Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 50: Withered Cloud Battlefield

Zhou Yuming stretched out his hand to hug, but Xiao Luo stood firm with a twist, and went in behind Zhou Yufei's ass. Zhou Yuming retracted his empty hand and laughed. It's really interesting.

Zhou Yufei fumbled towards the paper towel, and the mud fell on his eyes, and he kept touching. Suddenly a paper towel was handed to him, and Zhou Yuming suddenly had a little hope for brotherly love. After wiping the result, I opened my eyes and saw that it was the culprit who had harmed myself like this.

Xiao Luo looked at this slutty with a smile, but his heart was good in the end. Xiao Luo changed a grateful face, "My name is Xiao Luo, thank you very much for your help."

Zhou Yufei Tuanba Tuanba's paper towels accurately threw the paper **** into the trash can by the door, and stared at Xiao Luo, "What you did just now isn't as good as it sounds."

Xiao Luo smiled apologetically, "I was wrong just now. I didn't mean to throw up your face. I couldn't help it when the animal cart bumped.


Zhou Yufei has a characteristic. He doesn't get angry with the docile beauty. Xiao Luo acted like this, making him feel angry and not knowing where to send it. He came to laugh at Zhou Yuming, who was hated, and sadly became a punching bag.

Zhou Yuming couldn't beat Zhou Yufei and could only act as sandbags obediently. When Zhou Yufei was in a good mood, the three of them could finally sit down and get to know each other.

Zhou Yufei pointed to Zhou Yuming and said, "Zhou Yuming, my brother. I am Zhou Yufei, the eldest son of the Zhou family."

Xiao Luo said, "Xiao Luo is the one who sealed the family."

Zhou Yuming was more sincere, "I haven't heard of where the Feng family belongs."

Xiao Luo took the furnishings and decorations of the animal car into his eyes, and knew that Zhou's family was indeed amazing. Just put one thing in this animal car into the Heavenly Fire Nation, and you can fight for it.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "The mere small Feng's house cannot bear the ears of Young Master Zhou."

Zhou Yufei knew that the Fengjia that Xiao Luo said was just an uninfluenced family, lingering on the battlefield of Withered Clouds. But Xiao Luo didn't think it would be impossible to seal the house like this. Zhou Yufei became very interested in this little cat.

Xiao Luo said, "Thank you for your help. Can you let me down when I arrive at the station?"

Zhou Yufei pursed his lips and smiled, "This is like I want to detain you. Don't worry, I know where the Fengjia residence is, and I will surely send you there."

Xiao Luo said: "Then I will trouble you. I don't know what was chasing behind the car just now?" Xiao Luo only glanced at it, but the momentum was indeed not small.

Zhou Yuming curled his lips, "It's just a bunch of savage pigs." After saying this, he refused to say more, as if it came out of my mouth was an insult to my personality. Xiao Luo had no choice but to look at Zhou Yufei eagerly. If it weren't for Shen Chu's absence, he wouldn't ask others.

Zhou Yufei is very satisfied with the little cat's curiosity in the eyes, "The wild pig is one of the rations raised here. The blood of the withered cloud battlefield will erode the human mind, and only the native wild beasts can resist it. Blood gas. However, the savage beasts have to grow up happily in the vast grounds for their meat quality to be good. So everyone raises the savage beasts together. Every day, some people will be sent out to walk the savage beasts in a cart. The Withered Cloud Alliance will distribute according to everyone's contribution Basic brutal food, if you want to eat more, you have to use contribution points in exchange.

Speaking of this, when the Fengjia residence is settled, go to the Kuyun Alliance for identity registration, and only after registration can you accept the task. "

Xiao Luo's face was full of gratitude and admiration, "Thank you for your guidance, can you tell me why the Dead Cloud Battlefield exists?"

Of course, Zhou Yufei, who was bewildered by the beauty, knew everything, mainly because he could find someone to find out. This is not a secret, "The spirit beast here eroded by the blood of the dry cloud battlefield produced two species, one is that This kind of savage beast is only for human consumption. The other is very aggressive, called the Fire Cloud Beast. Of course, it may be a kind of spirit beast before it is corroded. But the specific division is a waste of time. It is not good, so it is collectively called the fire cloud beast. The reason for this battlefield is to prevent the fire cloud beast from setting foot in other places and bringing disasters there. The second is that the most important thing is that the fire spirit crystals in the fire cloud beast are right. The People's Congress is beneficial. Doping in weapons can make it bloody, which is a great weapon against the enemy. It can improve efficiency when used in medicine. But without exception, the number of fire crystals required is very large. ."

