Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 30: Do decoration

Wei Shengxue thinks so too, "Tall down here and rebuild it, and make a place for future disciples. I have saved some materials, let's make a tool house for five of us. This will have the style, and it will be in the future. I don’t need to move. I made it upgradeable, so that in the future, the sect level will be higher and the materials will be upgraded.”

Xiao Luo groaned: "Okay, just say what you need, we can do what we have. Here we can build it, you can go to the factory.


Wei Sheng said: "I'll go back to get the embryo first, you write down your preferences, and I will try my best to be satisfied."

Xin Jing agreed, "I like tailor-made the most."

Then Wei Shengxue returned to his own site to refine embryos, and the four of Xiao Luo began the great cause of construction.

Xiao Luo said: "Take down these rags first, use what you can use, and throw away what you can't use. Tang Yi and I will take it apart here. Hang Rui, you and Xin Jing will go to Houshan to cut logs."

Hang Rui said: "Okay."

Xiao Luo thought for a while, and stopped the two people walking towards the back mountain, "Wait a minute, I will let the handling robot go with you, so that you can just pick the wood and chop it." After speaking, he took out a line of ten robots. . They have a semi-reel shape at the top, which is best for moving things.

Xin Jing waved a big hand, "Little ones, follow me." Xin Jing walked in front, Hang Rui followed one step behind, and there was a robot behind the two buttocks, which really felt like a mountain king.

Tang Yi looked at Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo wondered, "Why do you look at me?"

Tang Yi said, "Ah, didn't you have a robot to demolish the house?"

Xiao Luo slapped Tang Yi on the back of his head, "Who wants to work if I don't take it out if I have it?"

Tang Yi reflected on himself, Xiao Luo was very capable and made himself want to rely on him unconsciously. No, Tang Yi shook his head, even if he didn't separate, he couldn't rely on Xiao Luo. I always have to work hard.

Tang Yi rolled up his sleeves and started to work. His plant tentacles can play a great role on this construction site.

So Tang Yi took charge of the disassembly and selected useful materials. Xiao Luo's flame is responsible for burning away the useless garbage. At first, Xiao Luo burned everything and disappeared. Suddenly seeing a bright light, thinking that these ashes might be used as fertilizer, leaving behind ashes.

When Xiao Luo and Tang Yi were working, the robots brought back wood from time to time. Xiao Luo glanced at it. Anyway, he didn't know what kind of wood to use to build a house. He didn't even know how to build a house.

Due to the strength of the tentacles, the two men demolished all the houses in one day. The lunch is provided by Xiao Luo, so if the cook is away, he can only eat it right away. Wei Shengxue was even more pitiful. He didn't eat lunch and worked hungry.

So the first thing Wei Shengxue did when he saw Xin Jing was to strongly ask Xin Jing to prepare lunch in advance and let them take it with them.

Xin Jing said embarrassedly: "I was negligent, let me know, I will do it in advance tomorrow."

After the meal, Xin Jing and Hang Rui discussed how to design a nest of love. Tang Yi had been dreaming of her home since she was a child, so she wrote it quickly. Xiao Luo didn't ask for anything, and just wrote a few sentences for Wei Sheng to learn.

Wei Shengxue saw that there was a big bed, a window, a table, and a door on the paper. This requirement is absolutely unbelievable. It can be met by a house. However, it is him who saves time and effort in this way, and he will not persuade Xiao Luo to ask more.

Tang Yi's ideal cabin is a cozy nest, easy to satisfy. Wei Shengxue calculated that if everyone else was so simple, he would carefully design a super invincible big house for himself.

After Xin Jing and Hang Rui finished writing, Xin Jing said, "Just get us a house. It's troublesome."

Wei Shengxue is happier, maybe his house can be more functional? Then Wei Shengxue was dumbfounded. How cordial and friendly Xiao Luo and Tang Yi asked. See if this is a request made by someone? Open up a small flower room in the bedroom with a swing. The swing should be big enough to allow two people to get in touch with each other... The request from the back, Wei Shengxue, didn't want to see it.

Xin Jing also knew that he had a lot of demands, but Wei Shengxue said he could raise them. He didn't expect him to complete it all again, as long as he could do half of it, he would be grateful.

