Chapter 152

Yuri, whom I haven’t seen in a long time, looks prettier.

She wore a white T-shirt and a flared skirt with polka dots, her bright blonde hair pulled up and tied with her ribbon.

She had makeup on so she looked a little more mature than usual.

After a while, Yuri opened her mouth.

“Hey, that’s right. You are dating her senior, that foreigner sister.”

She didn’t seem very surprised. Rather, it was the reaction that she had expected to some extent.

“She thought it was something the last time we met,” she said.

“That’s right?”

Yuri twisted her blonde hair with her fingers.

“Well, if she meets a man and woman, she might be dating.”

I laughed awkwardly.


“Then she could break up.”


Yuri smiled and got up from her seat.

“Anyway, let’s watch a movie today.”

“Is that so?”

We went to the cinema to see a movie we had booked in advance. It was a weekday, so there weren’t many people.

For some reason, the movie didn’t fit my eyes.

How long has it been since you started? She glanced at her and turned her head to see Yuri crying.

I was surprised.

“Ugh! why are you crying?”

Yuri said, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

“The movie is so sad.”

“… … .”

On the screen, giant robots were fighting each other hard.

Are you empathizing with robots?

After the movie was over, after eating her meal, Yuri took Yuri to the front of her house.

I handed over the shopping bag I had left behind.

“What’s this?”

“Smartphone. I got it from Chairman Im Jin-yong.”

Yuri nodded her head.

“Ah! I saw the article. You said Chairman Im Jin-yong bought it directly from the store?”

Our appearance at Seoseong Digital Plaza was reported even in foreign media. From the standpoint of Seosung Electronics, it means that they enjoyed the promotional effect without spending a single penny. No, from the perspective of Chairman Im Jin-yong, did he spend 10 million won?

“Give it to your close friends.”

Yuri unwrapped his package on the spot and took out his phone.

“Wow! It’s pink gold.”

“You like this color.”

When we went to buy L6 together in the past, Yuri was trying to buy pink gold, but couldn’t because it was out of stock. So he brought it here on purpose.

“I remembered it. Thank you.”

“Well, I am not buying it. Thank you to Chairman Im Jin-yong, not me.”

“Heh, it’s a senior who gave it to me, so I want to thank you.”

Yuri asked as she got out of the car.

“Are you going to marry her sister, Ellie?”


What does this mean?

Yuri smiled brightly.

“just joke. See you next time, senpai.”

“Good in.”

I just thought, looking at the back of the glass going inside.

Does she think she’s done well with this?

* * *

I crossed over to the Golden Gate Building with Taek-gyu. Hyun-joo’s sister and Eli were in the office of the branch manager.

I handed Ellie her shopping bag.

“Take it.”

“What is this?”

“It’s a Seosung Electronics smartphone. Chairman Im Jin-yong will give it to you.”

Ellie was delighted.

“really? I saw the ad and thought I would like it.”

Taek-gyu placed a shopping bag on his desk.

“I have a sister too.”

Hyeon-joo’s older sister covered the papers she was looking at.

“It’s cumbersome to move data.”

“I’ll do it, sister. These days, it takes just a few touches.”

Taek-gyu moved the SIM and transferred the data. Even the liquid crystal film was neatly pasted.

Anyone who sees it would think he was an employee of Seosung Electronics.

On the desk and the reception table were piles of papers.

“What is all this?”

Hyun-joo noona said with a cigarette in her mouth.

“Reports on cryptocurrencies issued by Global IB.”

I was quite surprised.


Until just a few months ago, global IBs had little interest in cryptocurrencies. But now things have changed.

Suddenly, the market cap exceeded 200 billion dollars, and it has grown into a market that no one can ignore. Some experts predict that the size of the cryptocurrency market will exceed $1 trillion within a year.

“It’s not just IB. The Chicago Options Exchange (COBE) is considering trading Vantcoin futures.”

