Chapter 144

Henry unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car without saying a word. I sat in the driver’s seat and started the car.

Ellie looked at me with her eyes wide open.

“Aren’t you supposed to work?”

“Without me, the company will run well.”

I reached out and lightly touched Ellie’s forehead. It wasn’t boiling hot, but it was definitely hot.

“Didn’t you rest when you were sick?”

“I thought everything would be better.”

“Since when have you been like this?”

“I’ve been feeling a bit sick since squash a few days ago.”

A few days ago, it was the time of the peak cold season.

“Are you still exercising?”

She didn’t even know she was sick, and Ellie blushed slightly as she felt ashamed that she had exercised too much.

“I thought it was just because I wasn’t feeling well.”

Unlike me, who lays down like her corpse when she rests, Ellie likes to exercise. Running 5 kilometers a day is the norm.

After all, isn’t this body just created?

“Collock! It is definitely cold in Korea.”

“Compared to Hong Kong, it is.”

This winter was especially cold because of the extreme weather. Long padding isn’t the only thing that’s popular.

“I’m going to the hospital right now.”

Ellie shook her head.

“Just take me to the hotel. If you take the medicine, you will get better soon.”

I said it like a joke.

“why? Is it because you don’t want to get injections?”

Ellie turned her head to the other side instead of her answer.

“uh! Is it true?”

“It’s not like that. I’ve never had an injection before… … .”

Actually, I like to exercise and I am healthy, so how often do I have to go to the hospital?

I said firmly.

“I still have to go to the hospital.”


I drove to a nearby hospital. For a while, Ellie was silent.

She thought she was sleeping and was quiet, but after a while she heard Ellie’s voice.

“That woman was very pretty.”

“Who are you?”

“Jinhoo’s ex-girlfriend. I saw you at school.”

“Ah, are you Seon?”

Ellie nodded her head and asked.

“Did you like it a lot?”

“It was then.”

It’s funny when I think about it now, but I was thinking of getting married when I graduate.

“… … .”

Well, now that I think about it, it’s really funny.

“Yuri was cute. She can see why Jinhoo likes him.”

I was surprised by that.

“What do you mean? Do I like glass?”

Ellie turned her head to look at me.

“Then you don’t like it?”

“No, I don’t hate it… … Ah! Maybe that’s why you haven’t contacted me?”

She ran into Ellie by chance while bringing Yuri to work the other day.

Since then, she has been busy with Hosung Savings Bank and has not been able to communicate well. She didn’t even contact me first.

This is a situation that can be misunderstood.

Had I been moving away from Ellie without realizing it?

Seeing the future is definitely a great thing. But that’s not what determines my life.

Investing is the outcome, but life doesn’t.

Life does not appear as a result at a specific point in time, but is made by the accumulation of day-to-day processes.

Even if a fateful opponent was seen by foreknowledge, would that be the reason for the choice? What’s the point if emotions don’t follow?

I don’t know if it was because he was relying on foreknowledge to even think and choose for himself, as Taek-gyu said.

I thought calmly.

Of course, Yuri is cute and pretty. It’s fun to be together. But she didn’t really think it was a romantic feeling.

“Yuri is just a junior.”

Ellie asked, as if she didn’t believe her.


I said with certainty.

“I like Ellie.”

Ellie blinked her eyes for a moment as if in bewilderment. Then she turned her face red after a while.

I was about to say something, but suddenly a loud horn sounded behind me.


When she looked up, her signal had changed. I hurriedly started the car.

Ellie asked in a crawling voice, turning her head to the other side again.

“Since when?”

“I think she’s been like that since the first time I saw her.”

“Then why didn’t you say anything?”

“that’s… … .”

It’s because I’m indecisive.

“Sorry. I should have told you earlier. You didn’t make me wait too long, did you?”

“Yeah, but since I told you now… … .”

Ellie smiled brightly.

“I feel like everything is better.”

I smiled accordingly.

“It just feels like that. However, I have to go to the hospital and get an injection.”

“Hey… … .”

