Chapter 303 The Despair of the Tianfeng Clan

Tianfeng tribe.

It is a big family with tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, the guardian array covering the entire Tianfeng tribe has been opened, like a huge transparent bowl falling down on the ground.

There are pavilions, towers and pavilions, mountains and rivers.

The number of terrifying Spirit Stones is being consumed all the time.

If there is no connection with the spiritual veins in the depths of the earth, this guardian formation will collapse in minutes, and no amount of Spirit Stones will last for long.

In the big formation, a pair of frightened and worried faces looked outside the big formation.

At this time, the battle outside the big formation was extremely fierce, and half of the Tianfeng Mountain, which was as large as a thousand-square-meter radius, was defeated.

If Feng Jiang was here, he would be extremely shocked.

It turned out to be two giant star beasts that attacked the Tianfeng tribe.

A giant starry sky beast almost wiped out the Feng clan. If two giant starry sky beasts attacked the Feng clan together, then the ancestral land of the Feng clan had already been captured at this moment, and the ancestral graves had been dug up.

The Tianfeng Mountain was full of blood, and nearly a thousand Tianfeng elites lost their lives in the battle with two giant star beasts.

The three ancestors of the Tianfeng tribe were wounded all over, and one of their arms was broken.

However, after paying such a heavy price, the two giant star beasts were not well, their scales were torn in many places, one of the unicorns was interrupted, and one eye was destroyed, containing the silver star power. Silver-gray blood flowing.

But this aroused their fierceness even more.

Even after nearly two months of fierce fighting, his breath is a bit weak, but he is still full of energy when he is violent.

The Sky Phoenix Clan, which consumes a lot of money, has no way to take them.


The relatively intact starry sky beast disappeared in an instant, but it appeared again on the side of the three ancestors, protruding out its tens of meters-long giant claws, and grabbing it fiercely.

The void suddenly rumbled and burst, and those sharp fingers were like death’s sickle, cutting all lives.

“Fengxiang Nine Heavens!”

A huge Phoenix phantom appeared and rushed towards the star behemoth.

“Tianfeng goes by the day!”

A golden phoenix full of flames rushed towards the claws of the behemoth in the starry sky.

The two ancestors released powerful spells.

Another ancestor of the Tianfeng tribe has been fighting for many days, and the Magic power has bottomed out. He threw a Medicine Pill into his mouth with a gloomy expression, and gritted his teeth to sacrifice a small golden tower.

Magic power floods into the small tower, and the small tower rises in the wind, reaching a height of one hundred meters, with golden light.

Approaching high altitude, then a golden flame spurted from the bottom of the tower, burning towards the behemoth in the starry sky.

The flames burned the sky.

But it has no effect on the behemoth of the starry sky, as if the monstrous flame is just bathing it.

The claws swooped down in the air.

The Phoenix phantom was broken, and the flame golden phoenix collapsed.

Despite being blocked, the huge power still photographed these two ancestors who were already the middle stage of the Transcends Tribulation period.

If it weren’t for the top spirit armor, the two old men would have burped long ago.

Even so, the two powerful men looked pale, and their internal organs were shaking endlessly.

And the giant star beast was also shaken back hundreds of meters by the power of the two old men, smashing the huge boulders that stood up.

While speaking, another spit of red blood was sprayed.

“The third child, don’t force it, leave it to me below.”

Said the old man who breathed fire with the golden pagoda.

“Just you? Forget it, leave me, you can’t hold on for half an hour, and you will become the food in the star beast’s mouth!”

The old third glanced at his second child and snorted coldly.


Jinta’s second child is hot: “You bastard, can’t you say something good?”

The third child laughed loudly: “Haha, well, you have become the dung of the star beast, okay.”

Jinta’s second child turned black.

The fifth said: “You two should be serious, or we will finish playing.”

After speaking, he sighed and took out the last talisman.

The second child and the third child looked at each other and smiled, and the third child immediately smiled at the fifth child and said, “How long do you think we can support it? In the year, Dowkey has been completely ruined.”

The old five twitched in his heart, but his face was serious and said, “You can’t die now!”

“It doesn’t matter if we die, anyway, we have lived for almost two thousand years, and we have enough of our lives.”

“But what about our descendants? What about the inheritance of the Tianfeng tribe? Even if we die, we should die well!”

Jinta’s second child said at this moment; “Fifth brother is right, then let us shine the last light for the Tianfeng Clan!”

As he spoke, his face was strangely flushed.

Old Wu’s expression changed, “Second brother, what are you going to do?”

“Hey hey, what are you doing?” Jinta’s second child gave out a sickly smile, and looked at the star behemoth not far away with unwillingness in his eyes. “The third child reminded me that I will feed the beast with my body and enter it. Blast in the body again!”

The other two were taken aback.

“Second brother, you are crazy!”

“Second brother, I just joked with you.”

The second child shook his head and said, “Don’t persuade me, I’ve made up my mind! It doesn’t matter if my old bone is dead, but the Tianfeng clan can’t die! We can’t hold back the starry sky.”

As he spoke, his breath soared, and his body exuded a bloody breath that made it difficult for the star beast to refuse.

At this moment, a breath of despair came from afar.

The three old guys are all in the Transcends Tribulation period, and their Spiritual Sense range is very wide. From afar, they saw a behemoth roaring towards the Tianfeng Clan.

It’s another star beast!

The eyes of the three old men stared out.

This is really worse!

Rumbling rumbling…

Thunder rumbled in the sky.

Where the behemoth of the starry sky passed, there were dense clouds and thunder rumbling, as if it were about to rain.

Another starry sky beast came, causing the two starry sky beasts that were taking over the Tianfeng clan to stop and watch the distance vigilantly.

Although they are of the same kind, they are extremely vigilant, even facing an enemy.

Obviously, they are of the same kind, but not necessarily in the same group.

Soon, the giant starry beast that Xia Wuji and Yun Qingyao rode appeared in front of the Tianfeng tribe.

Tens of thousands of people in the Tianfeng clan guardian array saw a giant star beast coming, and they looked terrified and desperate.

Dealing with the two giant star beasts, the three ancestors were already stretched out and couldn’t support it, and if one came back, it would be the end of the Tianfeng clan.

“Huh? There are people on that star beast!”

Someone saw with sharp eyes that there were two people standing on the back of this giant starry beast, one man and one woman.

The man is nearly two meters tall, wearing a Tsing Yi, standing with his hands held up, burly and handsome.

The woman is tall, about 1.7 meters tall, dressed in colorful clothes, white and beautiful, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks, her temperament is dusty.

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