Xin Jing said proudly: "You do your best, I will be full for the rest of the meal."

Wei Shengxue felt that it was a bit of trouble. If it could be exchanged, it wouldn't be a loss to eat and drink in the future, so Wei Shengxue didn't say more. At the strong request of Xin Jing this night, Xiao Luo provided comfortable and soft blankets and warm quilts, and everyone slept comfortably.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, Lian Fangzong's sect was fixed. Everyone went around the circle to inspect the site that might be memorialized, feeling extremely satisfied. Finally turned back to the main hall.

Xin Jing stopped the four people who were about to go in and said, "It's fine to patronize the inside, Xiao Luo, you forgot to decorate the outside."

Xiao Luo had indeed forgotten, but he couldn't admit it at this time, and he had to admit Xin Jing to death. Xiao Luo said, "This is the most important aspect of our sect. I'm not saving it for everyone."

Wei Shengxue said: "It is reasonable, I think we should get more decorations that represent the five of us, otherwise it will always feel like something


The five people fell into thinking. Xin Jing suggested: "Five pillars? Five statues? Five spirit beasts? Five flowers?"

Xiao Luo thought that five flowers were good, and said, "How about five-petal lotus? You can get a five-petal lotus in each brick. Then, on this piece of land, make a pond in the middle, and put a five-petal lotus carved with crystal in the middle. Plant real lotus flowers around."

Everyone nodded unanimously and agreed, Wei Sheng said: "How do the colors of the lotus come from? Is it based on the original five colors, or according to our own preferences."

Xiao Luo said: "Like it, we have to represent us."

The material came out, and it was Wei Shengxue's task to carve the big five-petal lotus because he proposed to make the five-petal lotus into a protective weapon. Little Lotus is the task of Xiao Luo and the four.

Then Xiao Luo thought about it again when he was looking for materials, "I heard that the sect has any guardian formation?"

Xin Jing said, "But there is no one who is proficient in formation."

Xiao Luo said: "Don't worry about this, let's refine the little lotus into a formation base, and then bury a formation in the hall, um...

Just get the colorful spring breeze. Although the main function is defense, it also has a bit of offensive power. I give you the refining method


The refining method is simple and easy to understand, that is, the number of refining formations is a bit large, but you will always succeed if you work hard.

Where did the formation come from? Of course it was given by Shen Chu. Xiao Luo focused on doing two things, chatting with Shen Chu while refining the formation. Recently, Shen Chu has always come and gone without a trace. He said that he could control the time of sleep and he didn't know where he was eaten. Although Xiao Luo was upset, he didn't ask much, but when he asked too much, it was tears.

Shen Chu could already leave Xiao Luo's body, but it was only part of his soul, just enough for Shen Chu to control the clone in the real world. In order to exercise Xiao Luo's ability, Shen Chu didn't tell him this. Shen Chu mainly manipulated the clone to inquire about the whereabouts of the materials that Xiao Luo needed, and at the same time worked hard to make money, striving to let Xiao Luo continue to live as he pleased in the future.

The formation base has been refined and refined for half a month. After being proficient, one person can refine between 3,000 and 5,000, which shows that the number is huge. After refining the big five-petal lotus, Wei Shengxue continued to fight for the big house of Xin Jing and Hang Rui. Xiao Luo, Tang Yi and his own house had been refined long ago, and Xin Jing and Hang Rui were left behind. So Xin Jing urged Wei Shengxue with his small eyes every day.

After all the things were settled, the five people were relieved and prepared to relax, when the sect of the next mountain, the Great Bear Sect, called.

It doesn't mean that I just killed him directly, but it is aggressive, and it is not too tiring to raise his chin so high.

The leader is Xiong Xiao, the young master of the Great Bear Sect. Xiong Xiao has a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, and she is so petite that she doesn't deserve her surname at all.

No matter what their purpose was, Xiao Luo was always the first native to come to Lianfangzong, so Xiao Luo welcomed people into the hall.

Xiong Xiao's eyes brightened when he saw the five-petal lotus outside, his eyes became brighter when he walked into the hall, and he was almost blinded by others.