Xiao Luo thought that too, he also needed a lot, if a little bit had a miraculous effect, the fire cloud would have flooded long ago.

Zhou Yufei wanted to say more but was interrupted by Zhou Yuming, "It's already here, go and show the spirit beast the way."

Zhou Yufei smiled and patted Zhou Yuming, "It's not big or small."

Xiao Luo simply sat in front of the car with Zhou Yufei, and learned a lot about the battlefield of Withered Clouds during the conversation.

Zhou Yufei said: "We all know that resources are not inexhaustible, but this fire cloud beast seems to kill no matter how you kill it.

Endless. No matter how many killed in the previous year, the next year will be a fixed number, only a lot more. "

Xiao Luo thought to himself: This is so good, there are always fire spirit crystals available, but if what Zhou Yufei said is true, I am afraid that there are a lot of things hidden behind the fire cloud beast.

When he arrived at the Fengjia resident, Xiao Luo jumped out of the animal car and waved goodbye to Zhou Yufei. Zhou Yufei smiled and said, "Goodbye by chance." Then he drove away.

Xiao Luo watched the animal cart leave, and then walked roughly around the Fengjia residence. However, rows of tents are crowded with a thousand square meters area, and the outermost circle is surrounded by nets.

The only thing that can distinguish status is the size and decoration of the tent. The guards of the Feng family watched Xiao Luo walk around their house, trying to drive away, but were afraid to provoke people who could not be offended. The animal cart just now was very magnificent.

Xiao Luo stood still in front of the two guards, and took out the identity certificate given by Feng Zi from the bracelet. The guard took a look at the voucher and said respectfully: "Ten Elders have been waiting for a long time, please come with me."

Sure enough, Xiao Luo was taken to the largest tent, where two people seemed to be discussing matters. As soon as I saw Xiao Luo, I knew what they were talking about was coming. The ten elder waved his hand to let the guard go down, and then invited Xiao Luo to his seat.

The ten elders said: "The old man is the ten elder Fengying of the Feng family, and this is the eleven elder Fenghe. Welcome Yaoyao Xiao to the Battlefield of Withered Clouds.


Xiao Luo smiled shyly, "Since you all know me, I won't talk nonsense anymore. I came to want Huoyunjing, and at the same time I will bear part of the family's potion needs. I can be proficient in refining potions of level one to four. , Just find me if you need it."

The tenth elders and the eleventh elders were very excited, "We have been looking forward to you for a long time. Our third brother had something wrong with his practice. I hope you can help him take a look."

No wonder it was so enthusiastic, Xiao Luo said: "I can do it now."

Feng He wanted to stand up, but was pulled by Feng Ying, and then Feng Ying stood up and said, "The third brother's injury is not urgent, so I should first register with Xiao Yaoshi. Otherwise Xiao Yao cannot walk freely on the battlefield."

Xiao Luo secretly said: It's a calm and general, but I don't know how the third brother's injury is. It seems that it won't be healed for a while, "Then thank the ten elders first."

Feng Ying personally took Xiao Luo to the Withered Cloud Alliance to register. From the distance between the two, it can be seen that Feng's family is really not mixed here.


Although the people of the alliance didn't make things difficult, they also showed contempt in their expressions, and Feng Ying didn't say a word. Xiao Luo had a better understanding of the position of the Feng family here.

It's time to have dinner when he walks back to Feng's house, relying on his legs once and again. After eating the brutal beast meat, Xiao Luo felt that the chef of Feng Jia needed to concentrate on researching and improving his skills.

Then Feng Ying was going to send Xiao Luo to rest. Looking at Feng He's secretly anxious appearance, Xiao Luo still said: "Let’s see Brother Ling first." Of course, Feng Ying also wanted her brother to be treated as soon as possible, so she declined a few words. Take Xiao Luo to the tent of the seal.

