Chapter 178

Hyunjoo noona pressed her forehead with her finger to see if she had a headache. When the cigarette in her mouth was almost burned out, she rubbed her sister into the ashtray, she said.

“What are you thinking this time?”

20 billion dollars.

In Hanwha terms, it is about 22 trillion won. This is enough money to buy a whole large corporation and change the landscape of an industry.

Taegyu said.

“It’s important, sister.”

“So, what is that important thing?”

I smiled bitterly.

“I’ll tell you that slowly.”

You should have known that this wasn’t a joke.

“Are you… … .”

At that moment, Ellie opened the door and entered. Whether it was the hot weather outside, or whether she had run in a hurry, she had sweat glistening on her forehead.

“Jinhoo! Have you been to America?”

“of course.”

For a while, you will be busy without even opening your eyes. Still, I have time today.

I got up first.

“I will tell you the details later. As soon as you know that, please prepare. I’ll borrow some of the legal team leader.”

I grabbed Ellie’s hand and left the branch manager’s office and boarded the elevator.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going on a date.”

“I haven’t finished work yet.”

“I’m going to write half of it.”

Ellie smiled and nodded her head.

“Hmm, is that so?”

We got into the car.

I sat in the driver’s seat and fastened my seat belt.

“Where do you want to go?”

Then Eli said as if waiting.

“It’s an amusement park. Koreans date a lot at amusement parks. So I also wanted to go with Jinhoo once.”

I thought I’d talk about expensive and good places, but it’s an amusement park.

It seems like you want to go on a date with other people.

There are two famous amusement parks in the metropolitan area. Lite World, a subsidiary of Lite Group, and Neverland, an affiliate of Seoseong Group.

In terms of proximity, it is Rete World, but in terms of facilities and scale, Neverland is overwhelming.

“Then shall we go to Neverland?”

Ellie liked her like a child.

“really? Are you really taking me?”

“of course. It’s Yongin, so it’s not too far from here.”

Ellie, who was so fond of her, suddenly stared at me in her face.

“What’s wrong?”

“I know it very well. Have you ever been with her girlfriend?”

“… … .”

The fact is.

She had been there once when dating Seon-ah. But can’t we just say it?

“Uh, I don’t think so.”

Ellie gave her a meaningful laugh and nodded her head.

“It was a wise answer. I’ll give you an A Plus.”

“… … Thank you.”

If it goes like this, it may seem like office workers are leaving the company and going out to play. It doesn’t really matter, but it bothers me if anyone recognizes her face.

“I have to go shopping first.”

I first drove to a nearby SPA store. Ellie picked out two white t-shirts with her character on it.

“Amusement parks are like couples.”

“… … .”

Are you really going to do what everyone else is doing?

I changed clothes and went out first. After waiting for a while, Ellie entered the fitting room and came out.

Instead of the trouser suit she had just worn, she wore jeans, a printed white T-shirt, and sandals that exposed her toes. She then wore sunglasses that half covered her face.

“how is it?”

After all, the completion of fashion is the face.

Even though she was wearing SPA clothes, Ellie wore her, so she was like a pictorial in itself. After buying her clothes, we got back into the car and headed to Neverland.

No one will recognize it, but bodyguards in plain clothes followed suit just in case.

On the way, I got a call from Taek-gyu.

[Where are you going?]

“I’m on my way to Neverland.”

[Should I call Chairman Im Jin-yong and ask him to send me two free passes?]

“… … I’ll just give you my money.”

What are you doing to the busy group president?

When we arrived at Neverland, we bought a free pass and entered.

We walked around the amusement park with our arms crossed and rode the rides. It’s been a while since I’ve been here and there are a lot of tools I haven’t seen before.

Even though it was a weekday, there were many people who were surprised. Students who come to play in groups from school, family outings, lovers, etc.

Again, people’s eyes turned to Ellie. One man looked at him in awe and was pinched by his lover next to him.

As soon as I got off her ride, Ellie grabbed my hand and led me.

“I’m going to ride that one this time.”

“Would you like to take a break and have some coffee?”

“What do you mean? I’ve come all the way here and I have to ride one more.”

Unlike Ellie, who was full of energy, my stamina was rapidly consumed. Come to think of it, I couldn’t even rest after getting off the plane.

In the evening, parades and performances took place. Ellie was never tired, she followed the parade, and she watched to the end.

Eventually, we left the amusement park when even the guards behind us looked tired.

Ellie said it was a pity.

“Hey, there are no fireworks on weekdays. I wanted to see it too.”

We drove back to Gangnam and had a late dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The fajitas and quesadillas I ordered came out.

“Would you like some wine?”

“Tequila is also in Mexican food.”

We hit the shot glasses. As the alcohol content was over 40 degrees, my face quickly turned red even though I hadn’t had a few drinks.

“Now tell me.”


“Why can’t you go on vacation? Do you know how disappointed I am?”

“Well… … .”

Seeing my expression, Ellie smiled brightly.

“It’s okay. Today’s date was fun, so I’ll forgive you.”

We drank the whole bottle of tequila together until the restaurant closed. I think Ellie drank more than I did.

There was no need to call a separate driver, the security guard took over the drive and we sat in the back seat. Throughout her journey, Ellie grabbed her my hand and rested her head on her shoulder.

It was quick to get to the hotel.

“It has already arrived.”

“I’ll see you go up.”

We got out of the car and walked into the lobby. Ellie had an expression on her face that it was sad to part like this, and that was the case with me.

Meanwhile, the elevator arrived and the door opened.

Ellie she said as she got into the elevator.

