Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 59: He Family Courtyard

The man saw Xiao Luo's face with joy, "The little one has been waiting for you for a long time, so hurry up and go with the little one, the third general is waiting for you."

Xiao Luo looked suspicious, even thinking that it was the beginning of the illusion that he had changed the illusion, and he would know it no matter what.

The third-class handyman was very pleased along the way, but he was inseparable from the left and right. Xiao Luo responded vaguely, but it was you who was thinking in my heart, and I would take care of you. I don't even know what to do now. However, Xiao Luo's guess is generally not too bad, but when he just came in, he didn't have time to do anything.

The scenery on the road became more and more refined, Xiao Luo felt that the third master should be a more powerful servant. The place where he lives is at least much higher than the third-class handyman.

Finally, Xiao Luo was taken to a more gorgeous courtyard. A beautiful woman and a man sat on the stone table in the courtyard and talked and laughed.

The man looked up and saw Xiao Luo, waved his hand to let the person accompanying Xiao Luo go down.

He looked at Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo looked at him, Xiao Luo wanted to salute, but he didn't know what to do.

Mengshan had seen enough, and said to the woman on the opposite side: "Sister, this is the person who hit the dust last night. The dust must lie on the bed for at least three months."

Xiao Luo's astonishment was imprinted in Mengshan's eyes. Mengshan gave up his original plan for a while and said to Xiao Luo: "Go to the outside manager and say you will follow me in the future."

Xiao Luo retired in response, Mengshan kept staring at him until he disappeared.

Mengmei took a sip of tea and put down the tea cup, "But a third-class handyman would kill him if he was dissatisfied."

Mengshan smiled and said: "Sister, you can't just kill you, you will have to pay it back in the future."

Mengmei didn't say a word, this person just thought too much, and started to worry if he didn't know if there was any.

As he walked, Xiao Luo wondered about the intentions of the three directors. The two people's patterns were very similar to Wei Xian and Wei Xiao, but they felt weird that they couldn't tell.

Xiao Luo guessed that they would upgrade their identities if they wanted to go out. The ranks of the minions all change according to the master's likes and dislikes. The purpose of throwing them in is to grind their temper.

Xiao Luo, who thinks he has the truth, is going to first wisp He's interpersonal relationship, and then choose a thigh to hug.

As soon as I left the yard, I met a man, "Is it a manager? The third manager said that I would follow him, and then he came to you to arrange.


Not being pleased and not despised, it is simply a clear stream among the subordinates, but this is useless to Xiao Luo. He wouldn't be able to talk unless he opened his mouth, until Xiao Luo was assigned a private room and he was not depressed until Xiao Luo was given a handyman's identity card.

Xiao Luo's task was to listen to the third general manager at any time, and the third general manager would inform one day in advance if there was something to do, so Xiao Luo took time off.

When you are free, you can go chatting with other handymen. There are always some third-class handymen who are more comfortable than the master. They drank and ate meat every day and gathered in crowds to gamble, but because the emperor was far away from the mountain, no one with high status pressed them, and people of the same level were threatened by their fornication.

Xiao Luo Yihao saw them gather to gamble. Just simply guessing the dice, they are very happy to play.

Xiao Luo squeezed into them quietly, and it was not until the end of the round when the winner collected the money that there was an uninvited guest.

One made a look, and they surrounded Xiao Luo in groups. Xiao Luozi is not afraid, but his status as a handyman is much higher than them.

Unless they don't want to stay in where, they definitely dare not kill Xiao Luo. The above comes from Xiao Luo's self-confidence.

In fact, their hearts have long been wild. No matter how many handymen you are, they will become dead handymen if they hinder their happiness. Before they killed a second-class handyman who threatened them. After a few months of panic, I found that there was no fart, and no master cared about a handyman without a master. So they are not afraid. I don't want to let Xiao Luo join them. The gap in status means that equality is impossible, so killing Xiao Luo for a hundred is the best choice.

It's relatively remote, and no amount of movement can attract people. They are very open, and even have a depressed mood to molest.

Xiao Luo estimated the strength of the enemy and us, and found that he couldn't beat it. But he can definitely run, Xiao Luo is not afraid at all. Also put a few words from a few people.

Because both parties were too arrogant, neither side got any advantage. As the stalemate lengthened, several people became anxious, and they would be over if they ran away.

So a few people stopped using their bare hands and showed off their knives. The blade was dazzling, Xiao Luo didn't want to get the knife, so he fled. And left the matter behind for the time being, because the third chief had summoned him.

In the morning Xiao Luo couldn't eat breakfast, so he had to go to the third director to wait for an order. At this time, the third director just got up, squeezed the veil in his hand and wiped his face, then threw the veil to the boy next to him. Xiao Luo took a look at the boy’s neck. Many traces of mosquito bites, Xiao Luo hurriedly lowered


Mengshan laughed, "Today you will go with me to pick up a few young masters back home."

