... your opponent now is me, and you still dare to be distracted. It seems that you are really looking for death!"


The aura on Ni Meng's body increased again. At this moment, Ni Meng began to suddenly absorb the demonic energy in this world, increasing his own strength.

Although the demonic energy was incompatible with the demonic energy on his body, to a certain extent, The fusion of the two can make Ni Meng even more violent.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and promoting.

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