As the flames fade away.

Taiyu also fell from the sky and turned into a charred corpse without any breath.

All the Quincy looked at the corpse in front of them and froze on the spot.

A member of the Hand of God organization died!

Just die!

Fudomaru looked at the people below and said nothing.

Instead, he glanced at Genji

"Lord Futomaru, do you want to deal with these people? Hearing this ,

Fugou Doumaru frowned,"No time wasted, now we have to go back to Soul Society!""

Return to Soul Society?

Genji didn't understand. Wouldn't it be better if he took this opportunity to kill these people!

However, Fudomaru suddenly said,"Hyōrinmaru... is broken!"

Hyōrinmaru is broken!

Genji was stunned for a moment and then suddenly thought of something. He looked at Fudōmaru in surprise,"His secret tooth?……"

"Something happened!"

As the captain of the Gotei team in Soul Society, Miya's accident means that something big has happened in Soul Society. Genji raised his hand and pulled out his Zanpakutō. The gate to the world was opened!

And Fudomaru walked directly into the world first. Realm gate.

Genji looked back and glanced at these Quincy. You are lucky!

He immediately followed Fudomaru's footsteps and entered the realm gate.

At this time, Fudomaru's footsteps suddenly stopped.

【Bengyu is absorbing the energy of the individual, Taiyu's holding object, and the 0 snowflake bracelet.】

【Congratulations to the host, the simulation progress has improved】

【Simulation of all things in the world: Hyōrinmaru (85%)】

Will it be directly raised to 85%?

Fudomaru was stunned for a moment, this is not bad, this harvest is quite surprising.

【The complete technique has been analyzed】

【Perfection Technique: You can extract the soul of a material and control it or change its form. Use the spirit son and spiritual pressure to change the soul of the object, thereby showing different abilities. What the specific ability is, depends on the power of love]

Love the power of!

Hokutomaru frowned, this power was more abstract than the power of faith.

However, Taiyu's kind of character can allow a string of bracelets to show such powerful freezing abilities.

Probably because of his unique love for bracelets!

Now Fudemaru has mastered the so-called Perfection Technique. The Perfection Technique analyzed by the great sage has been imprinted in Fudemaru's mind.

Although Hokutomaru doesn't need to use the Fullbringing Technique, it is still necessary to master this new ability.

It is said that he has the power of a Shinigami, the power of a Hollow, the power of a Quincy, and now he has mastered the power of the Perfection Technique.

The four powers have been completely gathered (bfcc) unconsciously.

I don’t know if there will be any special changes in the future.

Fudomaru and Genji disappeared.

A group of Quincy were left standing there, looking at the scorched Taiyu on the ground. All the Quincy felt very heavy at this moment. grim Reaper!

It is indeed very strong, even the members of God's Hand cannot stop it. In this era thousands of years ago, what kind of existence was the God of Death?

"Let people go to Wuyue Temple as quickly as possible, find other adults, and tell them about Master Taiyu!"

As he said that, a Quincy walked out of the crowd, and then quickly left and rushed towards Wuyue Temple.

At this moment, in Wuyue Temple, Ba Ran looked at this group of Quincy!

"Where did you master the power of the Quincy?"

Yaran, this famous person in the Quincy records is right in front of us now.

The Quincy who came to this era from modern times saw Yaran's eyes shining brightly.

"us! From... the future!"


" Ba Ran frowned."Future?" what are you guys saying?"

Perhaps because they knew that Yaran might not believe it, the Quincy had already prepared the evidence.

"We come from an era thousands of years later, and our Quincy power is inherited from Wuyue Kan!"

As he said that, someone took out a book that recorded the Quincy's development over a thousand years.

Yaran opened it and looked at it carefully.

Half an hour later, Yaran raised his head,"Are you serious?"

"Did he really come here from an era a thousand years later?"

"That's right!"

Ba Ran was feeling a little emotional at this moment. He didn't expect that the Quincy would still exist after thousands of years. This is enough.

No matter what the future world is like, as long as the Quincy lineage can be passed on, then all the efforts have been in vain.

"What are you doing here after thousands of years?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qiao Yin, who had been silent for a long time, came out wearing his slippers.

"Lord Yaran, we are here to... learn the ultimate power of the Quincy, the power of the Quincy's Holy Body!"

What is the Quincy's Holy Body?

Ba Ran looked confused.

Seeing his expression, Qiao Yin frowned,"Don't you want to teach us, Master Ba Ran?"

"Lord Yaran, part of the Quincy's inheritance after a thousand years has disappeared. We go back to this time a thousand years ago for the sake of the development of the Quincy and to master the power that was not completely passed down!"

"Just teach us! In our era, there will often be many imaginary things!"

"Mastering stronger power is also to deal with Hollow!"

After hearing these people's words, Yaran was not very repulsive. After all, they were both Quincy, and the other person was a descendant of the Quincy lineage thousands of years later.

"If I know everything, I can give it to you, but I don't know what the Quincy Complete Holy Body is!"

Seeing that Ba Ran didn't look like he was lying, Qiao Yin frowned. Could it be that the Quincy's Perfect Holy Body hasn't really appeared at this time? The

Perfect Holy Body, which is known as the final form of the Quincy, is from The hand of Ba Ran.

But now Ba Ran does not seem to have this ability turned on.

"It seems we are early!"

Qiao Yin was a little helpless, but it doesn't matter. As long as they stay in this era, they can master the Quincy's perfect body.

After all, the person who created this move is the Eight Rans in front of them.

"It seems that at some point in the future, Master Yaran will create this form that changes the power of the Quincy, the Quincy's perfect body! Hearing this

, Ba Ran was stunned for a moment,"Me?""

"That’s right, it’s you, Mr. Yaran!"

Baran frowned,"I don't have time to study the power of the Quincy. Now I just want to do one thing, and that is to retrieve the remains of the founder! Hearing this

, Qiao Yin and others frowned,"Is this the time when the body of the ancestor of the Quincy was just lost?""

"yes!"Ba Ran nodded.

Hearing this, Qiao Yin and others looked even more ugly.

"What happen to you guys?"

Ba Ran asked when he saw that their faces were a little uncomfortable.

Qiao Yin looked up at Ba Ran,"This is quite bad, because according to the records, the ancestor's body was lost. In fact, the culprit was a god of death, a god of death. The God of Death in Soul Society!"

Hearing this, Yaran suddenly thought of Fudomaru.

But the other party had no reason to take action!

"That god of death is just a student now!"

Student! []

Ba Ran was stunned for a moment."Are you telling the truth?"

Qiao Yin""Anyway, this is what is recorded in the history of the Quincy!""

"What’s the other person’s name!"

Ba Ran's face turned livid.

Qiao Yin frowned and thought carefully,"It seems to be called……"

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