During the conversation with other handymen on the road, Xiao Luo learned that there are five young masters in the He family. The youngest one is already eight years old, but he has been with the old lady outside and does not live in where. The oldest is 19 years old, and I am doing business abroad with my master all day long. They are about the age of two, three, and four, and they are all thirteen. They are studying outside together. Now it's going to be a long holiday, and it's about to be picked up, and the house is going to be lively.

The way to pick up people was very plain, and there was nothing to do with him, so he walked a few steps with them and was sent back again. Oh, and at the same time, I was told that I would go to the third director to wait every day. It means that Xiao Luo will wake up early every day and have no food to eat.

Xiao Luo was angry, so he ate more dinner and lunch, but he was still listless every morning.

Since the young masters returned to the house, the task of the third general manager has become to bring the children, Xiao Luo and the other first-class handyman must pierce their ears to deliver what they need at any time.

When the two of them had nothing to do, Xiao Luo dragged them to chat, turning a taciturn person into a chatter. Xiao Luo had to complain about no food every day, but his colleagues would not kindly tell him that the kitchen had breakfast for them. Because breakfast is made according to the head of the person, Xiao Luo would be ignorant of Xiao Luo's meal if he didn't come, and he was very satisfied with what he had eaten these few days.

On this day, Mengshan said during the meal: "Xiao Luo sit down and eat together. I told the people in the kitchen that they will prepare more breakfast for you."

Xiao Luo was overjoyed, thinking that only this person would have forgotten him to have breakfast, but he didn't expect to have breakfast now, and it was better than his own breakfast.

Xiao Luo ate a lot. He had been paying attention to his Mengshan and was unconsciously taken by Xiao Luo to eat a little more. After a burp, Mengshan was thinking about whether he should take back what he had just said.

Yesterday he heard Xiao Luo's complaints and asked people to ask the kitchen. Xiao Luo hasn't eaten breakfast recently. Thinking of his aggrieved and afraid appearance, Mengshan unknowingly ordered the kitchen to put Xiaoluo's meal with his own.

After the meal, Mengshan took Xiao Luo out of the house and only took him. Along the way, Xiao Luo wondered whether he wanted him to die today to reward him with a meal. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, Xiao Luo still couldn't hold back, "Three Directors, where are we going?"

Mengshan said: "Go to the racecourse and prepare in advance. Tomorrow the young masters are going to race horses. There will also be Beppu young masters, so there are more things to prepare."

"Huh? Isn't it too late to go today?"

"Of course I'm just going to check, how can I prepare it myself. Go, get in the car."

Xiao Luo hurriedly climbed into the carriage, embarrassed all the way in the carriage with Mengshan's smiling non-smiling face.

Mengshan took Xiao Luo to the horse farm and was warmly received by the horse steward of the horse farm, and the horse steward accompanied him to inspect the horses.

Guanshi Ma introduced as he walked: "This is a bloody, sweaty BMW. After holding back for so long, tomorrow will definitely run fast."

Mengshan did not say a word, and checked it one by one. Xiao Luo didn't know what he was looking at, and he could only see what he was looking at without touching or touching...

From the beginning to the end, the horse manager's heart also jumped from joy to trembling, wiping the sweat from his forehead and waiting for the third general to deal with it.

Mengshan said coldly: "Get the horseman from stables No. 1, No. 10, and No. 11."

The steward Ma was trembling, and hurriedly ordered people to bring them. If it hadn't been for the knowledge that the third governor was not happy to kneel, Ma felt that he must have been on the ground long ago.

Soon, the three grooms knelt in front of Mengshan. Mengshan said calmly, "Why was the horse drugged?"

The three of them were sifting into a sieve, but they still refused to speak. Xiao Luo couldn't tell when he saw Zhang Hehe's mouth.

Mengshan kicked over the groom in front of him. The groom fell on the ground and rolled his eyes and foamed. Mengshan returned to the stable without even looking.

Xiao Luo followed not far and near, and saw Mengshan's kiss talking to Ta Xue. Xiao Luo couldn't hear clearly, but it didn't prevent him from getting complicated.

After checking the horses, check the racecourse, every inch of land. Of course this is not what Mengshan should do, he will only spot check

I found a leaky Mengshan with its face sinking like water. He didn't say a word at dinner, thinking about something all the time.

Xiao Luo didn't know anything and couldn't solve the troubles of the three directors. Xiao Luo was secretly anxious, if he could solve this matter, would he be able to go further, and then leave here?

But Xiao Luo couldn't do anything, unless the third chief was willing to let him get close to the blood, maybe he could cure that horse. People and horses have something in common... at least they are both panting.

After dinner, Mengshan went to see Ta Xue again, and took it from the stable to the racecourse.

Xiao Luo and the others were getting along almost the same. When Mengshan was about to leave, he said, "Mengshan, I don't know what medicine is in the blood." Mengshan didn't want to say more, but Xiao Luo's earnest eyes still made him speak: "It's useless. "

Xiao Luo said again: "It's better to let the younger one take a look, maybe it can be cured."

Mengshan was suspicious. His investigation showed that there were indeed many doctors in Xiao Luo's family, but the one who managed people was different from the one who managed horses.

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