* * *

Fortunately, it was not a severe cold, so it was enough to get injections and prescriptions from a private hospital.

After she finished her treatment, she moved to Ellie’s hotel. Ellie took her card key out of her pocket and opened her door.

“Come in.”

Inside the room, the living room and bedroom were separated. It was clean as if I checked in today. Well, the hotel will take care of the cleaning.

“Is it okay to stay in a hotel?”

“It’s convenient because I don’t have anything to worry about. There is also a swimming pool and a fitness center inside. It is connected to COEX, so I sometimes eat or drink coffee with Jessica and Henry.”

“i See.”

Henry also lives in this hotel. Of course, we will have to face each other often.

Ellie took off her robe and hung it on her chair.

“I’m going to wash up, so sit down for a while. I am sweating a lot.”


I sat on the sofa and waited while Ellie was washing up. There was a distance to the bathroom, but the sound of the shower was heard.

“… … .”

awhile. If you think about it, isn’t this a very strange situation?

It wasn’t enough to enter a hotel room where a woman was staying alone, so she was washing herself and waiting.

I turned on the TV on purpose so I wouldn’t mind it as much as possible. The channel was tuned to CNN. In the United States, the high school massacre that took place the other day was a noisy one.

The United States is a strange country when you see that there are no regulations on gun accidents even though they say that every day is a long way off.

After a while, Ellie came out wearing a white bathrobe. Her hair was wet and her cheeks shone with a peachy hue.

Ellie wiped her hair with her towel.

“My hair has grown a lot.”

“You said you were going to grow it.”

Short hair suits him well, but I think long hair would look good too.

Thinking so, Ellie suddenly untied her belt and took off her gown. I was surprised by that.


Isn’t this too fast?

… … I think that, but I saw him wearing a box tee in a robe with easy-to-use hot pants.

In an instant, expectations and disappointments crossed my mind.

“What’s wrong?”

I quickly corrected my expression and said.

“Oh, nothing.”

Ellie laughed playfully.

“Hmm, didn’t you think something strange?”

“… … .”

Wouldn’t it be more strange not to think strangely in this situation?

Ellie was about to walk towards her and slipped on her gown, which she had taken off.


I reached out and grabbed her body as she was about to fall.

“It’s okay?”

Ellie blinked her light brown eyes and looked up at me. Then she quickly closed her eyes.

What does this mean?

Instead of thinking in vain, I bowed my head and kissed her lips.

It was a sweet kiss.

* * *

Ellie lay on her bed, and I sat down next to her.

We clasped each other’s hands and held each other’s hands.

“It’s amazing when you think about it. I never thought I would be able to work in Korea.”

“Sometimes I can’t believe it either. Until I was discharged from the military, I thought I wanted to get a job soon after graduating, but somehow I became the CEO.”

Who would have imagined that I would be like this?

“If that were the case, we wouldn’t have met either.”

“Iknow, right.”

Ellie and Hyunjoo noona would still be working in the Asian branch, and I would have been attending school normally.

“There were so many fun things with Jinhoo. Investing in startups, Brexit and the US presidential election.”

In the meantime, there have been a lot of accidents, so it feels like a long time ago, but Brexit and Ronald’s election also happened last year.

Ellie asked as if thinking of something.

“What do you say to Jessica?”

What would Hyeonju noona say if she found out?

An image of a terrifying father-in-law came to mind.

I think it would be better to talk slowly.

“Go to sleep. I’ll watch you sleep.”

Ellie said sarcastically.

“I do not like it. I’m not going to cut it.”

Even if she said that, she fell asleep before she knew it, perhaps because of her weak energy. I think she’s cute when I see her sleeping.

She was just contemplating whether she should go or stay, when suddenly her bell rang.

Ding Dong!

Is it room service?

I opened the door carefully so Ellie wouldn’t wake up. Surprisingly, Hyun-joo noona was standing in front of the door.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“I came here because I was worried. How is Ellie?”

“I was given an injection at the hospital and took medicine. She just fell asleep.”

Hyun-joo’s older sister came inside and saw Ellie’s sleeping face, and then she touched her forehead.