After all, everyone moves because they want to make money.

Eli said while crying.

“I worked overtime for several days watching this together. Jinhoo, tell me something.”

“Am I?”

What power do I have?

I picked up any one.

It was a report published by Merrill Lynch. Along with the concept of the block chain, the characteristics and graphs of each coin were abundantly presented.

JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Nomura Securities, and Golden Gate, as well as domestic securities companies, have written them.

“How about reading it?”

“I understand the concept of blockchain and cryptocurrency. But I don’t understand why it’s going up.”

“Actually, I don’t understand either.”

Once the price rises, the buying trend follows, and the price continues to rise.

Existing economics cannot explain the current cryptocurrency boom.

Perhaps because of that, most economists and investment experts had a negative view of the cryptocurrency craze.

The same goes for Golden Gate.

Chase Southwell, head of Asia, said that cryptocurrencies are a huge bubble and that he will never invest in any related products.

Hyunjoo’s older sister smoked a cigarette and said.

“How much longer do you think this will go?”

“I do not know. No one knows that.”

Just as we know that it was spring only after the flowers have withered, we know that it is a bubble only after it has plummeted. If it doesn’t crash, it’s not a bubble.

The problem is that there is no standard for valuation of cryptocurrencies at all. Indices such as PBR, PER, and ROE used in the stock market are meaningless at all.

In some ways it may be of no value, in some ways it may be of great value.

As the market grew, new cryptocurrencies were also actively disclosed. It is called ICO (Initial Coin Offering) because the procedure is similar to an IPO in which stocks are listed.

All kinds of new coins were created. Once settled in the market, it was not uncommon for it to rise several dozen times.

With the advent of new coins, the proportion of BANTCOIN is gradually increasing. However, as it is the largest single coin, it still reigned as the key currency in the cryptocurrency market.

Taek-gyu handed the new phone to Hyun-joo’s sister and Ellie after finishing the data transfer.

“Right now, the kids who play for the coins and the kids who play poker are outraged.”

“What poker?”

“There are kids who make money playing Texas Hold’em on online gambling sites.”

To those who don’t know, poker may look like a game of luck, but in reality, it’s more of a brain sport that requires more skill than luck.

In one or two rounds, a lucky novice might win money, but in the end, if you play multiple rounds, the more talented will win the money.

So, there is a job as a professional poker player, and a world tournament will be held.

However… … .

“Isn’t that illegal?”

“It is done by accessing foreign gambling sites. They even get together and run a poker room.”

Korea is strict about gambling.

There is only one local casino in Jeongseon, Gangwon-do, and all other casinos are illegal. The same goes for online casinos.

On the other hand, some countries allow online casinos.

However, even if it is a legal site in a foreign country, it is illegal for Koreans to access it and play games. Even if pornography is made legally in a foreign country, it is illegal in Korea.

“Since these sites are accessed by poker players from all over the world, the process of transferring stakes is quite complicated. It takes a long time to get approval. So, some sites have long replaced remittance with BANTCOIN.”

This situation was similar to the international game item trading.

For this reason, people who access game sites or gambling sites are relatively new to cryptocurrencies.

At a time when he didn’t even know what cryptocurrency was, he got his hands on Vantcoin by disposing of game characters and items.

“There are already billions, tens of billions of children. The kid who played poker in the closet until yesterday drives a Bentley and a Lamborghini.”

It is no longer a dream to be struck by lightning because the coins you bought for 1 or 2 won each jumped dozens of times.

It’s hard to earn twice as much by squatting in front of a computer all day and playing poker. However, Coin was able to earn several times that amount in just a few days.

Even online gambling is illegal, but coins are legal!

As users migrated to cryptocurrency exchanges, gambling sites suffered greatly due to a decrease in users.

Even if the government cracked down on it, the gambling site that was not caught has closed its own business thanks to cryptocurrency.

Hyun-joo’s older sister had an absurd expression.

