Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Fire Cloud Beast Meat

The three brothers from the Cong family are all Zhou Yufei's younger brothers, and their lives are tied to Zhou Yufei. Usually they have five people, but something happened to that person the other day, and they haven't been there for a long time.

There was a great power in front of the fire cloud beast on the battlefield of Withered Cloud sealed within a city wall. It is said that the city wall completely blocked the place where the Withered Cloud Battlefield could communicate with the outside world, and the Fire Cloud Beast could not do harm to all sides. Just relying on the city wall is not enough. These stations are close to the city wall in order to pick up weapons and slay the fire cloud beasts nearby.

After chatting for a while, Tian Zhou Yufei was laid off, and he stayed until the next day because it was not suitable to go in at night.

Early the next morning, Xiao Luo had a meal of Zhou Yufei's meal, and it was even more sure that the cook of Fengjia was not good. But I don't know that the raw materials of the two are different.

Upon receiving the task on the first floor, the five people rushed to the nearest city gate. Fortunately, Xiao Luo didn’t come by himself, because he actually had to pay the entrance fee to go in.

---Hundred contribution points. Feng He didn't need him to worry about this when he went in by himself, and naturally he didn't think of reminding Xiao Luo.

Zhou Yufei’s task was to collect three hundred third-level fire spirit crystals. It was also at this time that Xiao Luo realized that fire spirit crystals are also divided into levels. He didn't know which level of fire spirit crystals he needed, so he first collected and waited for Shen Chu to wake up. Come on.

There seemed to be no difference between the inside and outside of the city wall, at least Xiao Luo didn't feel it. Probably a hundred kilometers forward. The five stopped. Xiao Luo didn't know what to do, but it was precisely because of this that he wanted to be obedient. Cong Liang took out a compass and kept fiddled with it. Zhou Yufei explained: "This object is called the Fire Cloud Disk, which can track the traces of the Fire Cloud Beast. The Fire Cloud Beast attacks the city every 50 years, and the rest of the time will be scattered in various places. Without the Fire Cloud Disk, it depends on luck. ."

The pointer on the Huoyun plate was fixed, and the five people walked in the direction of the pointer, and they saw the Huoyun beast eating grass from a distance.

Xiao Luo looked at the sparse gray grass on the ground, and whispered: "It's not all eaten by this guy, right."

Zhou Yufei smiled and said, "It doesn't eat grass. This is probably a second-level fire cloud beast, does Xiao Luo want it?"

Xiao Luo nodded, "Wait for five minutes."

Before Zhou Yufei's surprise had passed, Xiao Luo pulled the Fire Cloud Beast back, and spent the five minutes and four minutes on walking. Zhou Yufei felt that it was time for him to reposition the little tabby cat, and that simple and neat technique would kill a lot at first glance.

Xiao Luo pulled the Fire Cloud Beast in front of the four of them, "Are there other places useful besides the Fire Spirit Crystal?"

Zhou Yufei nodded, "Naturally."

Congshan took the initiative to explain: "The food of the wild beast is mainly the fire cloud beast, and the meat of the deep-processed fire cloud beast is better than the wild beast meat. Moreover, the fur of the fire cloud beast is loved by the ladies outside. Generally speaking, The fire cloud beast's body is full of treasures." The three Congjia brothers were not surprised by Xiao Luo's strength. In their opinion, the person whom the master personally invited must be powerful.

Xiao Luo took out the fire spirit crystal and cut a small piece of meat and put it in his hand to study. Soon his mental power felt it clearly, and he pondered: "Does deep processing mean to eliminate the crazy magazines?"

Zhou Yufei was even more surprised, "Yes, do you have a way?"

Xiao Luo didn't say yes, "Wait a minute, I'll try."

Xiao Luo took out a bunch of potions, of course they were all low-level potions, Zhou Yufei had no interest.

Xiao Luo took out another basin, put the meat in it, and kept adding medicine. After a sudden crackling sound, the crimson flesh became normal.

Zhou Yufei teleported to the side of the basin, and the transparent gloves on the bag pinched the meat and felt it carefully, "It turned out that the part that caused the madness was really eliminated, how did you do it?"

Zhou Yufei's sparkling eyes made Xiao Luo a little embarrassed, "Wait for me to calculate, there are a lot of medicines used."

Then the four of them stared at Xiao Luo, and Xiao Luo simply closed his eyes to calculate, and then wrote down the medicine he needed.

Zhou Yufei looked at the list of more than one meter in his hand and really didn't know whether to be excited or speechless. So many medicines seemed to be no different from raising wild beasts, but the effect was quicker, and Huoyun beast meat could be appropriately promoted to the outside world. If this is the case, no matter how high the cost is, it does not seem to be unacceptable, and it will always be profitable.

Xiao Luo said, "Well for the first experiment, there will probably be a lot of unnecessary things. But let's talk about it after we go out. I still have a lot of medicine on my body, and we can take this after we finish eating."

Zhou Yufei felt that his top priority was to have a good talk with Xiaohuamao, take the meat in his hand from the truth, and drove the three aside.

Clean up the fire cloud beast. Zhou Yufei took out the table and chairs where he usually drinks tea.


Xiao Luo said, "Okay."

Zhou Yufei thought about what to say, "You have to know that once this is promoted, it will have a great impact."

