Chapter 145

Henry must have loved Hyunjoo noona!

When you think about it, it’s not very strange. Because Hyunjoo noona is just as attractive as Ellie.

But why did I think of course it was Ellie?

Was it because of the racial prejudice that he would naturally like white people because he was white (although Ellie was mixed race)?

“Is it because of Hyunjoo noona that you desperately learned Korean?”

“That’s right.”

Thanks to this, Henry’s Korean proficiency improved dramatically. In the first place, I am good at languages ​​enough to speak several languages.

It’s amazing that this is the power of love.

“There must be an age difference.”

Henry is three years older than me. So, he is seven years older than Hyunjoo’s sister.

At my words, Henry firmly shook his head.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It is.”

What does age have to do with love? It’s the heart that matters. In this day and age, the seven-year difference is nothing.

I remembered Henry and Hyunjoo noona together. Surprisingly, it fits very well.

Golden Gate CEO’s grandson and Goldgate Korea branch manager. If the two go well, will the couple of the century be born in the financial world?

Anyway, I’m glad I don’t like Ellie.

… … “I think,” said Henry.

“Help me.”


For a moment, I almost asked, ‘Why me?’

“The only person I can ask for is Jinhoo.”

“… … .”

After all, this isn’t America, so who would you ask?

Henry’s expression was too desperate to pretend not to know.

Suddenly, I remembered James C. Goldman’s request to take good care of my grandchildren. The grandfather was old enough to look after his grandchildren.

But even if you ask for help, what should I do?

Just then the phone rang.


[Why no contact? Are you getting hit? Should I report it to the police?]

“Okay, come on over.”

[wait. I’m going to the rescue.]

Taek-gyu immediately entered the room. Then he sat down next to me and warned me.

“I’m speaking on behalf of a friend, and when you say something nice, put your hand away from Ellie.”

“… … it’s not that.”

What nonsense is this kid talking as soon as he sits down?

When I tried to explain the situation, Henry was perplexed.

I reassured him.

“It’s okay. This guy is good at keeping secrets. And if you want to ask for help, wouldn’t your younger brother be better than me?”

Henry nodded his head to see if I was right, and I told Taek-gyu.

Then the boy shouted in surprise.

“What? Do you like my sister?”

“Be quiet.”

Do you have anything to advertise in your neighborhood?

Then he spoke in an excessively low voice this time.

“Blonde beauties will follow one after another, so why is it my sister?”

Henry is the number one groom in every way, such as appearance, education, and family. It wouldn’t be strange if he had an affair with a Hollywood actress or Victoria’s Secret model.

Even within the company, there are not one or two female employees who like Henry. Wouldn’t it be cool to take first place in a popular vote?

“By the way, you liked my sister too.”

“… … .”

Do I need to talk about it now? Why on earth do you bring up your work when you were in middle school?

Henry nodded his head as if he understood.

“It would be natural. I would have too.”

I changed the topic.

“What does Hyunjoo noona like?”

“It’s work.”

“okay. That’s the problem.”

If workaholics are also ill, then Hyun-joo’s older sister is seriously ill.

Henry asked.

“Since when have you been like that?”

“Since entering the Golden Gate. When my sister was in college, she met men well.”

As the saying goes, it was all because of Golden Gate that Hyun-joo noona ended her relationship. She doesn’t even have time to sleep, would she have time for a relationship?

Henry’s expression darkened. If he was dating someone else, he might have been more comfortable talking to him. But the opponent is a business, not a person.

How do I do this?

Taehyung said confidently.

“Trust me, I will do my best to help.”

Henry frowned at those words.

“Is that true?”

“Yes. Because I’m in love again.”

“Thank you.”

Seeing how happy he is, I don’t think I need to tell him that I learned dating through a game as a single mother.

I filled the cup.

“For now, let’s have a drink today.”

Henry is usually very self-controlled and never drinks until he gets drunk. However, he drank so quickly that he was afraid to fill the glass, perhaps because he had revealed his hidden feelings.

“Drink slowly.”

