On the high platform.

"It's really extraordinary, maybe the only one I've seen in my life."

Xue Jing was still wearing the same hundred-pin robe, twirling his long beard and his eyes twinkling.

He was not surprised by Ying Bing's Root Bone.

"Is this the good young man you said you met when you went down the mountain?"

Not far away, a lazy voice sounded.

The woman was wearing palace clothes, her cheeks were red, and she was leaning lazily on the chair.

"It's her, but I don't know how far she can reach on the stone steps to the sky."

Xue Jing glanced at the woman, his eyes showing helplessness.

"I like this girl."

The woman in palace clothes took a carefree sip of wine.

Elders: "..."

Are you sure you don't think this little girl looks stunning?

"She is not suitable for your lineage of martial arts."

Xue Jing said helplessly.

"Why isn't it suitable?" The woman in palace clothes raised her eyebrows.

"What are you trying to do? You've trained yourself like a furnace. This girl shouldn't be your disciple no matter what."

A slightly cold voice spoke.

"Hanhe, do you want to fight?"

The woman in palace clothes clenched her fists, quite eager to try.

Elder Hanhe subconsciously took half a step back and snorted in fear.

"Everyone, please calm down."

The voice was full of majesty.

After the sect master spoke, the woman in palace clothes picked up the wine gourd and drank two more gulps.

The elders looked at each other.

Could it be that the sect leader is interested in that little girl?


Unknowingly, another stick of incense passed by.

There were five hundred people who experienced bone-touching on the way.

Finally, it was Li Mo's turn.

The old woman grabbed him on the shoulder, and suddenly felt a force rushing in, and it was ready to flow along the meridians throughout his body.

But soon, this strength disappeared.


The old woman opposite frowned for the second time.

Internal Qi can stimulate people's internal organs and even Root Bone meridians.

The better the Root Bone, the stronger the response to this stimulation.


The boy's body didn't react at all.

It was just like that, but his inner breath disappeared directly like a mud cow entering the sea.

If she hadn't seen the boy standing in front of her alive, she would have thought it was a stone.

The old woman hesitated for a moment, then took a note and wrote down his name:

"Li Mo, Bing and others, come over."

"Thank you."

Li Mo had already expected this and raised his hand towards the old woman.

Then he passed the mountain gate with a normal expression.

"It's so bad, waiter C, dad will be unhappy."

"You have to speak for me then. Dad, your words will work."

Li Mo smiled heartily and touched the girl next to him with his shoulder.

Ying Bing was slightly surprised.

Grade C qualification is not much different from the memory.

But he doesn't seem lost.

Li Mo's face was filled with indifference and he remained cheerful:

"One-third of it is destiny, and seven-tenths of it depends on hard work."

"Many people can't even enter the mountain gate. I'm already very lucky."

There was something else he didn't say.

Why are you panicking? I'm worried.

Ying Bing looked at the young man's carefreeness and it didn't look like he was faking it.


At any rate, his bottle of Pure Yang Pill helped him open his pulse in advance, saving him half a year.

This kind of character is worth a little help. How far he can go depends on him.

At this time.

Not far away, a deacon’s announcement once again attracted everyone’s attention:

"Wang Hu, with tiger arms and leopard waist, won the first prize!"

The venue couldn't help but become noisy.

Except for the two first-class monsters.

Wang Hu is already the most talented!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a million.

Enjoying the compliments from people around him, Wang Hu smiled proudly and glanced at the crowd.

"What are you looking at?"

Li Mo fell into deep thought.


at this time.

A figure landed in front of the mountain gate.

"Tiger and leopard form?"

The middle-aged man who looked like an iron tower reached out and pinched Wang Hu's shoulder.

Wang Hu was shocked when he saw his cousin walking out of the disciples and winked at him.

"Yes, it is indeed a tiger's arms and a leopard's waist."

The middle-aged Tie Ta smiled with satisfaction.

"Master, this is my cousin." Wang Hao saluted respectfully.

"Yes, yes, he is more suitable for training a certain family's tiger-leopard running thunder hand than you."

His laughter buzzed and made people's eardrums hurt.

"Buddha, when he enters the inner gate, it won't be too late for you to accept him as a disciple."

The pudgy elder frowned and reminded.


Wang Hu was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic.

This is a very powerful inner sect deacon. If his position as elder had not been a carrot and a trap, he would have been in charge of Yifeng.

"Hehehe, I know the rules."

The pagoda is neither salty nor bland.

At his cousin's signal, Wang Hu quickly greeted him:

"I met the master."

"You should pass the stone steps to the sky first."

The pagoda did not correct this claim.

After the pagoda leaves.

Wang Hu raised his head even higher, just shy of writing the word "pull" on his forehead.

After passing the mountain gate, he came straight over and hugged his fist confidently:

"Miss Ying, we will be from the same sect from now on."

Then, I gained a piece of disregard.

This kind of talent is quite acceptable in a small place like Ziyang Mansion.

In Ying Bing's eyes, there is no essential difference between Wang Hu's B grade and Li Mo's C grade.

It is also a stubborn rock, so why bother trying to decide which one is smoother?

Wang Hu was held in place, his face turning red.

He could only look at Li Mo again:

"Haha, we are from the same hometown. I have become so successful, how could I forget you?"

"No, the inner door and the outer door are different. I'm afraid it won't be easy if I come down."

"And maybe, after some time, I will be the real one."

"It's better to meet you than to meet Miss Ying, right?"

His smile was sinister.

I got the inner deacon as my backer.

Wang Hu, who is young and has a arrogant personality, is so swollen that he is about to float to the sky.

Several boys and girls from Ning'an County all looked aggrieved, but they couldn't get angry. Wang Hu was already arrogant and domineering in the county, but now he has reached the top.

They originally had a bad opinion of Li Mo, but now when they compared Wang Hu, they found the former a bit cute.

"....Ah, yes, yes."

Li Mo's divine eye of destiny has never been closed.

Ever since Wang Hu finished testing the Root Bone, a hint of black began to appear in the originally cyan destiny.

Just when he was showing off his power, the black color became a little darker.

Even the evaluation became: "He is headstrong and is used as a test subject by the inner sect's deacon Futu without knowing it. His future is gloomy."

He didn't like to argue with Two-Arm, let alone a half-dead man.

Another disregard.


Wang Hu's breath was choked in his throat, and unknown evil fire surged in his heart.

However, the pudgy elder seemed to notice this.

He withdrew his gaze from Li Mo and Ying Bing, and sneered in his heart:

"There is ample time."

"Anyway, the outer sect and the true disciple are so different that they can't get together."

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