Xiong Xiao walked in the forefront. She picked up the lotus and stepped on it, as if she was growing a lotus step by step. She looked up at the dark roof, and she didn't like it. But the beads on the Panlong Zhu were very popular with her, she thought generously: someone else would build a roof again someday.

Then she saw the lord seat, and thought that even Fangzong knew her preferences, so she would show compassion to let them survive.

She wasn't bragging, the Big Bear Sect was a fifth-level sect, and the reason why Lian Fangzong was next to it was just because Lian Fangzong had a third-level powerhouse. Now there are five milk dolls left, and it's easy to get rid of them. Some spies reported that Lian Fangzong's recent actions were not small, and she would come here to find out. Unexpectedly, it was to please her, it was not in vain.

Just as Xiong Xiao walked quickly to the stage and flicked his cloak to sit on Xiangyun, the Sovereign Seat issued a burst of white light and bounced Xiong Xiao out. Her little brothers did not expect this to happen, so Xiong kissed the lotus with a small mouth and hugged the bricks.

Xin Jing and Wei Shengxue laughed unceremoniously, and Tang Yi, Hang Rui and Xiao Luo couldn't help but laugh. They already knew the purpose of this monkey, and it was obviously here to show off. As soon as they entered the door, they went to the seat of the lord of another sect. This was a naked provocation, and Xiao Luo felt that they did not need to be patient. Judging from the spiritual fluctuations on the monkey and her little brother, any of the five can pinch them to death. As for those who are young and old, they are not afraid at all. Xiao Luo's proposal to build a killing formation on the entire hill should be implemented as soon as possible.

Only then did Xiong Xiao understand that she was wrong, but her thoughts turned a few more turns. She felt that these Lian Fangzong's cheap servants were picking up her preferences to seduce her, and then watch her make a fool of herself. Xiong Xiao vowed that she would not let them go.

The little brothers of Xiong Xiao were scared to death, and they raised Xiong Xiao in a panic, fearing that she would lose her temper and kill someone.

□Author's gossip: ask for recommendation




Chapter Thirty—The Big Bear Sect

Xiong Xiao's temper is big, and everyone in the Big Bear Sect knows that she is the one who is arrogant and cruel.

After Xiong Xiao got up, he didn't make a single glance, but just glared at the five people and left.

Xiao Luo teleported to the side of the lord's seat. After sitting down, Kuan Kuan shouted: "Welcome to come again."

Xiong Xiao turned his head, his eyes were full of humiliation and resentment, and finally couldn't help but let go of his cruel words, "Enjoy it, and your good days will come to an end when my Big Bear Sect is back."

Xin Jing smiled contemptuously, "I don't bother you to worry about it, so I can leave or not."

After they walked far away from the top of Lianfang Mountain, the five set up a small table. Spread the topographic map that I don’t know from that time.

Xiao Luo first circled the mountain top of Lian Fangzong with a red pen, pointed to it and said, "We are here, the Big Bear Sect is here, and there are some levelless sects that depend on the Big Bear Sect. I think they can all be classified as Our own sphere of influence, so that when we go out to collect disciples, we can blow a wave of mountains in the sect."

Wei Shengxue agrees with Xiao Luo's idea very much, but has to admit that this idea appeared too early, "Even if our strength is not weak, we don't know the strength of the enemy. We should do a good job in the long-term battle. Prepare to spend hundreds of thousands of years here. Anyway, it won’t be long outside, so what if this is the real world?"

Tang Yi said: "I agree with Wei Shengxue's idea. We still don't know the difference between the non-level sect and the fifth-level sect. We should first explore it before making plans. Knowing ourselves and knowing the enemy is not dead."

Xin Jing circled the map with his finger and said: "It will be ours after all, but sooner or later. Then, shall we take the initiative or wait for the monkey to come over."

Xiao Luo groaned: "First set up our nest and wait for them to deliver it to the door."

The five people here are busy, vowing to make Lian Fangzong the safest nest. And the Big Bear Sect is also very lively. The big bear sect lord Xiong Zhuang, who dotes on his baby girl, was very angry after hearing his daughter's cry, but because he was too busy to walk away, he invited the hidden elder Xiong Wei of the big bear sect.