“I’m fine.”

“… … .”

It’s because we’re not okay.

Then, without even asking, how beautiful Hyeon-joo’s older sister was, and how much she loved her, lined up.

All sorts of rhetoric that could be expressed in English flowed out one after another. After this, Annabelle Lee is also on the verge of reciting.

Taek-gyu, who could not hear how tightly the bean pods were covered, said in a low voice.

“My older sister doesn’t look like that, is she?”


What if you feel that way?

Henry, who had been crying and laughing and chatting alone, eventually banged his head on the table and collapsed.

We supported Henry, fully stretched out, and took him to the hotel room. When I see him lying in bed drunk, I feel sorry for him.

what the hell is love

* * *

After the savings bank crisis, the storm continued.

The businesses invested by the closed savings bank were all stopped. Among them, several large project financing and redevelopment projects were included.

There were voices of concern that the construction industry might deteriorate due to the insolvency of savings banks.

Politicians also fluctuated according to public opinion.

Just because the son-in-law’s family committed corruption does not mean that it is the president’s responsibility. However, there is no excuse for not noticing accounting fraud despite the savings bank’s detailed audit and on-site due diligence conducted over four months last year.

The head of the Financial Supervisory Service, the Board of Audit and Inspection, and the head of the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation, who are classified as close aides to Park Si-hyung, were cut one after another. The government announced that it would conduct a joint investigation into banks, savings banks, securities companies, and insurance companies as soon as the organization was reorganized, but it was nothing more than saying that they would lose cattle and fix the barn.

The atmosphere was no longer trusting the government announcement.

Park Si-hyeong has been taking control of the Korean pop party with the nomination right as a weapon. However, as the pro-Park community lost its power due to this incident, the competition for power within the party began in earnest. Naturally, the link between the parties was bound to weaken.

Park Si-hyeong was elected on a promise to revive the economy.

In fact, throughout his tenure, he practiced business-friendly policies, instilling the image of an economic president. Whatever the reality, people firmly believed in the president’s words that it would make everyone prosper.

But this belief was broken.

I trusted the government saying it was okay and made a deposit, and waited only after the president said there was no problem, but what was the result?

Each person suffered damages ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions of won. More than 1 trillion people lost their money, but the road to receiving compensation was daunting.

Those with money and power were the first to escape from the sinking ship, and the detained executives refused to admit their faults and continued to make excuses.

There was no one to take responsibility for.

The angry victims held daily protests at the Korean House of Representatives, the National Assembly, and Gwanghwamun, urging for countermeasures.

Then, conservative groups such as the Parents’ Union held a counter-protest, asking questions like ‘Who told you to use a savings bank?’, ‘It’s wrong to use a savings bank for paying more interest rates’, ‘Why are you whining to the government for money?’, ‘The president I love you!’ he shouted.

* * *

While I was waiting after ordering at a Chinese restaurant, Taek-gyu, who was watching TV, asked as if it was ridiculous.

“Why is the Parents’ Union doing that over there? Anyone give me a paycheck?”

“There was talk of giving them 20,000 won each.”

“Where does the money come from? Protests don’t make money.”

Even if you don’t pay a daily wage, it will cost money to hold a protest. However, after Park Si-hyung came to power, the Parents’ Union held protests all over the country as if boasting about their undying financial power.

In their own words, the old people donate a penny or two from the sale of waste paper to run the operation, but for such a thing, they rent out chartered buses and provide lunch boxes every time they protest, and they are moving in an orderly and mobile manner.

Of course, you can’t help but suspect that you’re getting funding from somewhere.

Sangyeop senior said something

“I’m glad I don’t show up in front of the company anymore. Every time I saw it, I got annoyed.”

“It’s fortunate that… … .”

Still, it doesn’t look good to be doing that in front of the victims. Wouldn’t it have been the first thing to turn your eyes if your money had been blown away?

“Will Park Si-hyung be still?”

“You are probably grinding your teeth.”

