Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 630: A woman blinded by love (26)

   Originally, before coming to Beijing, Mother Wei said she wanted to call Wei Qiming to say something.

  But Wei Qigang just wanted to scare Wei Qiming, so he stopped Wei's mother and said something: "Second brother is a filial person, I must be very happy to know that we are going to Beijing, so let's give the second brother a surprise!"

   Hehe, there are definitely no surprises, but there are big shocks!

   hung up the phone, Wei Qiming was so angry that he squeezed the phone tightly, wishing to burst it.

   Damn Wei Qigang! Bring the whole family to Beijing without making a sound!

  Wei Qigang knew Wei Qiming, so why didn't Wei Qiming know his arrogant younger brother?

   So he must find a way to send the Wei family back as soon as possible——

   Ying Ting was soon notified when the Wei family came to Beijing. Ying Ting just let people pay attention, and then he didn't explain anything.

   It was his daughter-in-law who gave the order. He would only know when he went home and asked his daughter-in-law for instructions!

   The first time Ying Ting came home was to go back to his room to see the summer. He was still asleep in the summer, so he probably fell asleep again after talking to him on the phone.

   Looking at Xia Xia's tired face that he couldn't hide when he fell asleep, Ying Ting felt a little guilty.

   The first time he tasted it last night, he was indeed intemperate.

   Well, I must not toss his daughter-in-law tonight!

   leaned over and kissed Xia Xia's forehead lightly, and Ying Ting went downstairs to cook for Xia Xia.

   Now that he's all back, of course we have to make fresh meals for summer!

   When he got home, he bought the recipe on purpose, so he could follow it.

   If he didn't lose his memory, he would be good at cooking, plus the training for half a month in summer.

   Now, let alone follow the recipe, it’s okay to rely on himself—

   After the meal was ready, Ying Ting also specially brought the meal to the room.

   "Wife, the meal is ready, get up and eat."

   In fact, he didn't have to answer the court call, he had already woken up in the summer.

  She was already very hungry, and then Ying Ting came up with a delicious meal.

   As soon as she smelled it, she woke up.

   "Oh~ it smells so good~" She rolled her eyes twice on the bed with half-squinted eyes.

   Ying Ting reached out and picked her up, approached her, sniffed, and said, "Well, it's delicious!"

  Xia Tian fell into Ying Ting's arms and looked at him from the outside: "When did you come back?"

   "It's been almost an hour since I came back, let's have dinner." Ying Ting filled the rice with a spoon, and pretended to feed the summer.

  Xiamen quickly shook his head and refused, and came out of his arms: "I have to go and brush my teeth first."

   Originally wanted to lift the quilt in the summer, but she found that she was not wearing clothes!

   In Yingting's room, there are no clothes for her!

   Ying Ting also remembered, he grinned: "The weather is not cold, wife, you can just come out like this."

  Xiamen was stunned for a while, then raised his eyebrows: "You're right~"

   After saying that, Xia Tian took off the quilt indifferently and got out of bed naked.

   This time, Ying Ting was stunned and almost lost control...

  Summer found the bath towel that I used last night, so I wrapped my body and left Yingting's room.

   Ying Ting came back to his senses when he left in the summer.

   He hurried downstairs with the food again, and then wanted to enter the summer room.

   As a result, I learned to be smart this summer and locked the door.

   Ying Court: "..."

   Xia Xia deliberately did not let Ying Ting in, what if he couldn't help it again?

   She was tossed so hard last night, and she is determined to have a holiday today!

  After washing up, I didn’t wear a maid outfit today in summer, but a more comfortable casual suit.

   She opened the door and saw Ying Ting standing at the door.

   As soon as he saw Summer, Ying Ting raised his smiling face: "Let's eat quickly, or it will be cold."

  Xiamen nodded and followed Ying Ting to the dining room.

   After sleeping for a long time, although she still felt a little tired, it was much better than that in the morning.

   In summer, Ying Ting watched her eat and talked to her.

   After talking, he talked about the Wei family coming to Beijing.

   "What do you want to do?" Yingting asked Xia Xia.

   Xia Xia smiled and shook his head, as long as the Wei family came to Beijing, there was nothing she needed to do.

   She only needs to push the flames a little at a critical moment.

  No one in the Wei family is good.

   Letting their dog bite the dog is also a very good thing.

   At a critical moment, let Du Mengwen know about Wei Qiming's fabrication.

  When the time comes, Du Mengwen will let Wei Qiming make up lies to the public.

   She, a movie watcher, can watch it well!

Although    Ying Ting doesn't know what his plans are in summer, since he has said nothing to do in summer, then let's not do anything.

   "I made it according to the recipe, is it delicious?" Ying Ting asked Summer.

  Xiamen nodded: "Mmmm! It's delicious! You can try it~"

   said, in summer, the taste of vegetables was brought to Ting's mouth.

   The chopsticks were used in summer, but Ying Ting opened his mouth happily and ate it: "Well, it seems that I am very talented in cooking!"

   "Haha that's right~ The food you made is delicious!" Summer praised without hesitation.

   Ying Ting was very satisfied, and immediately said: "Then I will cook for you every day from now on!"

   "Huh? Good!" In response to Ting's kindness, Xia Xia did not choose to refuse, but readily agreed.

   Anyway, she was used to Gu Yanyu cooking for her every day, no matter who cooks.

   "However, you have to work and cook every day, will it be very hard?"

   Ying Ting shook his head: "No! Where is your job important? I can reduce the workload. Anyway, there are other people in the company besides me."

  Xiamen blinked and looked at Yingting with an incredible look.

   Ying Ting raised his hand to touch his face and asked, "Is there anything on my face?"

   "There was nothing on it, I just thought it was weird," Summer said.

   Ying Ting raised his eyebrows: "Huh? What's so strange?"

   "You, why did you become so enthusiastic all of a sudden?"

   Although it wasn't cold before, but he always had a straight face and didn't show his emotions or anger.

   Well, it should be said to be boring before, but now it is Mingsao.

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Ying Ting smiled and said, "I was embarrassed before, but now you are my wife, what else should I be embarrassed about."

  Summer: "…"

   is so reasonable, what else can she say?


   Here, after dinner in summer, I would sit on the sofa with Ying Ting and watch TV.

   Over there, Wei Qiming reluctantly went to the train station after receiving a call from Wei Qigang.

  Wei Qiming has an older sister, a younger brother and a younger sister. The older sister has married and has an eight-year-old son.

   A large family adds up to seven or eight people.

   As soon as Wei Qiming received them, he said he would take them to the hotel to open a room.

   Before the rest of the Wei family said anything, Wei Qigang spoke first: "Second brother, you have already bought a big house, why are we still staying in a hotel! Just live at home!"


  【(╥╯^╰╥) I have a headache to the point of exploding, and taking medicine is useless. There may only be 6,000 updates today~]

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