"Through the Demon Realm, so as to attack the Corpse Soul Realm!

The Moth Demon was in favor of the idea, after all, it was a good idea.

"But it's not a simple matter to bring the phenomenon of overlapping imaginary circles to the demon realm!"

First of all, the demon world is considered to be the present world, but it is somewhere between the present world and the underworld.

It can't completely belong to the present world, and if you want the void circle to descend on the demon world, the first very important problem is to determine the coordinates of the demon world.

First of all, someone must answer in the demon world.

This way they will be able to know how much force it takes to create an overlapping circle.

If you think of the imaginary circle as a submarine, then it is important to dive in that position.

Otherwise, if you dive at will, you won't be able to reach the demon world at all.

"'Nine-Zero-Three' needs someone to enter the Demon Realm, but although that place is not an important place, I'm afraid it's a little difficult for us to enter!"

The leader of the ocelot said with a solemn expression.

And at this moment, Naraku's eyes lit up, "Maybe I can help!"

He knew the location of the demon realm, but he hadn't entered it yet.

If he was allowed to do this, he would be able to escape the grip of these guys.

You can even plan it yourself.

However, Akira seems to have no regard for Naraku at all.

Knowing that once Naraku lets this guy go, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch Naraku again.

Even this guy is likely to directly revert to the water, and when he thought of this, Matsumaru looked at the three of them on the side, Komaru, Matsushu, and Sakeba.

"You've been to the Demon Realm before, right?"

Hearing this question, the three of them nodded again and again, "We were killed in the demon realm!"


In an instant, Matsumaru's eyes lit up, and these three guys died from the demon realm, so it would be better for them to do this.

At the same time, these three guys should also be able to re-lock the location of the Demon Realm, so as to find the location of the Demon Realm.

In this way, they can immediately start preparing for the overlap of the imaginary circles, and aggravate the position within the corresponding imaginary circle where the demon realm is located.

As long as the density of the spirit children in the area is continuously increased, the virtual circle will sink, and then the phenomenon of overlapping the virtual circle and the demon world will appear.

"The three of you will tear open the black chamber, go to the demon world to hide, find a secret location, and then open the black chamber to release your own spiritual pressure, so that we can feel the specific location of the demon world. "

Hearing the order, the three of them nodded their heads repeatedly, and at the same time, they also wanted this opportunity.

Even if they are dreaming, they want to go to the demon world for revenge.

When he was killed in the demon world, this revenge will never be forgotten.

And at this moment, the operation against the Corpse Soul Realm has begun.

But at the same time, the Disaster Pill is in the process of opening the second fusion form.

After absorbing that power from Kagome's body, Scourge Pill immediately began to fuse the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls.

Fusing three more Four Soul Jade Fragments will open the second fusion form.

The power will increase again, and this time it should be the ability of the void side.

The power of the god of death is no longer weak, but the broken jade is something that breaks the boundary between the void and the god of death, and this strengthening will strengthen the power of the god of death in the void.

Kagome was weakened for a few days after being absorbed by the power, and these few days were enough time for Scourge Pill to open his second fusion form.

However, at the same time, the members of the Yaban team are searching all over the world for the base of the Exterminator.

Kenpachi was also sent out.

The number of Shin Reapers, who remained at the Sunset Shrine, was no more than twenty, and they were responsible for guarding and ensuring the safety of Kadomaru.

As soon as there is any problem, the other Reaper will be contacted through the Boundary Gate and all of them will be summoned.

They can all be rushed back in less than ten minutes, after all, there is no Corpse Soul Realm in this world at all, and it will not be so troublesome for them to return to the Corpse Soul Realm.

But right now around the Sunset Shrine.

But suddenly a group of people appeared, and these people were exterminators.

And the guy who led the team was a young guy who looked like he was in college.

It looks sunny and cheerful, but there is a deep killing intent hidden in the bottom of his eyes.

He looked at the Sunset Shrine in the distance. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's amazing! Is this the passage to the Warring States Period?"

With that, the boy ran towards the Sunset Shrine.

However, as soon as he rushed up the stairs, two Grim Reapers appeared directly in front of him, and the slashing knives in their hands were directly erected to block the way of the young man.

"No entry here!

The two Grim Reapers, but the boy smiled, "I'm here to find someone!"

"No matter who you're looking for, there's no one here!"

Hearing this, the young man touched his head and smiled, "Didn't I look for Trouble Pill?"

Hearing this, the two gods of death were stunned for a moment, and the slashing knife in their hands also tightened, staring at the young man in front of them.....

Who is this guy who actually knows about Kadotamaru-sama.

And at this time, a group of exterminators came behind him.

However, this group of exterminators were not wearing the clothes of the exorcism organization they had encountered before.

Just as the two gods of death were on guard against the two of them, suddenly a god of death appeared in the rear again, "Lord Kadotamaru, let them in!"

Hearing this, the two Grim Reapers put each other in.

But still wary of these people, the young man at the head did not have any spiritual pressure fluctuations, but the bodies of these exterminators in the rear were full of powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations.

It doesn't look that easy to deal with. []

"Is there only such a few people following the master of the dignified corpse soul realm?"

The boy said.

And at this time, Inuyasha walked out, and compared to the Grim Reapers, Inuyasha is the strongest here.

Glancing at Inuyasha, "Yes, there's a powerful guard!"

And at this time, the voice of the Disaster Pill in the room sounded!

"What's the matter with you guys?"

Scourge Pill is still fusing the jade fragments of the Four Souls at the moment, it's not that he can't go out, but once it stops, then he has to start again, and it won't hurt Disaster Pill at all, but it will waste a lot of time.

So 0.2 Scourge Pill didn't go out, and spoke directly in the room.

Hearing this, the other party also laughed, "You don't seem to think of us as those guys!"

The guys in this young man's mouth are the exorcism organization, and they are just the opposite, the exterminators of this world are not just exorcism organizations.

The so-called exorcism organization claims to be righteous, but in fact it does extremely brutal things.

Any existence that could become a threat was ruthlessly wiped out.

In contrast to the exorcism organization, the exorcism organization is much softer and less cruel.

"Don't ask me such idiotic questions!"

Scourge Pill is not in the mood to accompany these guys, "If there is anything, just say it, if it's okay, you can take advantage of my good mood and get out of here!"

Hearing this, the young man was a little unhappy, "I'm here to talk about cooperation with you Grim Reaper, the power of the exorcism organization is very strong, and you Grim Reaper are not opponents......."

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