Right now, I’m not in the mood to deal with the situation, but I don’t know what kind of tricks they’ll come up with later.

Just in time for the food to arrive, I called Henry to the CEO’s office. His face was pale and he had not shaved his beard properly.

“How are you feeling?”


Even if you say that, it looks like it’s still buzzing. I was even late today.

Henry asked cautiously.

“Did I make any mistakes yesterday?”

If I tell you what kind of ugliness I showed yesterday, I said that it was okay because I didn’t think I would be able to hold my head up for a while.

Henry breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, the. It was the first time I drank like that.”

love is so hard

Taek-gyu held out a bowl of jjamppong.

“I ordered samseon jjamppong, so eat this and make seafood.”

Do Americans want to become Haejang with Jjamppong? Doesn’t it make me sick rather because it’s spicy?

I ripped off the plastic, but the news this time reflected the Hoseong Savings Bank head office. In front of the closed main store, the victims were still unable to leave.

Taek-gyu bit his tongue and asked.

“But is there any way to get compensation from those people?”


Park Si-hyung passed the ball to the National Assembly to come up with a countermeasure. There was talk of creating a special law centering on the Korean House of Representatives to provide relief, but this was not possible due to the issue of equity.

“There was even talk of raising the deposit protection limit to 100 million won on this occasion, but it’s not very likely. Even if it does happen, it cannot be applied retroactively anyway.”

Sangyeop senior said.(Read more @

“In the case of subordinated bonds, since it is an incomplete sale, if we sue, we can win. But the problem is that the person who asked for the money went bankrupt.”

There is no answer to this

Some employees knelt in front of the victims and apologized in tears. I was reminded of the story of one of the employees committing suicide out of a sense of guilt. Even though this is the case, the superiors are only thinking about getting out.

“How about making a donation? Thanks to the box office success of Last Fantasy M, we have a bit of leeway.”

At Taek-gyu’s words, I thought for a moment.

Presidents and lawmakers only know that money is precious, but they do not know that other people’s money is precious. If we go ahead and donate, wouldn’t they have no choice but to pay?

If you don’t pay it, you’ll be cursed for that.

I nodded.

“That’s a great idea.”

* * *

[OTK Company donates 10 billion won to the savings bank victims!]

(Strategy) OTK Company’s PR team leader Ki-Hong Jeong said that although it was a small amount of money, he decided to donate in hopes that it would provide some comfort to the victims.

He also expressed his wish that, if he could sympathize with the pain of the victims, the politicians, including the president and lawmakers, would come together and participate in the donation.

When the article was published, the public reaction was explosive.

-Oh oh! Gottaku!

– What are the legislators doing?

– Open your wallet with one heart and one will.

– Return the money you withdraw illegally, you bastards.

– I wonder how much you will save, sir.

As public opinion rained, the Korean Song Party was forced to move. However, at the party level, the fund was raised anonymously, and only the total amount was disclosed, so he bought another binge.

The Blue House also started fundraising, and President Park Si-hyeong donated 30 million won.

– Hahaha 30 million won. are you kidding?

-I’m really tired of your scale!

-My brother-in-law made more than 3 trillion won, not 300 billion won, but 30 million won!

– Last year’s public official’s property was registered as 10.9 billion won.

– What are so many?

– You were a businessman before you got into politics. He even served as the president of Eunsung Heavy Industries.

– I have no real conscience.

-If you don’t want to donate, just say no. Don’t waste your money and swear.

– Don’t do that too much. Sir, you must have shed tears of blood because it was a waste of 30 million won.

-Perhaps he wanted to kill Kang Jin-hui, who donated first.

– You’re very meticulous about who might be the president of the economy.

-PAS business seems to be doing well these days, but personally, 3,000 is a bit… … .

– So who is PAS?

Criticism rushed even on the bulletin board of the Blue House.

President Park Si-hyeong hastily announced that he would donate 20 million won to a total of 50 million won, but it had the opposite effect.

Perhaps because of the aftermath, polls showed the president’s approval rating fell an additional 3 percent to 24 percent.

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