Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 32: Four-level sect

Hu Huaniang is noncommittal, time will test everything.

Hu Huaniang hired a horseman. At first the horseman was not happy when he saw Shu Zi, but he had to succumb to Hu Huaniang's lust. Hu Huaniang took them around the surrounding towns, and succeeded in following a string of small tails behind her. Because the number of people reached twenty, Xiao Luo and the others had to temporarily give up their plans to go far away, and first brought these teenage turnip heads back to the sect for resettlement.

Xin Jing's food finally came into use, and the fragrant food successfully conquered these little guys. Teaching to the disciples is also on the agenda. The five people divided the twenty evenly after a fight. Shu Zi stayed in Lian Fangzong as the deputy head of the main hall. Hu Huaniang also came to Lian Fangzong as a cook and teacher, responsible for teaching children literacy.

Ten years later, Lian Fangzong succeeded in annexing the last five-level sect of the Great Departure Realm and successfully became the overlord of the Great Departure Realm. At the same time, the game is about to start again.

To be honest, Lian Fangzong's combat power is still only the five Xiao Luo people, so the others who followed are all going to Da Soy Sauce.

. Make up the number of people and join in the fun.

For this competition, the five people of Xiao Luo deliberately retreat to practice, and only after they can kill a bunch of other elders in the sect, they decided to participate. The goal is to become a four-level sect from a non-level sect. Because the fifth-level sect is a certainty.

The journey was so long that they had to set off early, and arrived at the competition venue after a month of sleep and food.

This competition venue is called Wanyuan Valley every year, independent of this sect, but it has to be taken care of by all first-level sects.

Accommodation is classified according to the level of the sect, and there is only one small tent like their classless sect like Lian Fangzong. This small tent was choking for five people in Xiao Luo, let alone twenty people when they came.

All the levelless sects were arranged in one place, and even the sect next to Fangzong saw them dumbfounded and said to them kindly: "In the future, it will be enough for two people to come, and to come so many is also a gift."

The five people are full of birdiness but there is no place to vent, because this rule is formulated by all the first-level sects, they can’t provoke them.


Reluctantly, they had to leave two people to live here, and then the others set up camp outside Wanyuan Valley.

The opening ceremony of the competition was for each first-level sect to show off their strength and younger generations. Xiao Luo and the five felt very boring, but what others saw was full of enthusiasm.

Then Xiao Luowu learned about the rules of the game, which requires people under the age of 120 to participate. Because they consciously think that their strength is too high, it is not easy to tell the winner, and they are not friendly to the environment, which is very easy to cause endless situations. The future of a sect lies in the younger generation, so there is such a rule in the competition.

For Lian Fangzong, this is tantamount to a bolt from the blue, because only Xiao Luo, Tang Yi and Wei Shengxue meet the requirements. Xin Jing and Hang Rui had to admit that they were old.

Helpless, they can only talk about it depending on the situation. After listening to it, I got a good news. The age requirement for team competition has become 500 years old. Now five people can play together.

The game was divided into five parts: fighting, refining weapons, refining medicine, formation and refining food. The first to play the stepless sect competition. Take out the top ten with the best overall score and compete with the fifth-level sect.

The first type of the game is the formation method. Lian Fangzong's children survived the first level before being brushed down. Everyone was happy for him, but was laughed at by a first-level sect.

The second type is fighting. Lian Fangzong's children clenched their teeth and won the eleventh place, although the reason was that his opponent was too bad. But a group of stepless sects should not ask too much. Those who followed Xiao Luo were all the little dolls who had just entered the sect.

The third type is refining food. There is no cook in Xiao Luo's group except Xin Jing. There was no other way to draw lots to decide who went up as shameful, and then it exploded as soon as it got up. The last one deserves its name.

Xiao Luo squeezed the bridge of his nose, and said painfully, "Sheng Xue, it's up to the two of us. You can't take anything except the number one." Wei Shengxue cried, "I understand, I understand."

Tang Yi looked at Xiao Luo and Wei Sheng Xuezuo as he cleaned up the scum on his body, "I will watch you work, and I will see if you can really cry when you can't get promoted."

Xiao Luo laughed haha, and said, "Let’s not talk about imaginary things. If you have time to find Xin Jing to learn from your experience, you can blow up the stove.


Tang Yi sneered and didn't want to speak.

The fourth person who went up was Xiao Luo. It was nothing more than recognizing medicinal materials as potions. After Xiao stepped down, he vowed to be the number one. As the result came out, there was a popping on his face, and Xiao Luo was second.

Xiao Luo grinned, "It's definitely a black-box operation, absolutely, why I am not the first."

Tang Yi and the others are also very strange. It stands to reason that getting the first place with Xiao Luo's ability is a matter of grasping.

