Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 5 Xuan Ni Immortal Body, Introductory Ceremony

Among green plums.

The boy and girl, who have known each other for many years, are in the same room for the first time.

The curtain of the big bed was lowered by bare hands, covering the girl's figure.

"It's turned into a lump of ice again."

Li Mo withdrew his gaze and lay on the soft couch holding the quilt.

No matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like someone who can be changed by just a few words.

Forget it, who knows what she is thinking...

"Investments don't necessarily have to be items, right?"

Li Mo looked thoughtfully at the reward he had just received.

[Xuanmin Immortal Body]: "The immortal body has been transformed into the mortal world through the rolling dust, and many mysteries have come from this."

"Do you want to receive it?"

The reward is very simple, only four words.

But this very inconsistent word made Li Mo raise his eyebrows slightly.

The style of painting is wrong, okay, this is clearly a Martial Dao world.

Is it just an adjective that makes the system more high-end and classy?


Doesn't sound bad.

With a thought, I received the reward.


A thunder that only he could hear exploded in his ears.

It was as if the dark clouds were torn apart by thunder in his mind, and he was plunged into chaos. He couldn't even feel himself.



The chaos is like a violent storm, the heaven and earth are beginning to open, and there are countless colorful sounds.

Li Mo couldn't see clearly, let alone hear clearly.

At this moment, he felt that he was as small as dust, but also so majestic that he couldn't look directly at him.

It's as if he no longer exists, yet he is everywhere.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Li Mo lost consciousness.

not far away.

On the bed, the silk curtains were gradually covered with frost, as if they would break if touched.

The girl hugged her slender legs, her lips were white, and her eyelashes were dyed the color of snow.

Even the breath he exhaled was filled with an everlasting chill.

Her whole body seemed to be placed in an extremely cold ice prison.

But she had long been used to it, and there was no pain or panic, only calmness.

Ying Bing knew that this torture would end when she mastered the power of Taiyin.

Before that, we need to open the pulse first.

"Pure Yang Pill."

"Xue Jing is considered to be the leading alchemist in Ziyang Mansion."

Ying Bing picked up the pill and swallowed it.

A little warmth rose from the Dantian and slowly flowed into the meridians.

Before the initiation ceremony, it is not a problem to complete the pulse opening!

Suddenly, she remembered something.

Ying Bing opened the frozen curtain and looked in the direction of the soft couch.

I saw the young man lying there peacefully and snoring.

Did you sleep well?

"Is he... okay?"


The next morning.

Li Mo opened his eyes on the soft couch. His eyes were as deep as the stars in the sky, calm and clear but like clear springs in the mountains.

On the surface, he is still the same person.

But even just standing there gives people a feeling of being integrated into nature.

[Name: Li Mo]


[Root Bone: Xuan Ni Immortal Body. ]

[Realm: None. ]


[Evaluation: He has a fairy body, his destiny is chaotic, and his future is unknown. ]

[Recent encounter: I have eased my relationship with my childhood sweetheart and am finally better than a stranger. ]

Li Mo thought that his destiny would turn purple or even gold.

Unexpectedly, it turned into two big question marks.

"There are definitely changes."

"But what is different, I couldn't tell for a while."

He thought about it and stopped worrying.

The investment feedback currently provided by the system, at least from Bingtuozi, has never disappointed him.

"I haven't even started practicing Martial Dao yet, I can only slowly understand it."

Li Mo picked up the kettle and wanted to make some tea, only to find that the water inside had turned into ice cubes.

The root of all this is because of a certain ice lump on the bed.

An astonishing chill spread out, but he didn't feel cold at all.

so far.

At least he was immune to the cold and heat.

"You don't have to worry about the entry ceremony being revoked."

"You can get through the inner gate by saying less, right?"

Li Mo felt better.

I have nothing to do and can't practice.

He decided to take to the streets to try his luck to see if he could meet a suitable investment target.



In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Ever since he got the Pure Yang Pill, Ying Bing has stayed in his room and never left.

Neither eat nor drink water.

Li Mo was not worried.

If you have bad luck, you will never starve yourself.

It's probably due to my physical condition, so I just don't interfere.

So after two days, the chill in the green plum room persisted for a long time, and the furnishings inside were probably ruined. Li Mo paid five hundred taels of silver to settle the matter.

In the past two days, Li Mo also met various investment targets.

Most of them are relatively ordinary, and blue ones are rarely seen.

The recent encounters have also been strange.

For example, if your grades in private school are not ideal, you want to find a rich woman.

For example, those who have too much money feel that life is boring and want to experience poverty.

There was even a burly man who longed to wear women's clothes...

In these encounters, Li Mo was helpless even if he wanted to invest.

Of course, there are still the majority of normal people.

Mosquito legs are also meat.

As a result, I received a lot of feedback, very few of which were beneficial to martial arts training, and most of them were strange and weird things.

Calligraphy and paintings, toys, food ingredients, fine wine, and even the bellyband of a yellow-flowered girl...

This method of casting a wide net yields really mediocre returns.

Early morning on the third day.

"Quality is more important than quantity."

