Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 58: Disciple's Hall

The teacher bent over and raised the square plate above his head, and respectfully shouted: "Uncle Master, please take the card."

Xiao Luo pursed his lips and smiled, then picked up the sign casually, "Please don't be polite."

"Uncle Xie." The teacher thought it was not a good relationship. After all, the people of Chihuofeng had arrogant temperaments, but the one in front of him was naturally good at first sight.

He Feng called Uncle Shi to be ridiculed, but they were shocked by the name of Uncle Shi. Whether or not they were disciples of the Chihuo Patriarch, they all had committed the following crimes just now.

The teacher did not give them the time to regret and went directly to the topic, "Today after class, go to the sundries office to collect the supplies for the next three months with the identity card. The disciple hall teaches you how to be a qualified disciple of the Ten Thousand Grass Sect.

What is a qualified Wancao Sect disciple? This range is too broad, and now you only need to do one thing, which is to serve your own spirit demon ancestors.

The spirit demon is not for you to serve, but for worship. Presumably you all walked out of the Ten Thousand Grass Cave without your knowledge. It's normal, it has been the same throughout the years.

At the same time, the contract you made is only one-sided by the spirit monsters, which means that if they are not satisfied with you, they can throw you away for another one at any time. Until you get their approval, the contract will become two-way. Then it is usually the forehead, but it may also be the arm, depending on the will of the spirit demon. There will be a spiritual pattern.

I think most of you come from the secular world, and you should know that it is impossible for a completely secular person to enter the starless realm. It's because they don't have a spiritual pattern, so they can't call out the will of the real world. That's why secular people come here, pursuing a higher realm, a stronger power, and a longer lifespan.

Therefore, you must take good care of the spirit demon. Be a grandson and take care of your ancestors before you get the spiritual pattern. "

Xiao Luo didn't feel anything when he heard what the teacher said, anyway, he didn't expect to communicate with the will of the real world, but he wanted to stay far away. But for this group of people who are used to being ancestors, suddenly they are going to be grandsons, and they still want to be grandsons of the spirit demon who originally thought they were their servants, which is really unacceptable for a while.

But the training did not give them a buffer time, and immediately after finishing speaking, they would teach them how to serve the spirit demon.

In fact, spirit monsters are not limited to plants, animals also have them, but there are no spirit monsters whose main body is human. It's just that the Ten Thousand Grass Sect has only plant spirits due to various reasons, and most of them are vegetation, and even flowers are rare.

"Serving on this matter is very knowledgeable. Think about the people in your own family, and you can learn from them if you need it. The ancients should not be ashamed to ask.

Plants, give them what you need. Spirit monsters are all capable of talking, and as long as you listen carefully to their requirements, they will naturally be satisfied. Now you can invite the spirit demon ancestors out. "

Everyone was silent, and they lingered to summon, but the spirit monsters were not stupid, they would come out by themselves. The spirit demons who came out were very dissatisfied, the contractors they chose were too rubbish, and they all wanted to change.

The spirit demon looked at the bloodthirsty demon lotus enviously, how could the contractor of others be so caring and sensible.

Xiao Luo asked Demon Lian's opinion when he was asked to teach, and he came out as soon as he thought it out, even if he didn't want it.

The demon lotus had been holding back in Wancao Grotto for so long, so naturally she wanted to come out. And it wants to eat and drink well, take a bath with Lingquan, and massage with thorns.

Xiao Luo was as satisfied as he could, and Demon Lotus was envied by other spirit demons.

The teacher looked at Xiao Luo and thought that Shishu was worthy of Shishu, depending on how quickly others understood. It's not just forbearance first, or forever forever, and the spirit demon is not an appendage in the first place. This man, he must tear his face if he wants to stand tall.

The teacher is not obligated to provide psychological counseling for the disciple, it is enough for him to do his own job well.

"In the first class, massage the spirit monster with spiritual power.

This massage is not limited to the surface, it is the lowest level. Naturally, the massage for the spirit demon should be the most advanced. You must not only clear the veins of the spirit demon, but also remember what strength and concentration of spiritual power is suitable for where. The spirit demon will give you real-time feedback, and you must remember to obey the requirements of the spirit demon. I can't demonstrate this stuff, you can start by yourself. "

Then the teacher began to look around in the room, observing the progress of the disciples, and finally stopped at Xiao Luo. I kept admiring that the uncles of the masters are not high in the white generation, and the flowers bloom more prosperously depending on the methods of others and the comfortable appearance of the spirit demon.

Xiao Luo just did what Demon Lotus said, and others just refused to do such a simple thing.

Of course, the teachers would think of this situation, and they also thought of a solution to the arrogance.

After failing to finish the first class for three days in a row, the teacher laughed happily and very crippledly.

Everyone was taken to an old large courtyard. Of course, this yard is an illusion, specially made to train their minds. Here, they have no spiritual power, no powerful body, and all their feelings and abilities are like ordinary mortals.