“The world is going crazy.”

“Isn’t it the same when the Internet first appeared? Who would have imagined that we would shop online and do financial transactions?”

“Is Blockchain and Cryptocurrency That Much?”

“It’s important that there are people who believe that way.”

Price is determined not by how much you value, but by how much others value.

The coin craze is a global phenomenon, but Korea was particularly enthusiastic.

Cryptocurrency prices are not linked between individual exchanges. Therefore, the amount of each exchange is different even for the same coin.

An interesting fact is that the price of cryptocurrency in Korea is higher than in other countries. If you look at BANTCOIN alone, it is more than 7% expensive compared to the current US price, and other coins are also traded at 5-10% more expensive.

This was called “kimchi premium,” and foreign countries also showed interest in Korea’s irrational enthusiasm.

“Why is it being traded so expensively only in Korea?”

“First of all, the most important reason is that arbitrage transactions are blocked.”(Read more @

Even the same product may have different prices in different markets for various reasons. In this case, the product is bought in the low-priced market and the product is sold in the high-priced market, which is called arbitrage.

If arbitrage continues, the price of a commodity in both markets becomes somewhat similar because, in a cheap market, buying increases the price of a commodity, and in an expensive market, selling causes the commodity price to fall.

Theoretically, you can make a profit by buying BANT Coin at a low-priced US or Japanese exchange and selling it at a high-priced Korean exchange.

However, in order to use a foreign exchange, you have to open an account in a foreign country and send money, but the process is not easy and there are exchange and remittance fees.

The same is true for moving BANTCOINs bought on foreign exchanges back to Korean exchanges. Considering the time it takes and fees, there is not much difference in the amount compared to buying on the Korean exchange.

Supply from abroad is limited, but demand continues to rise, so premiums are rising.

“As long as the price goes up, the premium shouldn’t be a problem.”

It’s really trending right now. As long as you buy any coin, it goes up.

Unlike the stock market, which is only open from 9 am to 3:30 pm on weekdays, the coin market is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There is no disclosure system, no regulations, and no upper and lower limits. In fact, it rises or falls several times a day.

At this point, it’s like a gambling game where you put money on money.

As a result, gambling sites are bound to fail one after another.

Hyun-joo’s older sister said it was a pity.

“Did you mean to go in together when you said you were going to invest at that time?”

When K Company decided to invest in cryptocurrency on a large scale, Hyunjoo’s sister expressed great concern. It was a market that never knew when it might crash.

However, rather than crashing, there has been an unbelievable surge since then. It cannot be compared to the rise in stock prices.

Thanks to this, we have already earned several times.

Hyunjoo noona rubbed the cigarette into the ashtray and put it out as if it were a headache.

“Can I invest now?”

“I do not know. Even if the market size has grown, it is still not comparable to stocks or bonds. Even when Bantecoins and altcoins are combined, they still do not reach the market cap of Suseong Electronics.”

Taek-gyu, who was listening to the story, said something.

“In the old days, when 1Bandcoin was over ,000, I thought it was crazy.”

“It is not for nothing that it is said to be the biggest bubble since the dot-com bubble.

It’s small compared to the stock market, but if you look at the rise of individual coins, this is even worse than the dot-com bubble.

Where will this bubble end?

“Maybe this is where the real ascent begins. It wouldn’t be bad to invest only a portion of the assets under management.”


Hyun-joo’s older sister still looked suspicious. Then Taek-gyu said.

“Listen to Jinhoo, sister.”

Ellie groaned.

“Yes. When was the last time you heard a loss?”

Hyeon-joo nodded her head, thinking deeply.

She can’t push customers’ money into a market where she doesn’t know what’s going to happen. Fortunately, the Korean branch has secured some cash.

Hyun-joo’s older sister raised 30 billion won by selling her bonds and holdings. And she quietly bought Bantecoins and altcoins preparing for ICO.

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