Chapter 198

after returning to Korea.

I did not leave the house for several days, cut off contact with the outside world, and lay down and slept.

Of course, I don’t remember sleeping properly for about a month before Big One happened. As if doing homework that had been pushed back, drowsiness continued to creep in no matter how much I slept.

In the meantime, not only my mother, but also Hyun-joo’s older sister, Sang-yeop senior, and Henry’s went home. There were numerous requests for meetings from the press to the CEOs of large corporations, but all were rejected.

I woke up and opened my eyes.

I think I had a dream last night, but I can’t remember. It seems that her grandmother praised her for doing well.

As I was about to get up, I saw Ellie lying next to me.

I remember until last night, Taek-gyu and the three of us drank wine together… … Did you decide to go to sleep instead of going back to the hotel?

Sleeping in my bed feels somewhat natural.

Ellie slowly opened her eyes as if she had felt the pretense of popularity.

“Um, I woke up.”

I kissed her forehead.

“It’s the weekend, so get some more sleep.”

At my words, Ellie closed her eyes again and dug into my arms.

“It’s so nice to have Jinhoo by my side.”

“Me too.”

I don’t know how long I’ve missed you.

I checked that Ellie was asleep again, and carefully got up and went out into the living room. Taek-gyu was lying on the sofa and eating sweets.

“Good morning?”

“Huh. My house is the best.”

I made a cup of coffee and sat down on the sofa.

As I drank coffee while looking at the garden, I realized that I had come home again.

It felt like a dream after a few months. Did you ever find out that nothing happened?

Despite the uproar on the other side of the world, Korea is peaceful.

If you think about it, this was also the case when major earthquakes occurred in neighboring countries such as Japan, China, and South Asia. This was also the case in the United States.

Although the west coast was devastated, the rest of the area worked well. Thanks to that, we can speed up rescue and recovery.

Basically, people don’t pay much attention to themselves unless they are directly harmed.

“Let’s have some rice.”

“A Chinese restaurant after a long time?”

“It’s a good idea.”

Come to think of it, it has been a long time since I ate jjajangmyeon

When we ate together every day, I got tired of getting bitten in my mouth, but I miss it because I haven’t eaten for a long time.

“Let’s have a set of Jjajangmyeon and Jjamppong and share it. Dumplings too.”

“Aren’t you supposed to ask Ellie what to eat too?”

I’m sleeping, should I wake you up and ask?

But don’t you care too much about your friend’s girlfriend going to bed?

When I asked, Taek-gyu said it was natural.

“Huh. I told you to go to sleep.”

“Oh, did you?”

Just then, Ellie came down to the living room.

She didn’t know how to go to sleep, so she didn’t bring her own clothes, so she was wearing my t-shirt and pajama pants. It’s strangely cute to see her wearing clothes that don’t fit her.

She had just woken up and her beauty was dazzling, even though she was raw and without basic makeup.

“Taek-gyu is awake.”

Taek-gyu asked, waving his hand.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah. I think I slept well for a while.”

Ellie raised her hands above her head and stretched her out loud.


I asked her.

“I want to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant, is that ok?”

Ellie nodded her head.

“Korean jjajangmyeon is delicious. I’m a junkie.”

She grew up in Hong Kong, and Ellie likes to eat Chinese food all the time (I don’t know if she should call Korean food Chinese food).

Taek-gyu called and placed an order.

In the meantime, I drank her morning coffee with her Ellie, admiring the garden outside her window. Ellie, sleepy, gently rested her head on my shoulder.

“Is Hyunjoo noona going to work today?”

“Perhaps it will.”

You are still very busy.

This is also the case for us. Senior Sangyeop was busy for a while to sort out his positions, and Henry shipped the products pre-ordered to a Chinese steel company to the United States as soon as they were manufactured.

I’ll have to put it in a warehouse and sell it to the US government later.

“I’m thinking of having dinner with my sister.”

“I will ask you one more time.”

Not long after, the doorbell rang.

“Five! You arrived early today.”

Without looking at Taegyu, he pressed his remote control and opened the door. Then the doorbell rang.

“I’ll take it.”

I opened the front door wide. Standing in front of the door was her mother holding a bucket of side dishes, not a delivery man at a Chinese restaurant with an iron bag.

I was surprised.

“Ugh! What are you doing all of a sudden?”

“What is it? When we talked on the phone yesterday, you said that you would come with a side dish today.”

“Is that so?”

Why can’t I remember?

Even if it’s sudden, there’s nothing wrong with her mother coming to her house. The problem is that Ellie is at her house.

She doesn’t even look like she stopped by early in the morning, but looks like she went to sleep.

How do other people usually behave in this case? You want me to go in the closet?

Fortunately, the house is spacious and there are plenty of places to hide. Maybe my mother wouldn’t go into her study.

But she no longer had to worry about that.

“Can I help you? Oh!”

Seeing her mother, Ellie nodded in surprise and nodded.

“Ah, hello, Mother. Good morning.”

Mother asked, looking bewildered, taking turns looking at me and Ellie in her clothes.

“Are you guys like that already?”

Ellie’s face was dyed bright red up to her ears.

This look is cute too.

* * *

I went to work with Taek-gyu after a long time. The staff gathered in the lobby and greeted me with applause and cheers.

Seeing the CEO so happy that he has returned makes it worthwhile to receive a salary.

HR Manager Michael Lee told me.

“Thank you very much. I am very proud to work with you.”

