Chapter 179

Once I woke up, I couldn’t fall asleep right away.

We sat next to each other and talked.

“Then why does Ellie like me?”

Ellie replied simply.

“Because it’s cool.”

I don’t have any complaints about my appearance, but from an objective point of view, aren’t there many men in the world who are more handsome than me?

Ellie recalled.

“I first learned about Jinhoo because of the L6 incident. As the Korean stock market plummeted, the Asian branch was also in turmoil. Then I got curious. Who the hell made such an investment? Then she came to Korea with Jessica and met Jinhoo. She never thought until this point that she would fall in love with a man she met in a foreign land.”

“Then, did you fall in love on the first date?”

“Well, I think so. For some reason, Jinhoo looked dazzling. As if it had a sparkling aura.”


The moment I heard this, a person came to mind. She had said something similar to Seon-ah before.

As she lay down and talked, she slowly began to fall asleep.

As I turned to the side for a moment to put out the fire, Ellie hugged me from behind. The soft and supple touch stimulated my body, and the sound of my breathing tickled my ears.

I couldn’t stand it and turned and kissed Ellie.

“I have to go to work… … .”

“How about being late?”

“No. Are you mad at Jessica?”

Even as she said it, Ellie was more active than me.

There is still plenty of time before the sun rises.

* * *

We ordered room service.

I ate a simple breakfast and drank coffee while wearing a robe. Ellie took a shower and put on her suit.

It is only a few kilometers from the hotel to the Golden Gate Building.

I parked the car nearby, made sure no one was around, and kissed Ellie.

Ellie lightly teased her.

“Hey, I don’t want to go to work.”

“Can’t we go?”

“If you leave work without permission, Jessica will be angry.”

It’s not scary when your sister gets angry.

Ellie forcibly raised her willpower without her.

“And in the future, I have to work hard to feed the world.”

“It’s reassuring to hear the words.”

I started the car after seeing Ellie walking into the building. Instead of going straight to work, she headed home to change her clothes.

It’s quick to get home.

She parked in the underground parking lot and took the elevator up to the living room. When the door opened, I saw Taek-gyu sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed.

I was surprised.

“Ugh! What are you doing here?”

Taek-gyu looked at me and sternly scolded me,

“The guy you went on a date was doing all night and didn’t come home without contact?”

I made excuses quickly.

“No, not that… … .”

But why do I have to make excuses for him?

Taek-gyu patted my shoulder and said.

“Congratulations, buddy.”

“Well, what are you celebrating?”

“When are you going to get married?”

“… … What are you already married?”

I’ll do it when the time comes.

I flopped down on the sofa. I was only going to change clothes and go to work, but when I get home, it’s annoying to even lift a finger.

I think I’m a little sleepy.

“What did you do that didn’t sleep?”

“Think about it.”

Taek-gyu gave a meaningful smile.

“Heh heh.”

“… … .”

What dirty thoughts are you imagining?

“Let’s talk about work.”

We had three options.

The first is to pretend that you did not see foreknowledge and do nothing. In this case, when an earthquake strikes, subsidiaries and research institutes headquartered in Silicon Valley are damaged, and we incur huge losses.

And the United States, hit by the blow of the earthquake, will be engulfed in chaos for a while, and China, Russia, and India will try to expand their influence. Perhaps in the process, collisions are combusted, and the world may be plunged into greater chaos.

That’s the worst case scenario.

The second is to notify the risk and then move the business first with us. In this way, we can minimize the damage we will inflict immediately. The question is, who will believe and follow me?

Disasters are not known until they occur.

What if someone said the day before Pompeii was about to erupt Vesuvius? What if a tsunami came a day before the Great East Japan Earthquake and shouted that the nuclear power plant would explode?

Did people believe those words and evacuate, or did they treat the person who said it like crazy?

I’d rather not warn you, but if you give a clumsy warning, you will be criticized for ‘running alone’ or ‘why didn’t you act more actively’ after the incident happened.

“It’s like being a bad Samaritan.”

“What is the third?”

“You risk everything, by any means you can, and by any means, evacuate as many people as possible to minimize the damage.”

“Didn’t you already decide to do that?”


“People have to be saved.”

“That’s the way we live.”

About 10,000 people were killed in the 911 attacks.

That alone caused stock markets around the world to plummet. Korea is no exception, and almost all stocks, regardless of the KOSPI and KOSDAQ, set a record of hitting the lowest price.

But what if America suffers 100 times the damage?

Of course, there is a difference between terrorism and disaster, but it is clear that finance and industry will be paralyzed for a while. If the system stops, production or consumption cannot work properly.

Most of the companies owned by OTK Company sell consumer goods and services, not necessities.

As for the Karos, a new car is about to be launched in the second half of the year. But in that situation, who will buy a car, who will watch porn, and who will order pizza?

In other words, the only way we can live is to prevent damage as much as possible.

Still, the reason I kept thinking… … .

“Until the earthquake strikes, you will be criticized and ridiculed to an unbearable level. If even one of your foresight is wrong, you may lose everything.”

If you have caused confusion in society with useless rumors, you should take responsibility for it. The reputation you have built up will be destroyed in an instant, and you will be responsible for all kinds of compensation.

“But earthquakes will happen.”

“I will.”

Sometimes it takes great courage to do the right thing.

I realized this while talking to Ellie yesterday.

“I don’t know if this is what I should do or if I can do it… … It’s definitely something I want to do.”

Taehyung nodded his head.

