Chapter 151

Throughout the meal, Ronald passionately explained his policies and why he should invest in America.

It was something they already knew, but the presidents nodded their heads eagerly.

American workers are hardworking and conscientious, the state will support businesses, and sooner or later will cut corporate taxes significantly, and so on.

Then he threw his own radical humor, and the presidents forced a laugh this time. After breakfast, Ronald went to the Memorial Hall for his last day of work.

When Ronald left first, the atmosphere of the dinner hall, which had managed to pretend to be friendly, quickly subsided.

The faces of the presidents were filled with sorrow. Everyone is probably doing a profit and loss calculation for an investment in the US in their head.

Some presidents looked at me. Those eyes seemed to contain criticism for making Ronald president.

“… … .”

Maybe it’s your mood?

As I was about to get up, Chairman Han Min-koo approached me.

“I hope to arrange a seat for you soon, CEO Kang. If there is a misunderstanding, wouldn’t it be good to resolve it?”

I smiled slowly.

“Well, is there anything wrong with that?”

Not a misunderstanding, it’s a conviction

President Park Si-hyeong and Chairman Han Min-koo are in the same boat. In the meantime, the various pressures exerted on the OTK Company will not be unrelated to him.

Most of all, you must know how my father died… … .

Chairman Han Min-koo laughed out loud.

“Then I’m happy. We will contact you later.”

At the front door of the Grand Paros Hotel, large black sedans were waiting in line. The presidents got into their cars.

Chairman Im Jin-yong said.

“Are you going straight to work?”


“The direction is the same, how about riding together?”

The Seoseong Group office building and OTK Company office building are close enough to be reached on foot.

I pointed to the white Panamera sandwiched between the black sedans.

“I came here by driving.”

“Then I’ll get it in your junior’s car and ride it. I would like to ask you to go to the Seosung Group office building.”

“I do that.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong got on the passenger seat.

I sat in the driver’s seat and started the car. Chairman Im Jin-yong said it was interesting.

“Everyone will have a headache because of the investment in the US. You cannot invest at a loss.”

The reason Korean conglomerates haven’t been actively investing in the US is because they don’t have enough money.

As a company aims to make a profit, if you want money, you jump in no matter how hard you try, and if you don’t have money, you don’t move no matter how hard you push.

This is why Business-Friendly failed.

Park Si-hyung believed that if the profits of large corporations were increased through various pro-business policies, the money would be reinvested to revitalize the economy.

However, as the profits of large corporations increased, the profits of SMEs decreased, and the domestic demand did not increase, so companies were reluctant to invest.

“As the core of the KORUS FTA revision is automobiles, Eunsung Motors will suffer the most.”

I smiled.

“It’s a big deal. Then PAS, our partner, will also be hit.”

The revision of the Korea-US FTA is not only a national loss, but also a personal loss to Park Si-hyung.

Due to Park Si-hyung’s personality, he can take national damage as much as he wants, but he will never be able to take personal damage.

Chairman Im Jin-yong nodded his head.

“So, I tried to prevent the revision by taking out an additional open card for agricultural and livestock products, but the opponent was not good.”

It was a strategy to keep cars even if they gave away agricultural and livestock products. But the opponent is Ronald Stamper, a negotiator.

Ronald demanded the revision of the KORUS FTA, including the additional opening of agricultural and livestock products.

“Aren’t you worried about Seoseong Group?”

“The former is no problem. In the next few years, demand outstrips semiconductor supply. Rather, we expect that SB will be able to beat CL Chemical with the establishment of a battery plant in the US.”

Subsidies are essential for electric vehicles. According to Ronald’s policy, batteries made in the US will have an advantage to receive subsidies.

As the group leader, he seems to have already considered the number of cases.

Chairman Im Jin-yong raised his finger and pointed in front of him.

“If time permits, shall we stop by over there for a while?”

Where he pointed, there was Seoseong Digital Plaza. I parked my car in the parking lot and went inside with Chairman Im Jin-yong.

The staff at the entrance bowed their heads and said.

“Welcome, sir. How can I help you?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong said.

“I want to see some of the newly released smartphones.”

“Yes. Guide here… … .”