“Fortunately, the fever seems to have gone down a bit.”

“Yes. Noona is here, so I’ll just leave.”

I was about to leave after saying that, but Hyunjoo noona said.

“Stop for a moment.”


Hyunjoo noona got up from her seat, put her arms around her, and stared at me through her glasses. She was kind of afraid to make eye contact with her and I glanced away from her.

“What did you two do?”

“Oh, I didn’t do anything.”

“Then what about the lipstick marks on your neck?”


I quickly rubbed my neck. Did Ellie kiss her neck too?

“I just did it.”

“… … .”

it was fished

“Are you dating?”

I scratched the cheek with her finger.

“Yes. Well, that’s it.”

Hyun-joo sister came up to me and patted her shoulder with her hand, she said.

“If Ellie rings, she will die.”

“… … Yes.”

Whoever sees it, looks like a craftsman.

* * *

When I decided to go out with Ellie, two people fell in love with me.

One is Yuri and the other is Henry. I’ll have to talk to Yuri too, but Henry has to face her at work right now.

Wouldn’t it be better to say it with my own mouth, rather than to find out later and be offended?

I made an appointment with Henry to have a drink in front of the company. Taek-gyu insisted on going alone.

“I’ll be waiting in the car, so text me every 15 minutes. If there is no contact, I will report it to the police immediately.”


“If we fight, won’t you lose?”

The opponent is a westerner who is tall and has strong muscles.

But I said proudly.

“Do you think I will lose so easily?”

“Henry says his hobby is boxing.”

“Oh yeah?”

Then it’s different.

As a civilized person, I plan to solve it through dialogue. Just because I act like a civilized person, there is no guarantee that it will come out like that from the other side.(Read more @

Did you mean to wear headgear?

I got out of the car and went into the whiskey bar that Sangyeop senior often visits. It had just opened, so there weren’t many customers inside.

I ordered a single malt whiskey and drank a few first. Moments later, a young blonde in a suit that looked like a Hollywood movie star walked in.


Henry sat across from me.

I filled the cup.

“What is it for? Is it something to do with Golden Gate?”

“It’s not because of work today.”

“then… … ?”

“Once we drink, we’ll talk.”

We emptied our glasses.

I said bluntly.

“I decided to go out with that Ellie.”

“i See.”

Henry seemed a little surprised, but he was surprisingly calm.

Is he forcibly hiding his expression?

“I was kind of expecting it. That’s a good thing. Congratulations.”

“Are you serious?”

“of course.”

“Don’t you like Henry too?”

Henry’s eyes widened at my words. Even at a glance, there was a sign of embarrassment.

“what… … ?”

“I think it will be helpful for us to be honest with each other when we work in the future.”

Henry hesitated for a moment, then admitted.

“I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life.”

It was too.

I smiled bitterly.

“I guess it wasn’t just me that came to Korea.”

“Now that I think about it, it seems so. She wanted to be as close as possible. After meeting her, no woman has ever seen her.”

Henry undid his tie and unbuttoned a few of his buttons. Then, as if determined, he drank his glass.

“She used to think she was proud of everyone, but when she stands in front of her, she feels like a little boy. I don’t even know why I’m doing this.”

“It could be. It’s not like people’s hearts are going the way they want.”

It probably won’t be easy.

How do you convince them to give up?

“Since when did you start liking me?”

“Maybe it was from the first time I saw him smoking. From that moment on, she seems to have gone crazy.”

“right. smoking… … Huh?”

What does this mean?

“Doesn’t Ellie smoke?”

Are you secretly smoking behind me?

Henry had a puzzled expression on his face.

“Ellie? I was talking about Jessica.”

I was surprised by that.


Why is Hyunjoo noona here?

Henry said in a bewildered way, realizing that there was some misunderstanding.

“Come on, wait. Did you really think that I liked Ellie?”

“Ah… … .”

Have you ever been looking at Hyunjoo noona instead of Ellie? So she lived in the same hotel and walked in and out of the Golden Gate Building without work?

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