Xiong Wei is alone. Since Xiong Xiao was born, he has regarded her as eyeballs hurt. When he heard that someone had bullied his eyeballs, he closed his eyes and stopped practicing. Xiong Xiao found his place.

So Xiong Wei hit the door the next day. Fortunately, Xiao Luo installed an electronic eye at the gate. As soon as there is a big movement, Xiao Luo will receive news.

But even if the news was received in time, their door was still destroyed by Xiong Wei. At this time they deeply felt the importance of manpower. When the matter is over, go down the mountain to recruit people.

Xiong Weiren didn't say much cruelty, so he would fight when he came up. Xiao Luo was the closest to him and directly challenged him. And the disciples he brought would not watch the battle quietly, spreading out to smash Lian Fangzong.

Although their strength is low, they are crowded. Xiong Xiao just folded his arms and watched Xin Jing and the others rescue. Focusing on this side, Xiong Xiao did not see the battle between Xiong Wei and Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo first tried a few tricks carefully, and after finding out Xiong Wei's strength, he directly launched a violent blow, and Xiong Wei was beaten to the ground.

After Xiao Luo stunned Xiong Wei and tied it up, he noticed the breakers, kicked Xiong Wei angrily, took out a pig-killing knife to Xiong Wei’s neck, and Xiao Luo shouted: "All Stop it or kill him."

Xiong Xiao turned his head and looked at it in disbelief that her most powerful uncle had been made like this by a lowly maid. Xiao Luo blinked, Xin Jing and the four of them understood, and knocked them out one by one when they were stunned. In a blink of an eye, Xiong Xiao became a lonely man. He threw away the people on his hands. Five people surrounded Xiong Xiao and walked towards her slowly. Xiong Xiao became frightened.

She was fainted before she complained about the people around her again. The four looked at Tang Yi, Tang Yi raised her hands, "Look at what I am doing, didn't it just stun her?"

Wei Sheng learned to help her, "You fainted someone she was not awake."

Tang Yi died with a hard duck mouth, "Who said that, we are all awake."

Xin Jing tied the little bear and said, "Then you can send a letter to the big bear sect and let them redeem someone."

Xiao Luo said, "I feel that the people of the Great Bear Sect are very weak, so why don't you just take them?"

Wei Shengxue said helplessly: "We have no hands. First sign a non-aggression treaty with them, and then go to collect people. Is it okay to grab the hill if there are too many people?"

Xiao Luo knew that he was in a hurry, but had no answer.

In the end, Tang Yi didn't deliver the letter, and Xiao Luo found a humanoid robot to negotiate with the lord of the Great Bear Sect. Things went smoothly, because Xiong Wei was considered one of the strongest fighting powers of the Big Bear Sect, and Xiong Xiao was the treasure of the Big Bear Sect, so Xiao Luo and the others not only got the ransom, but also signed a two-year agreement with the Big Bear Sect. Infringement of treaties. No matter how unwilling Xiong Xiao is, it won’t work, because her father can’t do it either.

Xiao Luo them.

After activating the protective formation, Xiao Luo and the five went down the mountain together. The reason why I dared to dispatch all without leaving someone to guard the door was mainly because even Fangzong's poor even the thieves dismissed him. Lian Fangzong's poverty and stupidity are well-known on all the hills.

After they came out, the five had no idea where to go, and they felt desolate standing at the foot of the mountain.

Xiao Luo said, "Where to go?"

Xin Jing said: "Otherwise, let's go to the Great Bear Sect to abduct someone to lead us?"

Xin Jing’s proposal was unanimously approved, and the five ran to the Big Xiongzong and stunned a disciple in tattered clothes and brought them to the foot of the mountain.

The disciple was thrown on the ground and woke up leisurely. Seeing the five people were scared with their hands on their chests, their legs curled up and trembled.

Xiao Luo said in a vicious voice: "What is it called?"

"Shu Zi," Shu Zi said, "Comfortable Shu, son of grandchildren."

Tang Yi also had a calm face. "Where are the people?"

Shu Zi said: "Qilian Town." Shu Zi thought he had nothing to do with him anyway, and the relatives in the town were all vampires, no matter what their purpose was, it had nothing to do with him. Shu Zi knew this Lian Fangzong person, not a wicked person.