The employee looked up and was surprised.

“Hey, maybe… … ?”

Contrary to the startled staff who couldn’t say anything, customers who were browsing the store shouted out without hesitation.

“uh! Isn’t that person Im Jin-yong?”

“What nonsense? Why is Im Jin-yong here? … Ugh! It’s real!”

“Come on, wait. It looks like Kang Jin-hoo next to him.”

In an instant, the inside of the store became noisy. Seated employees jumped up, and customers browsing home appliances took out their cellphones and took pictures.

The sudden appearance of the president surprised the staff. Customers in the store were equally astonished.

A middle-aged man who jumped down the escalator bowed 90 degrees in front of Chairman Im Jin-yong.

“Ah, hello, Chairman. This is Young-Jun Kim, Branch Manager. Whoa, what did you come here for?”

He looked like he couldn’t believe it. The expression on his face was ‘Did I do something wrong? Have you been reported as an unfriendly store? So am I going to be cut off now?’ I was full of worries and concerns.

Chairman Im Jin-yong said with a smile.

“I just came as a customer.”

Then he pointed at me.

“I would like to present the newly released NT8 to CEO Kang Jin-hoo here. Can I get some advice?”

“Ah, yes, you can come this way. I will explain it well.”

“no. The branch manager needs to work. Just do it as usual.”

The branch manager seemed a little confused.

“Yeah, that’s right. Hana Choi will be here to advise you.”

“Ugh! Me, me?”

The nominated employee was astonished.

“Think of it as a regular customer, and please feel comfortable.”

“Oh, I see.”

The staff did their best to explain the functions of Suseong Electronics’ latest phone to the chairman of the Suseong Group. What about the camera, what about video, what about wireless charging, etc.

As we were listening together, a customer approached Chairman Im Jin-yong.

“Can we take a picture together?”

Then, Chairman Im Jin-yong pointed to the phone in the customer’s hand and said as a joke.

“You are using the phone. Next time, if you promise to change to a Suseong Electronics phone, I will take a picture with you.”

The customer nodded.

“Yes! Next time it comes out with a new L-series, I’ll replace it with that.”

“You promised.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong took a picture with a customer. Other customers who saw it also had the courage to ask for autographs and photos, and Chairman Im Jin-yong granted them one by one.

Requests for autographs and photos continued to me as well. The chairman of Seoseong Group is doing fan service next to him, and if I don’t do it, he’ll be insulted, right?

I had no choice but to sign autographs and take pictures with people.

After the fan meeting (?), Chairman Im Jin-yong bought ten NT8s by color and gave them to me.

“It is a gift. Please share with those around you.”

These days, the price of smartphones continues to rise, exceeding 10 million won for 10 units.

“Can I take it?”

“of course. It won’t explode this time, so you can use it with confidence.”

I don’t feel the need to change it, but there’s no reason to refuse to just give it to me.

Taek-gyu will like it.

We got into the car again. Chairman Im Jin-yong, who was fiddling with his cell phone next to him, suddenly burst into laughter.


“What’s wrong?”

“The article has already been published.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong handed me the phone.

[Surprising visit to Seoseong Digital Plaza with Seosung Group Chairman Im Jin-yong and OTK Company CEO Kang Jin-hoo!][Chairman Jin-yong Im, present NT8 to CEO Jin-hoo Kang][Chairman Jin-yong Lim, who directly promoted the new product at the store]

There were also comments one after another.

– Haha, the staff must have been shocked.

– What’s wrong with the branch manager over there?

– Chairman Seoseong Group also buys phones at the store.

– I’ve been pretty close with Kang Jin-hoo.

– Wasn’t it just a show to promote?

– I wish I could buy one too.

I returned the phone.

“President Park Si-hyeong would not like this article very much.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong said he didn’t care at all.

“Anyway, his tenure is short. The important thing is who will come to power in the future.”

If the next president comes out again from the Korean House of Representatives, will the troublesome situation continue?

I went into Seoseong Town and parked my car in front of Building D.

“Thanks for the ride.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong said as he got out of the car.

“Being close with the President of the United States is definitely an advantage. Depending on how you use it, it could be a great weapon.”

