But fortunately, the situation is still within control.

Although he lost an arm, fortunately, the arm made of ice crystals can still be used. even!

Taiyu raised his head and locked his eyes on Fudomaru.

Immediately after the snowflake status bracelet on his left wrist, the cold air spread directly and climbed up Taiyu's left arm to his shoulder.

The ice crystals also formed a thick layer of ice crystal armor on his left arm. The ice crystals continued to spread and Taiyu's entire body was covered in ice crystals.

Like an iceman wearing future technology armor

"This is my special ability, ice condensation!"


The cold air is constantly surging, and the surrounding temperature seems to have become even lower.

The Quincy seemed to be trembling from the cold air.

But Fudomaru didn't move much at the moment. He just looked at Taiyu lightly and said,"I'm curious about something!"

Taiyu:"What's the matter?""

"Why would you, as a Quincy, think of developing such a special ability?"


Taiyu was stunned for a moment."It's not developed. It seems to be present at birth. However, after discovering his special ability, he studied it specially!"

Fudomaru shrugged,"So it's strange that as a Quincy, you have to study these powers!"

"This is also because of you! grim Reaper!"

Taiyu said as he looked at Hokudomaru,"In the historical records of the Quincy, the Shinigami all have special abilities, but we Quincy don't have any special powers!"

"In order to fight the Quincy hundreds of years ago, a Quincy discovered this strange ability, so some people specifically tried to find ways to study this power!"

It's understandable after hearing this explanation.

The Shinigami owns Zanpakutō, and each Zanpakutō has different powers, while the Quincy can only use the power of the Quincy Arrow. In comparison, the Quincy It really doesn't have any advantage.

That's why they came up with the Perfection Technique by coincidence, which is quite reasonable!

But the Quincy's strongest power should be the power of the Holy Words! There is no Yhwach in this world. Naturally, no one has given these Quincy the so-called holy words.

Thinking of this, Fudomaru also smiled.

"Okay, let’s stop talking here!"

Taiyu glanced at the Quincy below. If he continued chatting, these Quincy would probably start talking again.

Fudomaru nodded,"Okay! That’s it for now, let’s continue!"

"Aren't you going to use your Zanpakutō abilities? Taiyu asked.

Hearing this, Fudomaru smiled,"Are you sure?""

"Of course, I have used my abilities. If you don’t use your abilities, you may end up with your arms chopped off like me!"

That's right!

Go all out and never relax at all. This is the true fighting attitude.

But that’s it!

Fudomaru didn't think Taiyu could hurt him, or even if he could, it wouldn't matter.

With the ability of super-speed regeneration, Hokutomaru can now be resurrected even if his head is cut off. because!

There is Honyu in Hokutomaru's body!

Great sage!

【I am trying my best to analyze the complete technique and analyze the specific principles of the complete technique in depth]

Very good!

Hokudomaru raised the Ryuken Wakahu in his hand and pointed at Taiyu in front of him,"Then let me show you my power!"

"Everything in the forest is reduced to ashes, and the blades flow like fire!"

The flames rose on the Zanpakuto.

When he saw the flames, Taiyu was stunned for a while, and smiled bitterly for the first time.

Because the other party's ability was fire, and he happened to be ice, which happened to be opposite abilities!

But Immediately afterwards, Taiyu's expression became much more solemn in an instant.

At the moment when Fudomaru's Ryuken Wakahu started to release, the moisture in the surrounding air seemed to have suddenly evaporated a lot. The temperature!

It also changed from the previous low temperature. Suddenly, it rose crazily to a terrifying high temperature.

The heat flow rising in the air disrupted the refraction of light, and his vision seemed to begin to be distorted by the high temperature.

This made Taiyu start to sweat on his forehead.

The power of this guy's flames, I'm afraid More... terrifying than my own ice crystals……

"So hot!"

"What is this? How can the temperature of the flame be so strong!"

The Quincys retreated one after another.

Genji also retreated a distance and looked up at Fudomaru in the sky.

"Lord Fudomaru's Shikai is more powerful……"

This also shows that Lord Fudomaru's spiritual pressure has become more terrifying.

Flames swirled around Hokutomaru's body. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fudomaru stepped forward in the direction of Taiyu, approaching step by step.

The high temperature emitted by the flames also hit Taiyu. Taiyu frowned. Just maintaining the state of ice crystals under the high temperature already made him feel that his power was being consumed rapidly.

What is this flame?

Obviously, as opposing forces, they should be equal beings.

But now he actually feels that his ice is no match for the flames.

Unable to wait any longer, Taiyu raised his hand and instantly the Bow of Annihilation appeared. His right hand, which was condensed from ice crystals, instantly drew the bow while injecting the power of the Perfection Technique.

The Annihilation Arrow, which combines the power of Perfection and Annihilation, is shot directly in one arrow.

The ice-crystal annihilation arrow shot towards Fudomaru.

Seeing this scene, Fudomaru just shook the Ryukenwaka fire slightly and stirred up a trace of flame.

The seemingly insignificant flames rolled in the air, directly blocking the incoming ice crystal Quincy Arrow.

The whole process is very trivial.

There wasn't any big movement at all.

His full-strength attack was unable to cause any movement under the opponent's flames.

Let out a small breath.

Taiyu frantically controlled the surrounding spirits to condense into a Quincy Arrow, and kept shooting crazily in the direction of Fudomaru.[]

The cold air leaves white tracks in the air

And these frost arrows were automatically melted by the terrifying flames when they reached a position less than ten meters away from Fudomaru.

Even the spirit son was burned by the flames.

Fudomaru didn't do anything. He just stood here and let the enemy attack. Taiyu seemed to be unable to hurt Fudomaru at all.

(Very good)".Fire and ice!"

"It seems that I am stronger and your ice cannot shake my fire!"

Fudomaru's voice sounded, and as he spoke, Fudomaru looked at Taiyu with regret.

Yin ~ Yin ~ began to wave the Ryuken Wakahu in his hand.

Fudomaru's eyes were locked on Taiyu,"It's over!"

The blade let out bursts of sword sounds!

Suddenly, a rapid sound broke through the air, and a red light suddenly appeared in the air, extending from the direction of Fudomaru to the front of Taiyu.

Then the red line suddenly spread, and the flames swept through the air as if The dragon tore open a flame crack.

The flames that emerged from the crack directly wrapped Taiyu's entire body, and the ice crystals on his body were instantly shattered by the flames. There was no resistance at all.

Bathed in the flames Taiyu stared at Fudomaru with wide eyes.

So powerful...is this...the God of Death?

It's a pity, if he mastered the Holy Body, he might be able to kill him……

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