Xiao Luo knew it at first glance. It wasn't a major problem, but it took a long time to be treated. Xiao Luo groaned: "There are two treatment methods. The first one is to directly use a fifth-level potion god-given, and the medicine will cure the disease, but it will take a few months to become weak. In the end, it depends on his good fortune. The second method is to use several kinds of spiritual plants to cook medicinal soups and bathe them every day for one month. This method will not have sequelae, and it has the effect of consolidating cultivation. What do you think?"

Feng Ying and Feng He glanced at each other. They were unwilling to be weak due to the belligerent temperament of the third brother. "Troubled Yaoshi Xiao to use the second method. Please write down the prescription. I'll be ready to prepare it."

Xiao Luo Shua wrote it twice, and then returned to his tent. Before going to bed, he thought that he seemed to have forgotten to say something, but his skin would become paler and thinner. There shouldn't be any problem, right?

Early the next morning, Xiao Luo had concocted medicine for 30 days for the seal, and after talking to the two of the precautions, Xiao Luo left here for the Withered Cloud Alliance. Although I learned a lot from Zhou Yufei's mouth, I still have to see it with my own eyes. By the way, look for a suitable task.

Yesterday he was in a hurry, but today Xiao Luo has a good sense of the class difference. From tents to stone houses and wooden houses, from one to three floors, from independent houses to suites to those with yards. At first glance, it doesn’t look like he’s on the battlefield at all, but he’s actually fighting.


The alliance should be one of the top members here. The place where it receives all members is a large palace with three floors. The first floor is for tasks, the second floor is for tasks, and the third floor is for free trade. Of course, there is a venue fee for trading here.

Xiao Luo looked at the task screen on the pillar and was puzzled. Isn't he not allowed to use electronic products? In fact, Xiao Luo didn't understand which levitated car was an electronic product. It was not until later that he knew that the intelligent hub of the levitated car was an electronic product. There are also manual cars, but Xiao Luo at that time was not qualified to contact them.

Most of the tasks are hunting fire cloud beasts, but the task requires the fire spirit crystal, Xiao Luo refused to accept this kind of task, and then it is about refining weapons, refining pharmaceutical agents and so on. Xiao Luo decided to take the task of refining first-level potions to give it a try.

Chapter Fifty-Level 1 Pharmacy Tasks

The refining of the first-level medicine is simple, and the reason why it is listed is because of its large quantity. Xiao Luo opened his eyes wide, and after counting and counting, he was sure that he didn't have many zeros. Refining one million blood clotting potions, but only one thousand contribution points.

Xiao Luo secretly said that his hands can't be so cheap in the future. Suddenly there was a chuckle from the side, Xiao Luo looked at it as a child. Isn't it just being laughed at? Xiao Luo felt that he was an adult, and he was not as knowledgeable as a child. Unexpectedly, the little child didn't let Xiao Luo go.

Yuantong left the alliance behind Xiao Luo, chasing after him and said, "I think you are new here, right?"

Xiao Luo slowed down and walked with Yuantong, listening to Yuantong beeping: "Hello, I am Yuantong, I am a third-level pharmacist." At this point, Yuantong paused deliberately, and the praise he expected did not come, Yuantong Tong estimates that this is either his predecessor or the same level, "I just said that you are a newcomer mainly because you are newcomers who have confidence in your own abilities to take on that task."

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes secretly, confident? It should be called arrogance. Dare to pick it up without seeing it.

Yuan Tong saw that Xiao Luo didn't respond, and he didn't know what to say. I've seen it in the past with regrets. When he said that he should ask how to solve it, but this one had no reaction at all.

Yuan Tong deliberated for a while and chose to say bluntly: "You see such a large number, do you need some help?"

Xiao Luo secretly said, as expected, who would be so kind to talk nonsense with a newcomer? Of course it is a profitable person. Xiao Luo felt a little fun, and followed Yuantong's words and asked, "How can you help?"

Yuan Tongxin wondered how did he know that he was a group of people instead of one? The tone became more respectful, "Some first-level pharmacists can share the task for you."

Xiao Luo said with interest: "Should you want to share the reward with me? You said that the first-level pharmacist can't take this task, you can always do it? Why don't you take it and do it?"