Xiao Luo felt a little unable to pretend, and said: "Show us the way, or you will kill you. Your Sect Master will not turn your face with us because of you."

Shu Zi nodded, he was the one who was oppressed anyway. However, Xiao Luo didn't treat Shu Zi badly along the way. The five of them gave Shu Zi whatever they ate, and let him sleep whatever they slept.

In short, Shu Zi feels that it is always a great choice to lead the way to the wasteland. These days are the best days he has had, and Shu Zi is reluctant to think about it.

It's a pity that the road is so long, and it won't be because of Shu Zi's wish. Shu Zi led the five Xiao Luo into Qilian Town.

Everyone in the town seemed to know Shu Zi, but none of them had a good face. The five Xiao Luo were very surprised, and they didn't even get a good expression with them.

At Xiao Luo's request, Shu Zi took them to the largest restaurant in town. Xiao Er smiled and greeted Shu Zi and drove them away. "Walk around, our small temple can't accommodate your big Buddha."

So they were kicked out before entering the restaurant's door. Xiao Luo retreated to second place, but the result was still the same. She changed her face when she saw Shu Zi.

Xiao Luo sighed, "Where you are welcome, take us wherever you are."

Shu Zi wanted to say that he could give directions, as long as he didn't bring him, he wouldn't be turned away. But Shu Zi didn't want to say that the first time I met people who didn't dislike him, even because these people didn't know his information.

Xin Jing took them to a remote restaurant. There was no customer in the restaurant. It was obviously a meal.

Shu Zi came in and shouted, "Grandma, I'm back."

"The comb is back? Let grandma have a look." A female voice was heard from behind, and a woman walked out of the small door after a while. Wearing an apron around his waist, holding a **** knife in his hand 0

Hu Huaniang first stared at Shu Zizi carefully, looked up and down, then hugged Shu Zi and said, "I'm thin and dark. Outside.

My mother misses you so much. "

"I miss grandma too," then pushed Hu Huaniang away, pointing at Xiao Luo and them, "This is mine, my friend, we are hungry.


Hu Huaniang was surprised. Her grandsons had never had friends, and she didn't know what their hearts were. But Hu Huaniang still smiled and said, "Grandma will do it right away."

Then Hu Huaniang went back to the back and started cooking. Shu Zi entertained five people and sat at the dining table, making tea again. Hu Sanniang also came out after pouring one cup.

The five people were all surprised, this is too fast.

However, the dishes are still delicious, full of color, flavor, and flavor.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Luo explained their intentions to Hu Huaniang. Hu Huaniang looked at Shu Zi, "Didn't you join some big bear sect? How did you become Lian Fangzong?"

Shu Zi was a little embarrassed, but still said firmly: "Lian Fangzong is more suitable for me."

Shu Zi said he belonged to Lian Fangzong, but he didn't discuss with Xiao Luo and the others in advance, so Shu Zi was afraid that Xiao Luo and them would not give face.

Xiao Luo was happy that there was one more doorman and it was too late, no matter whether Shu Zi said this to make his grandmother feel at ease or really wanted to join Lian Fangzong, he was born to Lian Fangzong, and died is Lian Fangzong's ghost.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Shu Zi didn't live well in Big Bear Sect. After we helped him, he promised to stay in Lianfangzong.

Hu Huaniang was very good at grasping the key points. When she heard that the Big Bear Sect was not good to Shu Zi, she patted the table, and was pulled back by Shu Zi before she said anything. The two of them murmured for a while before they came out. After they came out, Hu Huaniang said, "The people here who have a little aptitude have been recruited by the Big Bear Sect. If you want to recruit disciples, you must either go a little further or go to the village below. Look at the Big Bear Sect. Not going there, so there should be some good seedlings."

The five people together decided to go to the village first, and then to a place farther away. Xiao Luo said, "Then trouble you to lead the way."

Hu Huaniang waved her hand, "It's no trouble, it's enough to treat my grandson better."

Although he didn't understand why Shu Zi was hostile, Xiao Luo promised: "We will be the best brothers."

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