This second became the eternal pain in Xiao Luo's heart, even if he later learned that Star Tower had changed the reality a little bit, so that Xiao Luo suffered a small loss while identifying the medicinal materials.

Wei Shengxue won an undisputed number one, and at the same time attracted many fifth-level sects to ask for weapons from Lian Fangzong. They are very welcome to make money. Poor Wei Shengxue is going to keep refining tools.

In the battle between the levelless sects, there is no other audience except those at the end of the sects who need to worry about their status as the fifth-level sect.

After the boring races, the top ten was announced. Fortunately, Lian Fang Zongba stayed in the back of the car and there was no need to start again.

Xiao Luo and others happily started the challenge of the first-level sect.

There are no team competitions and challenges in the fifth and stepless competitions, and only a fixed number of sects are taken according to the ranking. For the fourth-level sect, in addition to becoming the top ten of the fifth-level sect, you must first challenge the fourth-level sect, and you can only participate in the ranking battle after winning, and you can only lose the fifth-level sect.

The challenged object is chosen by the challenger. Xiao Luo didn't know all the sects, but fortunately, the referee gave him a randomly selected option. Lian Fangzong, who was convinced that he was favored by the God of Destiny, was matched to the first place in the fourth-level sect last year.

A breath of mourning filled the sky above Lian Fangzong, Xiao Luo said: "Are we offending the Star Tower?"

Xin Jing said: "It's very possible, otherwise how could it be so lost."

Wei Shengxue spread his hands, "Anyway, you will win in the end. It doesn't make any difference whether your opponent is strong or weak."

This is so reasonable, they were speechless, so everyone was ready to go. When the referee announced the start of the game, they went up and decided to anger their opponents to vent their grievances.

Facts have proved that Xiao Luo knew that this person was not his one-in-one enemy when he came into contact with his opponent, but in order not to attract the attention of the big brother Zongmen, Xiao Luo could only win this game with difficulty.

Acting is also a technical job. In order to appear that they are incapable of victory, they have to withstand some attacks abruptly. Instead of angering his opponent, he was rather exhausted.

At the end of the challenge, the real game will start. And the next team competition is for all sects from level one to level four to participate.

I don't know why, this kind of competition was originally between the first-level sects, but it slowly became the first to fourth-level.

Xiao Luo speculated secretly: "I think it is to kill the danger in the cradle seed. These big gates monitor the game, and then they will either recruit in or kill the good seedlings."

Hang Rui knocked Xiao Luo on the head, Xin Jing and Xiao Luo looked at him dissatisfied. Hang Rui said: "You all know, but you can tell.


Xiao Luo hurriedly covered his mouth.

All Zongmen's teams will be disrupted and caught up in the elimination rounds. Until the last group is left as the champion. Then he thought he could be the second one to register by himself, and then catch the pair one by one for the elimination rounds. Just keep playing the game until the rankings of all the sects appear.

Such rules are obviously detrimental to those sects who are good at miscellaneous businesses, and it is too unfair to fight only by force. But no one will raise objections, including those disadvantaged sects.

Anyway, the five of Xiao Luo were all able to fight, and they were all true. They didn't have time to fight against other sects.

Two teams stood on countless competition stages. The sect that Lian Fangzong met was called Dadaozong, which was still a third-level sect. Dadaozong looks down upon Lian Fangzong's little sect. As soon as he came up, a tall man rushed over with a machete. The others just stood there still, as if watching a good show.

Tang Yi snorted coldly and threw a bottle of chili powder medicine directly. In the pink powder, the man burst into tears, and the knife could not be held firmly, so Xiao Luo kicked him off the competition stage.

It happened so suddenly that the other members of the Great Sword Sect did not react at all to save and lose the same door.

Needless to say, Tang Yi threw a tube of cartilage medicine at them. But such a victory did not make other people more vigilant, thinking that it was just some sidelines who didn't care about it.

After World War I, the experience and lessons should be summed up. Because the opponents were too good at it, except Tang Yi and Xiao Luo, the other three only came down after watching the scenery on stage for a while, so Tang Yi said: "I think we can improve Sheng. If you use a test tube, you need to smash the potion equipment before it can explode. If the opponent intercepts the potion, the scene may be worse."

Wei Sheng was helpless in learning, and it was time for him to do hard work again, "Okay, I will start to study when the game is over."

Due to the overall strength of the sect, they had to stop at the fourth-level sect. Although the goal was accomplished, even Fangzong’s

But the mood is not so wonderful, even a little aggrieved.

However, this kind of frustration gradually weakened with the passage of time and the improvement of Lian Fangzong's overall combat power, and finally five people successfully completed the task after a hundred years.

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