“I can’t help it. If you want to do it, you have to.”

“How about you? Are you ready?”

“What am I going to do if I’m not prepared? You’ll eat all the swearing anyway.”

“… … .”

It is not.

* * *

As always, rumors speak louder than words.

The fact that I had decided to support Professor Kiran Mohan’s research quickly became known everywhere.

The case was a little different from that of Professor Homin Kim. Batteries are directly related to our business, while earthquakes have little to do with it.

And while Professor Homin Kim is recognized and respected in industry and academia, Professor Mohan is called a heretic in the academic world for his absurd claims.

Could it be that the state government cut off support for nothing?

Although he’s treated like a geek, he’s a Caltech professor. His skill itself will not have to be questioned. However, the argument is extreme and the evidence is weak.

There have been many speculations and rumors about my actions. The seismology community also responded with absurdity.

I didn’t pay any attention to the reaction. I spend my money, who would say?

Carrie organized and sent the requested materials on behalf of Professor Mohan, who was busy. There, the earthquakes that occurred in the Pacific Rim orogeny in the last 10 years were summarized at a glance.

Surprisingly, there were over hundreds. However, this is the only direct damage. If marine earthquakes and unobserved ones are included, it would be impossible to even count.

Taek-gyu had an exasperated expression on his face.

“Are there so many earthquakes in the world?”

“It happened once in Gyeongju last year.”

In Japan, earthquakes are no different from everyday life as the entire country spans the Pacific Rim orogeny. On the other hand, Korea has been classified as a relatively safe zone.

However, the Gyeongju earthquake confirmed that Korea was not safe, and for a while, disaster preparedness products were sold like wings.

In any case, although there are countless earthquakes, some of them that can be called major earthquakes occur once or twice a year, and many of them occur in the Pacific Rim orogeny.

“Can I convince everyone with this?”

I shook my head.

“It must be difficult.”

* * *(Read more @

Bonds are issued by credit.

Government bonds are secured by the national credit, and corporate bonds are secured by the credit of the company.

Government bonds issued by the state may seem safe, but that’s not necessarily the case.

During the Greek bailout in 2015, countries that had government bonds lost nearly half of their principal through debt relief, and during the Russian moratorium in 1998, investors suffered astronomical losses (the famous Long Term Capital incident occurred at this time).

Even if repayment is made on time, one variable remains. That’s the exchange rate. If a country’s currency value plummets at the time of maturity, foreign investors will incur a foreign exchange loss even if they receive a profit from the bond.

Currently, the yield on the 10-year government bond in Brazil is around 10%. This was four times the interest rate on government bonds in other developed countries. Some investors invested with high interest rates, but the real value of the real has recently plummeted and suffered a lot of losses.

There are no free lunches, and there are good reasons to pay higher rates.

Well, if you issue dollar-denominated bonds from the beginning, you don’t have to worry about that.

The safest bonds in the world are, of course, U.S. Treasuries.

Berkshire Cashier Chairman Warren Bott has invested most of his holdings in U.S. Treasuries, and has always said that U.S. Treasuries are the safest asset.

Inevitably, US Treasury bonds are safe as long as the US does not go bankrupt. If the US is in a situation where it cannot repay the principal and interest on government bonds, then it can be said that the global financial system has been destroyed.

Hyun-joo’s older sister analyzed the bond market and immediately came up with the results.

The issuance is $20 billion. The interest rate is 3.8 percent. Interest payments are made on a one-year basis.

Currently, the yield on 3-year U.S. Treasury bonds is in the early to mid 2% range, and the interest rate on NPL’s corporate bonds with a credit rating of AA+ is 3%.

“If it’s OTK Company corporate bonds, it’s possible to get around 3%. However, because the quantity is not so great.”

With this amount, we usually select a lead manager through bidding, but we left it to Golden Gate as usual. The commission was set at 8bp (0.08%) of the sale price.

Instead of taking huge commissions, the sales manager is responsible for the volume of sales. Selling bonds that you do not want to buy to others is nonsense.

Golden Gate has decided to take on up to 20 percent of the total issuance if demand falls short. The amount is 4 billion dollars.

Golden Gate disclosed the issuance and conditions of OTK Company corporate bonds and solicited demand.

After the financial crisis, countries around the world lowered interest rates and released money to stimulate the economy. As a result, the market was overflowing with liquidity.

The money, which had lost its way to low interest rates, was wandering in search of a place with even a little higher profit.

Unlike other companies, OTK Company has almost no debt. Some of the subsidiaries have loans, but that’s nothing to worry about.

In a nutshell, it is a corporate bond with no loss whatsoever. The maturity is short and the interest rate is good. And it was nailed in advance that there would be no further bond issuance within three years.

Demand exploded centering on institutions and pension funds.

The Singapore Investment Agency (GIC), the Netherlands Pension Fund, and Norway’s sovereign wealth fund also showed great interest, and oil-rich countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also joined.

Contrary to concerns that the quantity is too large, it easily exceeded 100% in demand recruitment.

This highly evaluated the stability of OTK Company, and at the same time clearly showed how abundant global liquid funds are.

The $20 billion in corporate bonds sold out at the time of issuance.

That’s $20 billion borrowed from the world at 3.8 percent interest. The three-year interest rate totals 11.4 percent. It has to pay $760 million in interest annually, for a total of $2.28 billion over three years.

It’s the money I’ll have to pay back in 3 years anyway, but it’s up to me how and where I’ll spend it until then.

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