Yuan Tong smiled bitterly: "Each pharmacist can only take this task once, or it can only be taken in the first three months after registration." Xiao Luo thought that this alliance is still good, at least there is no special pitfall.

Xiao Luo groaned: "I can finish this task naturally. Even if I can't, my colleagues will help me and I won't bother you."

Yes, after spending a long time spitting, Yuantong turned around and left without saying a word. Xiao Luo didn't care, and didn't take this episode to heart. I don't know that Yuantong has already hated him.

Xiao Luo walked back to Feng's house from the alliance again, realizing the necessity of the animal car, so he went to Fenghe to ask how to obtain the animal car.

Feng He smiled bitterly: "The spirit beast pulling the cart is no longer the outer spirit beast. It has been transformed by the alliance. No one knows how to do it, only the top-level ones. The outer spirit beasts are not at level six or above. Sooner or later, we will die here. And with a 100,000 contribution point for an animal car, we can only save a thousand contribution points for the entire year."

Xiao Luo was surprised. He thought that the contribution point of the pharmaceutical task was very small, but now it seems that there are a lot of points. Xiao Luo was puzzled and asked, "Why are there so few?"

Feng He sighed, "We don’t have a car, and we can’t receive tasks related to brutal beasts. Naturally, we can’t get brutal beast meat. We can only exchange for contribution points, and each person needs to consume at least ten contribution points per day. The amount. There are weapons, medicines...some of them also need to be exchanged."

Xiao Luo said, "If that's the case, why should I stay here forever."

Feng He shook his head, "I only know that the ancestor of the Feng family had spent a lot of effort to get the qualifications to be stationed here. I don't know why."

Xiao Luo didn’t get more news and didn’t ask. Instead, he said, “I took the quest for the first-level medicine in the alliance. Please help me ask if you want to do it together. How much effort will you contribute and how much will you contribute? ."

Feng He was overjoyed. He had forgotten that the newcomer still had these welfare tasks, and said hurriedly: "I will call you pharmacists right away. Please wait a moment.


Xiao Luo thought to himself that he was almost fooled by the kid, and Feng He was so happy that this task might still be a benefit for the newcomer. There are ten first-level pharmacists, five second-level pharmacists, and one third-level pharmacist in Feng's family. Xiao Luo is also strange. Feng's family is not without pharmacists, so why did he send so many? Do you have no hope for this place?

Soon these people started to make medicine. Although simple, it is also annoying to keep doing the same thing over and over again. Xiao Luo has a high level and a fast speed. He has completed one-fifth of it in a month. Xiao Luo doesn't plan to do it again. He said to Fenghe: "I made one-fifth of the potion, and I will give you the rest. This task must be handed in by the person who takes the task?"

Feng He shook his head, "As long as you go to the alliance to turn the recipient of the task into a family, anyone in the Feng family can hand it in.


Xiao Luo said, "Okay, then I'll change it. Then I might go outside for a while, and I don't have to worry about coming back at night.

Feng He thought for a few seconds, but Yaoshi Xiao is a treasure, "Where you are going, you have to prepare first. If you are away for a long time, you have to bring food and water. Sleeping bags at night are also necessary. The temperature here is very low at night. You Wait a few minutes, I'll get you a set of essentials."

Xiao Luo nodded, "Okay, then I will trouble you."

After a while, Fenghe slipped over with a big bag. Xiao Luoxin said that fortunately he had storage tools, otherwise it would be too much of a hindrance on the battlefield to carry a bag on his back.

Xiao Luo took the bag and put it in the bracelet to thank him and set off for the alliance.

After smoothly changing the recipient, Xiao Luo turned around in the mission hall again. Sure enough, the quest for the first-level potion was no longer available, and Xiao Luo directly browsed the quest for the fourth-level potion. It's just that most of the raw materials of this kind of medicine have to go to the battlefield to find them. Although it is a little troublesome, Xiao Luo feels that it is not impossible to accept a tube of medicine with one hundred contribution points. Instead, he looked at other tasks, and finally accepted a task of refining Level 4 potions.