* * *

Ronald left for Japan, leaving Korea full of bills. Fortunately or unfortunately, Japan and China also accepted the bill.

Prime Minister Okazaki of Japan emphasized the US-Japan alliance and promised to do his best to increase investment in the US.

On the other hand, Chinese President Zhang Pinghua hinted that if the U.S. imposes tariffs on Chinese products, China will also impose tariffs on U.S. products.

When the revision of the KORUS FTA became a standard fact, the media released reports with a tone of concern. When it became known that the additional opening of agricultural and livestock products was included as a result of the clumsy response, the farmers strongly protested.

Eunsung Motor Group stocks plunged 3 percent on fears of declining sales in the US market. Another bad news has occurred in a situation where sales are already declining.

The government urgently called in officials and trade experts who had participated in the Korea-US FTA in the past to form a task force.

Again, the problem is that no one has been acquainted with the Ronald administration. Shortly after Ronald was elected, there was a steady resurgence of the idea that the diplomatic line should be reorganized, but he missed several opportunities because he was concerned about domestic affairs.

At worst, even the conservative media criticized it and said that even now, we should ask for help from businessmen we know.

He didn’t mention his name, but he was actually referring to me.

After all, who else is as close to Ronald as I do?

But there will be no way Park Si-hyung will reach out to me. There is no way I will go out to help Park Si-hyung and Eun-seong-cha.

Just because the silver-sex difference situation becomes difficult doesn’t mean we’re going to benefit right away.

The United States is the arena where all automakers from all over the world gather. Even if Eunsung’s share in the US declines, the position will be occupied by Japanese and European companies with overlapping models.

* * *

[(Hot Patch) New actor Min Seo-yoon, K Company CEO Park Sang-yeop caught meeting!]

After reading the article, I asked Sangyeop senior.

“Senior, are you meeting celebrities?”

The article included photos of Sang-yeop senior and a woman wearing her hat pressed down from her restaurant and riding in her McLaren together.

Senior Sangyeop waved his hand.

“We just met and ate together a few times.”

“Is it 1:00 in the morning?”

“Then the filming was over.”

Min Seo-yoon is a rookie actress who is in full swing in cable dramas these days.

Perhaps because of that, dating rumors dominated the Internet news entertainment section. It even appeared on the front page of a sports newspaper.

I couldn’t help but marvel.(Read more @

“Hey! There are going to be rumors that a senior is dating a celebrity.”

Senior Ki Hong said.

“Except for having a representative, I won’t go anywhere.”

Sangyeop senior wrote her impression.

“How am I? This is good enough.”

“It doesn’t seem like that.”

From what I can see, it doesn’t look like that.

Sangyeop senior turned her arrow to Kihong senior.

“Are you dating Hyun-jung?”

I was surprised.

“With Hyun-jung? A love affair?”

Senior Ki Hong made an embarrassed expression.

“Oh, yes. That’s how it happened.”

“Isn’t Hyunjeong senior more senior?”

“I was one class higher. Hyunjeong graduated before me.”

“i See.”

It looks like they’ve been dating for quite some time, seeing their names being called affectionately. Why didn’t I know?

I looked at Taegyu and asked.

“Aren’t you dating?”

He doesn’t look like that, but he is actually one of the richest people in Korea who owns a 17% stake in OTK Company.

Taek-gyu said as if he was asking such a stupid question.

“Where do you have time for love? I’m busy playing new games and watching anime.”

“like that.”

I don’t have time to date because I’m playing games and watching anime.

You have time to attack pretty girls in the game, but you don’t have time to meet girls in real life.

“Did you tell Yuri by the way?”

“that… … .”

“what? Haven’t you told me yet?”

I just made excuses.

“You’ve been busy with other things.”

Even after dating Ellie, I talked on the phone a few times. But when I’m actually trying to talk, it’s not easy to get the timing right.

After all, it’s not really a relationship, isn’t it strange to say, ‘I’m dating Ellie’ out of the blue?

Taek-gyu looked at the sports newspaper.

“Let’s talk now. How will you be disappointed if you find out after reading articles like this?”

I nodded.


I was still trying to say

How would you like to say it?

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