Chapter 197

San Francisco earthquake.

The so-called Big One was recorded as the largest earthquake in the 21st century as well as in the 20th century.

At the same time, it was likely to be recorded as one of the best-treated disasters.

It was close to a miracle that the damage of the M9.8 earthquake had stopped to this extent.

As a result of running the simulation, experts predicted that if the incident happened without preparation, the death toll would be at least 1.3 million to 2 million.

In addition, due to the death of key personnel at the Silicon Valley R&D center and headquarters, various business plans and projects are disrupted, and the stock prices of IT companies such as NPL, Gubble, and AMZ have fallen by at least 40 percent, and a shock more than the 2008 financial crisis has hit the market in the future. It is said that the world economy would have entered into a recession in 10 years.

While the United States, which suffered irreparable damage, is plunged into chaos, China’s influence in the international community is expected to increase, and it is predicted that a major change will occur in the world order… … .

It didn’t actually happen.

This level of damage can be sufficiently overcome by the strength of the United States. It may be a pity for China, but almost all countries breathed a sigh of relief.

Being a developed country is not just about having a lot of money.

A sense of citizenship and a sense of community must be followed. Underdeveloped countries divide when a crisis arises, but advanced countries unite when a crisis arises.

The United States is a country with strong individualism, but in the face of a crisis, they come together stronger than any other country. Volunteers still flooded in, and schools and local communities volunteered to raise money.

The various races came together to support the United States.

But Big One left a huge trauma to the whole of America. Everyone was terrified of the earthquake, whether they experienced it firsthand or not.

Despite the announcement by Professor Mohan and the government that there would be no more aftershocks, the American people could not easily shake off their anxiety.

Ronald spoke in the ruins of Silicon Valley.

Unlike at his inauguration ceremony, when there was a rare empty seat, the crowd was so crowded that there was no time to step.

Before the speech began, there was a moment of silence at the time of the earthquake. Everyone bowed their heads in remembrance of the victims.

Ronald began his speech in a calm voice.

“Not long ago, we had a great disaster. The city, bridge, and Silicon Valley, the cradle of high-tech industry, which America was proud of, were destroyed. But even more damaging is that too many people have been sacrificed. We have lost dear family, friends and colleagues. It is very heartbreaking.”

As the saying goes, almost everyone here has lost a loved one. Son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, friend, colleague, etc.

“I want to talk about hope with sadness. Everyone will remember the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The World Trade Center, which had collapsed at that time, is now standing in its place in a much more wonderful shape. When our ancestors first came to this land, there were no roads or buildings. In this wasteland, we made a road and built a house. Buildings and factories can be rebuilt. As long as Americans are alive on this land, we can do anything we want. When I became president, I made a promise to you. It was about making America great again. And I promise again here today. Together with you, we will make America a great place again!”

Ronald’s speech was enough to move people’s hearts.

Has there ever been such a great president in history? He saved America from the brink of disaster, despite the condemnation and opposition of all.

The audience wiped away their tears and clapped slowly.

“I would like to introduce two people separately. I think everyone probably knows who it is. It is Professor Kiran Mohan who first figured out the danger of the earthquake, and Jinhu Kang who informed everyone about it!”

Next, Professor Mohan and Jinhoo Kang appeared.

At that moment, shouts and applause erupted.


Ronald grabbed the two of them and lifted them up. And he said as if declaring.

“We will definitely do it! We’ll rescue the last survivor, retrieve the last corpse and return it to their families! This disaster will go down in history as an American victory!”

* * *

The whole world watched Ronald’s speech.

Leaders from all over the world flocked to the United States to discuss aid and recovery issues. In Korea, Prime Minister Hwang Kyu-sang came to replace President Park Si-hyeong, who is always busy.

While Ronald was talking to them, I had a live interview with CNN.

A young female journalist, Mary Kenny, asked me some questions.

“Why did you try to publicize the dangers of Big One even while depositing your stake in OTK Company?”

I said it like it was natural.

“It’s a matter of people’s lives. Money is nothing compared to that.”

“You have saved so many lives.”

“Thanks to Professor Mohan, who first predicted the earthquake, and President Ronald, who believed in it and ordered countermeasures.”

Responding calmly, reporter Kenny asked a question that took her out of the way.

She said, “Director Arthur Fara said he wants to make a movie about the life of the CEO and donate all the proceeds to the victims. Did you know?”

“… … Yes?”

Arthur Farrer is a famous Hollywood director who is considered to be the successor to Steven Spielberg and James Cameron.

No, my lifetime is only twenty years. What kind of movie are you making?

I was humble and determined to do my best to get Ronald up and running.

“I wish they would make a film for President Ronald rather than me. Wouldn’t that be a lot more fun?”

Reporter Kenny laughed and continued with the following story.

“Many Americans are grateful to CEO Kang Jin-hoo.”

“The United States has always been Korea’s best friend. During the Korean War, 500,000 young Americans participated in the war, risking their lives for the unknown country of Korea. And more than 50,000 people died in a foreign land. Thanks to those sacrifices, Korea was able to enjoy peace and prosperity. I think it would be fortunate if I had paid off even a little of that debt this time.”

She nodded her head with her impressed expression.

“What do you think of the title of American hero or superhero?”

“Thank you for saying that. But I believe that the true hero is not me, but the American people, who, together, are overcoming this disaster. I would like to return that title to them.”