“It was fun today. You must be tired, but hurry up and go to rest.”

“good night.”

The elevator door closed slowly.

I pressed the button without realizing it, and the door that had been closed opened again.

“there… … .”

What should I say?

When I hesitated, Ellie spoke first.

“Would you like another drink? I still have the wine I drank alone yesterday.”

“Oh, is that so?”

I got on the elevator together.

There was an awkward silence.

Ellie lives on the 26th floor. When she arrived at the front of the room, she opened the door with Ellie’s card key. Ellie went in first, and I followed.

There have been many times that I have walked to the front of the hotel, but this is the second time that I have even entered the room.

Is this the first time since the day we decided to date?

The door closed by itself. The room was dark because the key was not inserted yet.

At that moment, Ellie suddenly turned her body and hugged me and kissed me. It smelled sweet along with the smell of her alcohol.

After her long kiss, Ellie parted her lips and said.

“This is a penalty for canceling vacation.”

It’s been a few months since they’ve started dating, and she’s been natural with touching and kissing, but beyond that, she’s been a little more cautious.

Of course, we were full of desire to do so, but we were busy with each other, and the people around us were also a little concerned.

Maybe it feels like there was a narrow line before the relationship became deeper. But now I thought it would be okay to cross that line.

When Ellie inserted the card key, the light turned on automatically. Whether it was because of drunkenness or something else, her face was flushed red.

It looked so pretty that I stared at it for a while. Ellie said with an awkward expression on her face.

“Ah! I’m here for wine. So wine… … .”

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my arms. Then she kissed her again and led her into the bedroom.

We fell on the bed, hugging each other.

I reached out and touched Ellie’s cheek.

“It’s okay?”

Instead of answering my question, Ellie slowly closed her eyes.

* * *

When I woke up, I was standing in the middle of the city.

I knew right away where this was.

Hundreds of people lined up in front of a glass building across the street. They looked excited with the expectation of buying the N-Phone Z.

A white man in a suit was standing next to me. He kept looking at the watch on his wrist, talking on the phone with a Bluetooth earphone in his ear, wondering what was so busy. His face was full of anger.

The traffic light was still red.

I knew what would happen if the signal changed. But those who did not know that fact laughed and talked happily.

Why are you showing me this?

If you don’t know anything, don’t do anything. But once you know it, you have no choice but to make a choice. The consequences and responsibility for that choice will be mine.

As I was thinking about it, the signal changed. People waiting in front of the crosswalk began to go straight in unison.


The ground cracked and shook with a roar. The people waiting in front of the App Store screamed and ran away.

But the ground collapsed, and most of them rolled down. Cars driving down the road bumped into each other and honked their horns. Some drivers jumped out of their cars and started running.

The surrounding high-rise buildings began to tilt. Broken glass and objects poured down.

Objects that fell from dozens of floors were themselves nothing less than weapons. A computer fell over a person’s head.

It’s an unrealistic scene that looks like something out of a movie.

Suddenly, I was holding the hand of the man who was wearing a suit. With a look of terror on his face, he shouted at me for help.

I tried to pull him up, but I knew he couldn’t be saved.

A high-rise building fell and obscured the sun.

And at that moment… … .

* * *


When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Ellie’s surprised expression.

“It’s okay?”


A cold sweat ran down his forehead.

Eli got up from the blanket and brought water. A dizzying silhouette appeared in the dark.

“Suddenly he moaned and tossed and turned.”

Ellie came back inside the blanket and turned on the light.

I gulped down the water.

“I had a dream.”(Read more @

“What kind of dream is it?”

How do I explain this?

I said carefully.

“It was a dream in which people died.”

“I must have been scared.”

Ellie took the cup.

I asked muttering.

“If I could save people with my money, what would I do?”

After thinking for a moment, Ellie asked me.

“What do you want Jinhoo to do?”

“I am… … .”

Even now, when I close my eyes, I think of people dying.

Strictly speaking, I have no obligation to save them. If you go out for nothing, you may spend your money as it is, and put yourself at risk.

Will I be able to afford it all?

I said frankly.

“I don’t know yet. Is it something I have to do, or is it something I can do… … .”

“No matter how rich and great a person is, he cannot do everything.”

That’s right.

Thousands of people on Earth are still dying from war, starvation, disease, and disaster. Doesn’t everyone know what’s going on right now in Syria or in the occupied territories of IS?

Even if I use all my money and influence, I can’t save them all.

However… … Will I be able to ignore the death I see before my eyes and continue living as if nothing happened?

“Even if all the money I have is gone… … So, is it okay if I am no longer the CEO of OTK Company?”

Ellie’s face hardened coldly at my words.

“What are you talking about?”

“So… … .”

“Do you think I like Jinhoo because he has a lot of money?”

“It won’t be, but… … .”

Ellie, who stared at me for a long time, burst into laughter as if it was ridiculous.

There are many reasons why she likes the opposite sex. Appearance, personality, education, occupation, family, etc. Money is one of them.

In a capitalist society, having a lot of money is an obvious attraction. There’s nothing wrong with liking it.

Ellie made a sly expression on her face.

“It doesn’t matter if you have money or not. I didn’t want to brag about my money in front of the real Jinhoo, but my salary alone will be enough for the two of us to eat well and live well.”

It was so cute that I laughed out loud.

“I think so.”

It was so pretty I forgot about it for a while.

That my lover is a capable Golden Gate lawyer.

“No matter what happens in the future, can you trust me until the end?”

“of course. Jinhoo can do what he wants to do like now.”

It’s what I want to do… … .

“Thank you.”

Without further ado, I made up my mind.

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