Chapter 302

Xia Wuji nodded with bright eyes.

Turning his head to Feng Jiang said, “Tell me the specific locations and routes of the major races.”

Feng Jiang quickly took out a Jade Slip and handed it over, “There are all major forces in the Southern Profound Region, Central Profound Region, Beixuan Region, and the Tianlong secret realm, as well as the location maps of the major hidden forces.”

Xia Wuji took it, Mental Energy swept away…

The map is large and comprehensive.

Then he handed it to Yun Qingyao and turned to Feng Jiang and said, “Well, this matter is over, the crisis of the Feng clan has been resolved, and we will leave.”

Feng Jiang hurriedly thanked him: “Thank you Xia Shao for your kindness, the Feng clan will never forget it.”

Xia Wuji nodded, and just about to leave, Feng Jiang said quickly: “Shao Xia wait a minute.”

Xia Wuji asked: “What’s the matter?”

Feng Jiang said embarrassedly: “Xia Shao, we were short of 3 billion high-grade Spirit Stones because of Cultivation Technique, and other people in the clan also owed a lot of Spirit Stones to Xia Shao…”

Xia Wuji smiled slightly.

This guy was able to talk about this at this time, obviously not trying to get through and make mistakes.

Whether the Feng clan still has it, Feng Jiang’s practice of recognizing accounts is worthy of recognition.

“What do you want to say?”

Feng Jiang’s old face blushed and said, “Shao Xia, in order to resist the attack of the behemoth in the sky, all the Spirit Stones of our Feng clan have been consumed. Now it is indeed embarrassing, you see?”

“Do you want me to forgive your debt?”

Xia Wuji said lightly.

Feng Jiang blushed and nodded without denying it.

Xia Wuji turned to look at Yun Qingyao.

Yun Qingyao nodded, indicating that the blood of the golden phoenix from below was enough to cover the debt.

Xia Wuji turned his face to look at Feng Jiang, and said with a stern face: “My sister has a kindhearted heart. Your Feng clan has suffered a huge loss in this catastrophe, and you don’t want to add a burden to you. Therefore, all debts are forgiven.”

Hearing this, Feng Jiang was overjoyed, and quickly bowed to Xia Wuji and Yun Qingyao, saying: “Thank you two, Feng Jiang, on behalf of the entire Feng clan, is grateful to both of you for their great kindness.”

Xia Wuji continued: “But—”

Feng Jiang’s body stiffened.

Xia Wuji went on to say: “I think you can also see that the behemoths in the starry sky are coming, the nine-story magic tower appears in the Giant Demon Mountains, and the insects appear in the Golden Desert. All this means that the troubled times have come, and the world is about to change. .

“What I want to say is that once a troubled time comes, everyone and all races will not be able to stay out of the situation. I hope that in the future, the Feng Clan can resist the alien races together with the Human Race and protect this world together.”

Feng Jiang’s face was solemn, and the cupped fist said, “Don’t worry, Shao Xia, there will be no eggs under the nest. I still have the enlightenment of my Feng clan. As long as Shao Xia gives an order in the future, the Feng clan will dare not follow. There will never be the slightest slack in defending against foreign enemies.”

Xia Wuji nodded, “It’s enough to have you. Say goodbye.”

Immediately, together with Yun Qingyao, he headed out of the Feng Clan.

Feng Jiang looked at the back of Xia Wuji and Yun Qingyao away, his eyes flickered, thinking of the prophecy left by the ancestors, and then he sighed: “The world of great controversy is also a chaotic world. It is finally here…”

Outside the Feng Clan, the giant starry sky behemoth is still crawling on the ground. A group of Feng clan powerhouses, hundreds of people take turns to rest and take turns guarding, for fear that this starry sky behemoth will violently kill people.

Fortunately, as Xia Wuji said, this star beast would never move without his command. Now it seems to be true.

But even so, no one dared to take it lightly.

Actually is not completely distrustful of Xia Wuji, but really dare not put the fate of the entire race on his fluttering sentence.

Finally, Xia Wuji and Yun Qingyao came, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Farewell to Shao Xia.”

Everyone cupped fist salutes.

Xia Wuji nodded, and his eyes passed over a group of people including Feng Yannian, Feng Chenyan, and Feng Yucheng.

“Your debts are forgiven.”

After speaking, he turned and left, and stepped on the back of the star behemoth with Yun Qingyao.

The behemoth of the starry sky that had attacked the Feng Clan for more than a month now rose into the air and flew towards the distance.

All the Feng Clan members, this was a real long sigh of relief.

It’s safe!

It’s finally safe!

At this time, everyone realized what Xia Wuji said just now, Feng Yannian had bright eyes.

Feng Chenyan, Feng Yucheng, and other elite elites of the Feng clan were even more pleasantly surprised.

Xia Wuji actually discharged the debt!

They finally realized what it means to be debt-free!

“Hahaha, no debt!”

“Great! I finally don’t need to pay back!”

“Hahaha, I can sleep peacefully! I’m going to get drunk!”

“Thanks Xia Shao!”

A group of elite disciples saluted the far away Xia Wuji cupped fist.

Yun Qingyao glanced at Xia Wuji on the back of the giant star beast, and said with a smile: “Look at you for pushing them this group of people.”

Xia Wuji smiled slightly, looked into the distance with her hands on her back, and said faintly: “They want my life in the Dragon Palace Square. I just want their money. In contrast, I’m still too kind.”

“Now I helped them solve the racial crisis and took a little Golden Phoenix Blood Essence. It was even at best, but in the end I retaliated with virtue and released their debts. To be honest, I was still too kind.”

Yun Qingyao did not refute this.

She nodded and said, “It is.”

From this point of view, Xia Wuji is indeed kind.

That’s why these Feng people are happy and grateful.

She didn’t say much about this issue, and asked: “Where are we going now?”

“Tianfeng Clan.”

Xia Wuji said.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he calmly said: “The troubled times are coming, all we need to do is to Ascension own strength as quickly as possible in the shortest possible time.”

“Whether it’s self-protection, or protecting family members and the world, we need greater strength.”

“All the materials are complete and full of weight. But overall, what we lack most now is the blood of Phoenix and the origin of Samsara.”

“The origin of Samsara can be taken from those Samsara who owe me Spirit Stones. They are not worth the price of Spirit Stones.”

“As for the Phoenix blood, if it is drawn from the elite disciples of the Heavenly Phoenix clan or the Phoenix clan, the amount is too small, and it is far less easy and pure to obtain from the Phoenix blood golden pool of their race.”

“While the behemoths in the starry sky are attacking their race, whether it’s looting or retribution after salvation, you must find a way to get Phoenix’s blood.”

Xia Wuji’s remarks seemed unreasonable, and even meant to be domineering and bullying, but Yun Qingyao believed it deeply.

If Xia Wuji blindly talks about benevolence, justice and morality when this troubled world is approaching, then that would be pedantic.

The world of great competition is both competition and elimination.

If you don’t become the dust of history and the cannon fodder of the times, you must strive to become stronger.

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