“I heard that you are going to return to Korea tomorrow.”

I said it like a joke.

“Actually, I came in on a tourist visa. The period of stay is slowly coming to an end, and if I do it wrong, I think I will become an illegal resident. You know, President Ronald hates illegal stay.”

she burst into laughter.

“Anyway, many civic groups and politicians are now arguing that CEO Kang Jin-hoo should be special naturalized or granted an honorary citizen of the United States.”

“Thank you very much just for your words.”

I said looking at the camera.

“The reason I want to go back to Korea is because I am confident that there will be no major earthquakes in the future. I know many people are still concerned about aftershocks, but you can rest assured now.”

This was the reason I decided to do the interview.

As I am leaving, it is announcing the end of Big One.

* * *

Before I left, I exchanged greetings with the staff I had lived with.

The victims held a modest farewell party. As I entered, the people gathered in the dining room stood up in unison and applauded.

A young girl and a boy handed a bouquet of flowers and took a commemorative photo together. They held my hand and thanked me, and for some reason I felt like I was about to burst into tears, so I held it back.

After a brief event, I headed to LA International Airport with Ronald.

Los Angeles International Airport also had an accident where waiting planes collided with the facility due to the impact of Big One. However, the restoration was completed in one day, and now it is back to normal, serving as an important gateway to transport relief supplies and personnel.

The thought of finally returning to Korea made me feel strange. Until I left, I didn’t expect it to be this long.

I remembered what had happened over the months.

Meeting with Professor Mohan, White House briefing, press conference, stake deposit, Mexico earthquake, protests, impeachment… … and Big One.

There was so much going on that it felt like years had passed.

Ronald sitting next to me asked me.

“Are you really going on a regular plane? I heard that there are not only one or two people who lend a private plane other than me.”

In addition to Air Force One, which is dedicated to the president, Ronald has a dedicated plane for the president of Stamper Corporation. Before he became president, he rode it and toured the United States, campaigning.

“I’m going home alone, so is there any reason to rent a private plane? It is better to use it where it is needed more in the current situation.”

CEOs of large corporations rushed to entrust their private planes to the US government, asking them to use them for disaster recovery.

“When you arrive at the airport, don’t be too surprised.”


By the time I arrived, I knew what he meant.

L.A. International Airport was packed with people from the outside. As we got out of the car, people cheered, waving pickets and Taegeukgi.

“Ronald! Ronald!”

“Jinhoo Kang! Jinhoo Kang!”

It looks like some Hollywood star has appeared at the airport.

This is how popular I am these days.

At the departure hall, Ronald patted me on the back and said,

“It’s been a really hard time. On behalf of all Americans, thank you.”

“The President has been through a lot.”

He still has a lot of work left to do. He must lead the rescue operation until the very end, and solve the subsequent ones one by one.

In the current atmosphere, there will be no problems in the midterm elections as well as re-election, so the next 7 years will have to suffer.

I wouldn’t consider it a hardship, but I would happily accept it.

“If you get on the plane, there will be a surprise gift, so look forward to it.”


What have you prepared?

When I asked, Ronald smirked.

“If you tell me that, wouldn’t it be a surprise?”

I got on the plane to Korea with everyone seeing me off.

I looked around the seat, but I didn’t see anything worthy of a present. Have you ever asked for in-flight duty-free items or wine?

I sat down and the plane took off safely.

How long has it been since takeoff?

As I lay down my seat and was about to sleep, the captain’s announcement came out.

[Passengers, would you like to look out the window for a moment?]

Following the announcement, I looked out the window. Surprisingly, several fighter jets surrounded the aircraft.

The captain explained to the surprised passengers.

[CEO Kang Jin-hoo, the hero who saved California from crisis, is on this plane. F-22 squadrons will escort this aircraft until it leaves U.S. airspace.]

“… … .”(Read more @

Was this the surprise Ronald was talking about?

What the hell do you have to escort to sortie the fighters? It’s also the latest F-22!

You’re doing a real stellar show.

I bet this is definitely going to be on TV.

* * *

When I arrived at Incheon International Airport and went out to the arrival hall, a scene similar to when I left the United States unfolded.

Like Los Angeles International Airport, this place also had so many people that there was no time to walk. They are all gathered to see my face.

I’ve been scorned for being a financial speculator in Korea, but this is the first time I’ve been so welcomed.

Is this what you call a return of gold?

The reporters all held out cameras and microphones in unison.

“How does it feel to be an American hero?”

“What are your future plans?”

“Please say something.”

Instead of answering, I waved my hand.

The guards gave way, and I quickly got into the car waiting outside the arrivals hall.

A familiar face was waiting in the back seat.



He came from work and was wearing a suit.

As soon as Ellie saw her, she hugged me tightly. It felt warm and squishy.

can i kiss you? Can’t you see it outside?

As I was thinking, I heard a voice in front of me.

“My friend. Can’t you see me?”

When she turned her head, she saw Taek-gyu sitting in the driver’s seat.

“uh! Were you there too?”

“Huh. I was there too.”

Taek-gyu started the car, and the cars that looked like an interview vehicle followed.

Taek-gyu said while driving.

“At the time, I didn’t know because I was crazy, but we did a really great job, right? You saved so many people.”

I nodded.

“Huh. We did it.”

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