This medicine is called blood stab, and its effect is an explosion before death. When the blood volume of the whole body is less than three-fifths, taking this medicine can instantly increase the combat power by three times. Provided by the auxiliary medicinal material alliance, Xiao Luo only needs to find two kinds of spiritual plants, namely, Sargentodoxa and Roushuang. Moreover, there is no limit to the number and time of the tasks of the four-level potion. After receiving the task, you can hand it in whenever you want. Therefore, the general fourth-level pharmacist will take the task first, and then do it at the right time.

Xiao Luo wanted to leave, but thought that he hadn't seen it on the third floor, and he didn't know when he would return after leaving, so Xiao Luo turned to the third floor.

The third floor is full of stalls, regardless of whether it is priceless or tattered, the alliance only provides stalls. Xiao Luo turned around and saw a lot of things he wanted, but he was too embarrassed to afford it. Xiao Luo secretly took note of their locations, and bought them when he had money, hoping that they would still be there.

Xiao Luo squatted in front of a stall and did not leave. The main reason was that the lotus seat on the stall was too suitable for him. He wanted to hold it in his arms when he saw it. But I can't afford it, I can only get eye addiction.

Zhou Yufei lost a bet with his grandfather and could only stay here to watch the stall. He covered his face with a fan and lay on the rocking chair. When a person arrives at his stall, he will not leave, and Zhou Yufei is not afraid of stealing. It’s just that it’s too annoying to keep sighing and thinking about interrupting him to rest? Zhou Yufei couldn't bear it, and he would yell at him when he took off the fan, but he saw his little cat, and the secret path was really destined.

Zhou Yufei shook the fan in front of Xiao Luo, and Xiao Luo looked up reluctantly and gave him a look.

Xiao Luo said in surprise: "It's you, it's a destiny."

Zhou Yufei took back the fan, "What's the matter? Which one do you like?"

Xiao Luo's mind was attracted by the lotus seat again. Zhou Yufei followed Xiao Luo's eyes and looked at it. Isn't it just a lotus with no rubbish? When he was a child, he used it to throw flying cakes, and the old man packed up a pile of clutter and put it here to bluff the big idiot.

Zhou Yufei said: "It's yours if you look at it. It's not rare to see this pile of tatters all day long."

Xiao Luo blinked, "Is it yours?"

Zhou Yufei was furious, "My uncle brought back the tatters. I took it casually when I was a child. My grandfather got here after I stopped playing.


In that case, Xiao Luo quickly picked up the lotus seat and put it in the bracelet, for fear that Zhou Yu would not regret it. Xiao Luo groaned: "I didn't have any contribution points when I first came here, only the potions refined outside, do you want it?"

Zhou Yufei hasn't been short of medicine in this life, so he would not have liked Xiao Luo, "Not interested."

Xiao Luo said, "When you are interested, you can ask me for it."

Zhou Yufei nodded perfunctorily, and asked casually: "Where are you going? If it's okay, help me see the stall for a while, I'm going there."

"I want to go inside, don't worry, you go." Xiao Luo got up and sat on the rocking chair. Zhou Yufei chuckles, shaking


When Zhou Xiang came back, he saw that his grandson had disappeared and was replaced by a conscientious young man. Zhou Xiang glanced at his eyes at random, feeling that it was still broken and didn't care about it. He was forced to open this stall because he lost a bet with his old friend, and he let the juniors watch it on weekdays, and he has never been here a few times. So after reading it, knowing that his grandson was still responsible, he was relieved without directly quitting him, turned around and left.

When Zhou Yufei came back, there were three people behind him. Xiao Luo stood up and prepared to leave when he saw him back. Zhou Yufei stopped him, "The task we plan to take requires five people. Do you want to go with you? One person is afraid. It's not easy to get in."

Xiao Luo agreed without even thinking about it. The purpose that left him was just the Fire Spirit Crystal. As for the task, he would do it if he had a chance, and let him go if he didn't.

However, Zhou Yufei had to stay here until the next morning, and Xiao Luo took the opportunity to get to know each other with the three people. The three are triplets, the eldest brother is called Congliang, the second brother is called Congshan, and the third brother is called Congzhen. The name was given by their dad who often tells the truth. He said that he couldn't do it and put it on his sons, Xiao Luo felt that it was also a strange person.

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