"In the future, unless there are special circumstances, Baihui will not take the initiative to invest."

Li Mo opened the door and entered the room.

As soon as you catch your eye, you can see a beautiful back figure with smooth black hair combed in front of the mirror.

"Are you okay?"

"Better than before."

Ying Bing's porcelain-white face seemed to have become a little rosier.

She took a pulse.

Successfully opening the pulse means that the pulse is no longer dead, and it also means that the hidden talent can be revealed again.

This is inseparable from the bottle of Pure Yang Pill.

"Come and have breakfast." Li Mo smiled.

Ying Bing picked up the bowl and said softly: "Thank you."


Li Mo paused slightly and his eyes widened.

Bingtuozi, you can actually say thank you?


"I didn't hear clearly, what did you just say?"

Li Mo was not sure.

Ying Bing was silent and started drinking porridge.

When it was daylight, the two of them had breakfast and went downstairs together.

Today is the day when Qingyuan Sect was founded.

When the carriage traveled dozens of miles away, it could no longer move because there were too many people, all crowded on the official road.

He had no choice but to come down and walk. The scene made Li Mo's DNA a little shaken.

There are teenagers all around, and it feels like going to the playground to do morning exercises when I was a student.

It took about half a stick of incense to walk again.

Ahead, you can see the mountain gate of Qingyuan Sect, and there are many Qingyuan Sect disciples wearing various costumes. In front of the disciples, seven deacons are sitting in front of the big case.




Three morning bells rang.

"Root Bone is the first level of martial arts training. If Root Bone is too bad, it will be difficult to move forward in Martial Dao. Even if you put in all your efforts, it will be of no avail."

"Those with low Root Bone should not waste time and leave on their own."

An old man with a short, fat body and red cheeks rolled past with a voice like thunder.

No one left.

Anyone who comes here is either already confident or can't shed tears without seeing the coffin. They have arrived at the mountain gate.

Come all come.

Seeing this, the short and fat old man waved his hand and said:

"Then line up and come up one by one to touch the bones."

After the words fell, countless boys and girls, under the management of Qingyuan Sect disciples, consciously lined up for testing.

The deacons seemed to have practiced special skills. They stretched out their hands and patted the tester on the shoulder, and they roughly knew the root bone of the other party.

"Wu Ping, Bing, please come over."

"He Haikuo, Ding Zhong."

"Qian Ningning, Ding Xia..."

Root Bone is divided into four levels by Qingyuan Sect: A, B, C and D. Anyone with level C is qualified to enter the mountain sect.

There are many factors that determine talent, and Root Bone is just one of them. Having a C-level Root Bone means you have the ticket to Martial Dao.

Even so, out of ten, only one or two are above level C.

Only in the first level, I am afraid that 80% of the people will be screened out.

Above Grade A?

That can only be classified as top-level.

"It may not be accurate, but the vast majority of people with cyan destiny and above have successfully passed."

Li Mo was queuing up, his divine eye of destiny was always open.

"Little girl, come up."

The old woman in front waved.

Ying Bing walked out of the crowd and received countless looks.

Just because she is so beautiful...

Standing there coldly and coldly, everything around him seemed to be completely silent, making it impossible to ignore.

Li Mo touched his chin.

According to his experience in reading novels, if nothing unexpected happens, there are two possibilities.

Either a complete monster, or a complete loser.

Being blessed with great luck, it is impossible to lose sight of everyone...


as expected.

The old woman's brows instantly wrinkled.

She became more solemn, her anger dropped to her Dantian, her clothes were windless, and she actually planned to use her inner strength to check the other party's Root Bone.

The movement here made everyone couldn't help but look over.

Even the other deacons became curious.

This is not the case when detecting Grade A Root Bone.

The next moment, the voice of the old woman butler spread throughout the audience:

"Ying Bing, on top!"

Her tone was complicated, shocked and excited.

The crowd was in an uproar.

There are very few people with qualifications above A in the history of Qingyuan Sect.

Murong Xiao, who had just been named the Qilin'er of Ziyang Mansion, was no more than a subordinate.

At this point, Murong Xiao was rated as the number one genius in ten years.

Li Mo: "..."

It seems to be the former.

Being watched by all kinds of eyes, Ying Bing became the center of the crowd.

The girl herself was neither sad nor happy.

Because she knew it was nothing.

The reason why she is on top of Jia is because the highest rank in the Qingyuan Sect is only on top of Jia.

"It's rare to be flattered or humiliated. This kind of character is really rare. I look forward to your performance on the journey to heaven."

The pudgy elder couldn't help but admire him.

Touching the bones only eliminates those who are not qualified to practice martial arts.

The real comprehensive test of talent is the second level.

Climb the stone steps to heaven!

Root Bone is not all of the talent, but with the Root Bone on her armor alone, this little girl's score in the second level cannot be bad.

The initiation ceremony has just begun.

I'm afraid the leader has already appeared.

Ying Bing nodded and stood among the passers-by.

The pride and pride on the faces of the boys and girls who originally passed the first level disappeared silently.

They were still trying to figure out how to get into the inner door.

Ying Bing is at least a true legend.

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