The Grim Reaper is no match for the Exterminator, what a big breath!

And this guy seems to regard the Exterminator of the Demon Exorcism Organization as an immortal?

Kadomaru sneered, feeling that although this guy was hostile to the Demon Exorcism Organization, he seemed to be very proud of his identity as an exterminator.

I feel that the power of the exterminator is invincible in the world.


"Yes, don't worry about whether we are the opponents of the exorcism organization!"

"Maybe you're more worried about your own problems!"

Saying that, Scourge Pill waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, you can go!"

After being ordered to be evicted.

This guy's eyes suddenly burst into a fierce light.

"Sure enough, the Grim Reaper is a bunch of impolite guys, just because you also want to deal with the exorcism organization!

Saying that, the guy looked at him as if he was going to make a move.

Fighting Pill frowned.

But before the grim reaper in the courtyard could make a move, his own people intervened to stop him.

"Kensan, what are you doing?"

"Do you want to fight the Grim Reaper? Don't be stupid, we ignore 24 and make enemies of them!"

"Kobe, calm down!"

Kenzo Kobe.

Is this guy's name?

However, Kobe Kenzo doesn't seem to be planning to leave just like that.

Instead, he stared at the room of the Demon Fighting Pill, "The people of the Demon Exorcism Organization say that the Grim Reaper is very powerful, and you can't underestimate it, but I don't believe how powerful you can be." "

The bow of extinction was condensed in his hand, and the surrounding spirits were instantly pulled over.

And just seeing his move, the surrounding gods of death instantly drew their swords.

At the same time, the other exterminators could only helplessly form a circle, watching out for the surrounding Grim Reaper, while turning their heads to look at Kobe.

"Kobe, you guy stop me!"

But Kobe didn't seem to want to listen to these people, and the arrow of destruction had already shot directly in the direction of Kadomaru's house.

And at this moment, Disaster Fighting Pill frowned slightly, this guy really wants to find death!

However, in this case, Scourge Pill was already planning to make a move, but it was a pity that the three fused Four Soul Jade fragments were about to start again.

And this also means wasting a few days of Disaster Fighting Pill's time.

In this way, this guy will have to bear the very strong anger of Kadodomaru.

However, at the moment when Fighting Pill was about to make a move, Inuyasha directly slashed the opponent's exterminator arrow.

Inuyasha then stood directly in front of him.

"What did you do, did we provoke you, and you couldn't stop for a while?"

"Just do it, you people are too overbearing!"

Inuyasha still wants to theorize, but the other party doesn't seem to be planning to say anything more.

Instead, one after another, the extinguishing arrows continued to shoot out, shooting quickly towards the house of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

Like half of the rain falling.

At this moment, even if Inuyasha resisted with all his might, there was no way to block all the arrows.

Boom Boom!

Continuous explosions sounded, and the houses were destroyed quite a bit.

But fortunately, it didn't attack the position of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

Curse Pill has not stopped fusing the jade fragments of the four souls.

After all, if Inuyasha can stop this guy, then naturally it is the best, and Kadoyamaru doesn't have to waste time.

"You're the only one here who can barely qualify to fight me!"

Kobe said, and suddenly the surrounding Reiko began to surge wildly, and this guy was like a whirlpool that suddenly appeared at the bottom of the sea, rolling all the surrounding sea water.

And this speed is extremely fast, and the fluctuation of this guy's control of the spirit son is so strong.

This talent is unprecedented among the Exterminators!

No wonder it would be protected by so many exterminators.

And these exterminators who protect him are not weak, basically it can be said that they are below the captain, then they should not have much to do.

It's really a little unlikely that Inuyasha can deal with so much alone.

"Swastika ~ Sky Lock Cutting Moon!"

Suddenly, Inuyasha's body erupted with incomparably powerful power.

However, such a fluctuation of power only made Kobe smile slightly.

"Is this the swastika of death?

In the next second, Kobe actually rushed directly towards Inuyasha, and the super fast speed made Inuyasha stunned for a moment.

Even after the dissolution, he didn't seem to be able to react, how could this be?

Inuyasha was stunned, and the arrows that swept quickly passed directly past Inuyasha's ears.

Before Inuyasha could make any movements, he felt a bloody streak appear on his cheek.

And then an arrow suddenly appeared in front of him, and Inuyasha blocked it with the slashing moon at the last moment, when the body was directly knocked out of the distance of several meters.

"What a strong destroyer!"

The other Grim Reapers, too, were stunned. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That's a swastika yet!

The power that only the Captain-level Grim Reaper can grasp can't stop a single shot of an exterminator.

Knock knock!

Inuyasha was attacked continuously, and he was completely unable to defend himself.

Kobe's figure flickered like a ghost.

"Is this the Grim Reaper? Hahaha! It's too weak!"

"Guys like you have no way to deal with the exorcism organization, and you're so arrogant that let's get out!"

"You guys are so funny!"

"It's up to you to fight the exorcism organization with what you do!"

An arrow pierced Inuyasha's shoulder, and the blood instantly spread.

And by this time, Inuyasha's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

This guy's clarity caught him completely by surprise, and it was even more terrifying than the exterminators of the exorcism organization he had encountered before.

"Okay! You're not my opponent, so let the people in the house come out!"

"I'm going to see what level this guy is. "

Kobe 633's Destroyer Arrow has already aimed at the location of the Disaster Fighting Pill. []

Now there is no way for Fighting Pill not to make a move.

sighed silently, this guy is really looking for death, then he can't help it.

I plan to fuse the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls by myself, but this is your own doing.

"Arara! I just came here, and I saw this scene, what is the situation!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the direction of the Bone-Eating Well.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looked in the direction of the bone-eating well, and saw a guy crawling out of the mouth of the well not far away, and then one death after another appeared behind him.

Jump out of the wellhead.

The white haori has the word six on it.

The other Shin Reaper in the courtyard smiled one after another, "Captain of the Sixth Team, Shuichiro-sama Nakame!"

The new captain of the Rokuban team, Shuichiro Nakame, became the current captain after Onetooth was stripped of his position as the sword and captain.

And now Nakame is looking at Kobe.


"What are you doing in this place, don't you know that this is the place of the Grim Reaper?"

"Get out of here!"

As he spoke, Nakame walked in the direction of Kadomaru, "Kadomaru-sama, Team Rokuban is here, please give me orders." "

Woe Dou Pill summoned the six teams before, after all, although the eight teams were enough, but the eight teams also wanted to understand the problem of the virtual circle in the present world, so they summoned the six teams over.

But I didn't expect them to come in such a timely manner.

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