Their status is the third-class people who just entered the house. When they knew this, some people wanted to resist, and the teaching directly kicked them one by one into the illusion.

Thirty people in two slips were taken into the He family compound through the back door wearing gray bunting.

Outside the third-class handyman’s room, the second-class handyman raised his nose and said in a charitable tone: "It is your blessing for our family to accept you. No matter what you did before, here is the lowest class. He’s a third-class handyman. Tomorrow there will be old handymen who will take you to tighten your skins, and it will be time for you to finish your work at the beginning. The back is where you live. , I’ll put it here, you can weigh yourself how to do it."

At this time the sun was about to set, and they felt hungry. It's just that the second-class handyman left after speaking, without mentioning where they were going to eat. Everyone didn't want to go out and ruin their face with this body, so they all went into the house.

The shout of "Ah Yi" prevented Xiao Luo from going out for food, and followed everyone into the house, thinking that something serious had happened.

A glance at the past is normal. The most advanced person pointed to Datongpu and said, "This... can this sleep?"

One person seemed to have broken a jar, lay down on the Chase bunk, pulled over a broken quilt and draped on him and closed his eyes.

Xiao Luo turned around again and walked out. How could there be a single room for thirty people in such a small house. At least not sleeping on the floor is good.

Xiao Luo laughed at these people while soothing his stomach, muttering to himself: "Goodbye, let's go to dinner right away, no more noise."

Xiao Luo didn't know where to go, he relied on his luck, and he had to be careful not to let the third-class handyman run around. I don’t know what to do in case it is discovered.

I heard the noise as I walked, and when I walked closer, I was wearing the same clothes as my own, holding a bowl while eating.

Knowing that he was on the right path, Xiao Luo ran behind the handyman who was still in the line and looked in front of him from time to time. When it was Xiao Luo's turn, only half a bowl of chowder and a small steamed bun were left in the big pot.

Xiao Luo led the meal on the principle that no matter how young he is, he can't let go of food, and he sighed fortunately when he saw the people behind him.

Learning from other handymen, Xiao Luo also squatted to the root of the wall. After taking a big bite, let alone, this person is hungry, eat it.

After swallowing the second bite, someone came up. It was a bit dark and I couldn't see what the person in front of me looked like, but the bear-like body was still very conspicuous.

Seeing that he had already stood in front of him, Huitu still looked like he didn't understand, and he was almost mad at him. I think he used to eat spicy food when he was a second-class handyman, and now he is out of food when he is a little late. There are still people who don't give face when they come to grab a meal.

Xiao Luo felt the crisis, and ate all his food when he was so angry that he had no time to chew.

As soon as the dust returned to his senses that the food was gone, he lifted his foot and kicked the bowl in Xiao Luo's hand into the air. The porcelain bowl just rang a few times when it fell on the ground, and Xiao Luo didn't know if it broke.

What's the difference between being a third-class handyman? At least Xiao Luo didn't have any oranges now, so he and the dust began to dry up. Even if it is a mortal, even if he is not big enough, Xiao Luo can blow up the dust. People who scramble for food and find something wrong are beaten up, and other people can watch the scene for free after eating a meal.

As he walked back, Xiao Luo cursed inwardly: It's too bad, and all the things he had just eaten are gone. Tomorrow, he will eat early and be full.

When I returned to the house, they were all lying on the bed. Xiao Luo said, "If you want to have breakfast tomorrow, get up early and follow me. There is no room for a creak. I can't see it because of the black light."


"Thanks." Xiao Luoxunsheng went over and fell asleep wearing clothes.

The next day Xiao Luo was shaken to wake up before dawn. They were too hungry to sleep. Although Xiao Luo didn't feel like getting up, he would naturally not be in a good mood when he was dragged out of his dream early in the morning, especially when many people still put on a stinky face.

There was a well outside, and Xiao Luo got water from it to wash his face. When he was hitting a big guy yesterday, he was accidentally dragged to the ground, and his body was stained with a lot of mud.

After cleaning up, Xiao Luo headed for the place yesterday with all the patience faces.

I didn't take a close look yesterday. Today Xiao Luo took a close look. The place where the meal was distributed was a shed, and the meal should have been transported from another place. There was no one at this time.

They can only stay here. The food transporter was shocked at first, and after seeing that it was a group of third-class laborers, he yelled unceremoniously: "Go away, go in line, it's useless for the monkeys to be anxious."

People who have never been hungry can't stand hunger the most, and now they don't even want to abandon the food of mortals, and eat violently after receiving a meal. If there is not only one serving per person, maybe they will continue to eat until they can't fit.

It's not that no one wants to ask for another one, but unfortunately people who are not as capable as the meal, get scolded a few words and leave in despair.

Xiao Luo hadn't forgotten that someone would come and lead them to work today. After eating, he hurriedly walked back, sadly that someone was already there waiting.

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