Xiao Luo squeezed a small snack, put it in his mouth and tasted it. It was not as delicious as it was made at the beginning. He glanced at Zhou Yufei when he heard his eyes

It's your business, it has nothing to do with me. I'm just here to collect the fire spirit crystals, and I will leave when I have enough. "

Zhou Yufei was stunned, and after a while, he said, "How much do you need?"

Xiao Luo said a number, and Zhou Yufei said: "It's not that Zhou's family can't get it out, but that's not what I can call the shots."

Xiao Luo was even more weird, "I didn't say that I want the Zhou family, I will collect it myself."

Zhou Yufei said, "Then you take this out?"

"I just thought of it suddenly, it's time to exchange lotus seats."

"That's a tattered one."

"What I like is priceless."

Zhou Yufei didn't want to talk about it anymore, so it was enough to help him win the Fire Spirit Crystal at that time. Zhou Yu didn't want to go back immediately, Xiao Luo could not do it. He just got a fire spirit crystal and went back. A fool can do it. One hundred contribution points came from a strong wind.

Xiao Luo scolded, "Go back after completing the task, you're a prodigal son."

Although Zhou Yufei is unruly by nature, other people mentioned that he was not praised for being young and promising, and the first time he was scolded, it didn’t feel quite good.


Reluctantly, Zhou Yufei can only speed up the collection speed, Xiao Luo also collected a lot of fire spirit crystals, but all the third-level ones are used for the task.

A month later, the people who had been in the dust finally returned to the station under Zhou Yufei's urging. First went to the Alliance to hand in the task, Xiao Luo was taken to Zhou's house. Zhou Yufei found Xiao Luo the most luxurious laboratory.

Zhou Yufei sat on the sidelines cultivating, waiting for Xiao Luo's results to help him test the reduction of the mad factor.

Three months later, Xiao Luo announced that there was no way to improve it. He had figured out the last way a month ago. This month, he was verifying whether it was the simplest.

Zhou Yufei looked at the 13 orders in front of him, ranging from one meter to 30 centimeters, and the profits in the middle were huge.

Zhou Yufei asked: "Are you going out?"

Xiao Luo shook his head, "You can get me all the first and second grade medicinal materials. I think it is better to use a combination of medicines than to directly develop new medicines. If you can get obedient medicines of grade 3 and above. The teacher is the best. Even if the first or second level,

It's useless. "

Zhou Yufei swallowed, "I think we should go out and report to my grandfather first, and then let him provide manpower and financial resources. After all, he is more capable than mine."

Xiao Luo said, "It's okay, it's almost the same anyway. But for wasting so much time, should you make some compensation?"

Zhou Yufei thought it was funny. Such a major event related to the future of the dry cloud battlefield was actually said to be a waste of time. "My grandfather has abundant reserves of Huoyunjing. You can pick it up as much as you can."

Zhou Yufei took Xiao Luo to see his grandfather, when the old man was arguing fiercely with another old man.

When Zhou Xiang saw his grandson coming, he just waved his hand to make him wait, and the old man was in the mood to take care of his grandson when he was angry. Zhou Xiang lifted his legs and said casually, "What? I want to pick things from me again? Tell you, there are no doors! There are no windows.


The corners of Xiao Luo's mouth twitched. Is this how grandma and grandson get along?

Zhou Yufei dragged Xiao Luo to sit opposite Zhou Xiang, and displayed the longest list in front of Zhou Xiang with a scream. Zhou Xiang took it over and looked suspiciously and found that it was a pile of low-level potions. He was shocked and said, "You are already so poor?"

Xiao Luo smiled secretly, Zhou Yufei rolled his eyes, "Xiao Luo, show him it again."

Xiao Luo took out the basin, the fire cloud beast meat and the potion, and occupied the entire table. Then mixed the potion with the Huoyun beast meat, and finally the Huoyun beast meat changed color.

Zhou Xiang's old-age life was all consumed on the battlefield of Withered Clouds, and the Fire Cloud Beast knew much more than Zhou Yufei. At this moment, he doesn't need to pick it up, he can feel the difference even so far away. It was cleaner than the deep-processed Huoyun beast meat. It should be said that only the benefits were retained, and all the bad things were eliminated.

Zhou Xiang grabbed the list with excitement. This thing could make Zhou's family go further and treat it well.

Zhou Yufei coughed, and Zhou Xiang gave him a little attention. Zhou Yufei pointed to Xiao Luo and said, "The list you are holding belongs to him. He wants to exchange it for Huo Yunjing."

Zhou didn't have to think about it, "How much do you want?"

Zhou Yufei didn't answer and took out a list and handed it to Zhou Xiang, "This one needs less medicine than that one."

Zhou Xiang felt that the number of fire spirit crystals needed was huge, but if there were two, one for his own use and one for favors or resource exchange, as many fire spirit crystals seemed to be fine. Zhou Xiang looked at Zhou Yufei with sharp eyes, "How much?"

Zhou Yufei threw out the rest of the list, "One is shorter than one, how much do you think it is worth?"

Zhou Xiang's eyes were dazzled, "Go to Curry and get half of it."

Zhou Yufei said: "80%."

become. ,

"Seven percent."


"make a deal."

Zhou Yufei winked at Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo chuckles.

Then Zhou Yufei thought for a while, but still didn't mention Xiao Luo's request, because this medicine shouldn't be available yet.

Zhou Yufei took Xiao Luo to fetch the fire spirit crystal, and explained his worries to him.

Xiao Luo thought about it, let alone how long it took him to make that kind of medicine. It would be a trouble to make it out, so it would be better for him to leave here quickly.

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