He is a second-generation Korean American born and raised in California, and his parents still live in Los Angeles. It will be so much more impressive.

“Then don’t leave after the contract period is over, and stay with the company.”

Michael laughed.

“We will review it positively.”

I asked senior Ki Hong.

“How is your body?”

Senior Ki Hong said bravely.

“It’s fine now. I still have aches here and there.”

Senior Ki Hong, who was assaulted by protesters indiscriminately, suffered eight weeks of injuries.

Those who assaulted at the time checked their identities by using a facial recognition program as well as a documentary video, and not one of them was charged with gang assault.

Most of them were elderly people. Everyone made excuses that they just did what the president told them to do, but the president of the association strongly denied the allegations.

I told the staff.

“A lot has happened in a short period of time. Everyone worked hard to protect the company while I was away.

* * *

I gathered a team leader or higher and held a meeting.

First, we received reports on the situation of subsidiaries. Most companies have had a hard time hitting their sales in recent months. Some have even made urgent requests for funding.

This happened because of the confusion in the past, but there was a boycott due to public criticism against me.

Of course, the situation is now reversed.

It is positive that the company’s awareness has increased significantly thanks to my activities, but it is negative that consumption stagnation is inevitable due to the economic downturn for the time being.

Companies have also revised their strategies for the US market at once. Even NPL has not been able to even announce NPhone Z, which was originally scheduled to be released on September 28, for a month.

“Still, I’m glad it stopped at this level. Otherwise, the world economy would have fallen into a swamp of stagnation.”

Everyone nodded at Sangyeop’s words.

We also need to revise our strategy. Karos, who had originally planned to launch a new car at the end of the year, wasted time relocating the research lab, and all autonomous driving experiments centered in San Francisco were stopped.

“Don’t worry too much, it will be fine after a while.”

Taek-gyu brought up a different topic.

“We should also file a claim for damages against conservative groups and the media.”

In the meantime, I received reports of various situations, including protests, over the phone, but when I came to see it in person, it was a spectacle, regardless of conservative groups, media, and far-right sites.

There has been a long-standing suspicion that the Parents’ Association is conducting control demonstrations and demonstrative demonstrations at the behest of the government.

Because there were not one or two things that could not be explained otherwise.

Where do you hear and move about alternative information, where the funds are coming from to drive mass protests, and so on. In addition, the police did not allow progressive group protests like a knife, but gave permission for every single parent’s union protest.

During the investigation of this illegal demonstration, the parents’ union office was seized and searched, and related materials were poured out.

On the mobile phone of Lee Yong-kwang, president of the association, there were still text messages sent and received between the National Intelligence Service and the Blue House staff. Dozens of borrowed-name accounts were also found. Hundreds of millions of won were remitted, and tens of millions of won in cash and books were found in the safe under the desk.

Perhaps more will come out if you brush it off.

Lee Yong-gwang, the president of the Association, is currently under investigation under arrest, and it is said that he is shouting to see if there is something he believes in.

“Look at this.”(Read more @

Taek-gyu turned the box upside down, and on the table was a pile of letters from all over the country. A letter of support and thanks to me… … It wasn’t, but it was a letter asking for the accusation to be withdrawn.

Senior Ki Hong said.

“Mail is much more.”

“Someone posted a story on the internet that was hard to read without tears. My family has been poor since I was little, and I never ate out a few times that everyone else did, and when my mother, who went to work, was not at home, the ramen I always cooked by myself was blah bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blah blah blah.”

“… … .”

I don’t know if my home environment has anything to do with playing pad rips.

In the first place, I didn’t even sue to the extent of criticizing or swearing. It is only one truck, even though we have chosen only the really serious ones and sued them.

When I looked at whoever posted the post, it was diverse, from elementary school students to office workers. Most of the time there was no particular reason, it was just that I didn’t like it or wanted attention.

Well, that’s what I thought it was up to here.

You’re not going to be arrested to this extent anyway, so if you take this opportunity to be investigated and pay a fine, you’ll come to your senses.

It is noteworthy that some of the IDs who most actively posted, commented, and led public opinion are presumed to be NIS employees or government officials.

However, it is said that they did not work very elaborately, such as going through an overseas server, so it is easy to find out just by looking up the IP and searching for IDs on portals and SNS.

Sangyeop senior said.

“There is a guy with the nickname ‘Jinu Hyo-soo’ among them, but when I look back at his ID, he looks like an NIS employee.”


what nickname is this?

Does that mean you’re going to cut off my neck and hang it?

“He also posted a picture of your face and a porn star on the first site.”

I asked absurdly.

“Does the NIS even do that?”

Then Taek-gyu said.

“You know. Those are the kids who are still there.”

In the meantime, there have been no investigations by law enforcement agencies, and the media has not dealt with them properly.

“If you dig this up properly, it will be fun. It seems that the NIS as well as the National Security Agency are involved.”

“To the security guard?”

What kind of army is not protecting the country and using my swear words on the internet?

I crossed my arms and said.

“But will this investigation and punishment be properly implemented?”

Taegyu said.

“I don’t know since when the police and the prosecution have worked so hard, but they are both burning their desire for investigation as if they were competing.”

Sangyeop senior nodded his head.

“It will be a little different this time. Gradually, it started to rhyme too. The more they act like the dogs of power, the better they are at the smell of power. By now, you would have come to the conclusion that Park Si-hyung was a kite that fell apart.”

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