Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 629: A woman blinded by love (25)

   What company, what meeting, where is his daughter-in-law important!

   After hanging up the phone, Ying Ting said to the secretary beside him: "The meeting is cancelled, I'll get off work first."

   After saying that, Ying Ting simply turned around and left.

   Obviously everyone is at the door of the conference room, so many people are already waiting for him, the conference will be canceled if it is cancelled...

   Although those people were very happy to cancel the meeting, the expressions on their faces are not joy, but dumbfounded.

   I don't know who spoke first, and said, "General Manager Ying... When did you have a wife?"

   Then everyone came back to their senses and started talking.

   "Yes! When did Mr. Ying have a wife?!"

   "Who is Mr. Ying's wife?!"

   There are also speculations: "Will there be a private secretary who should always be with you a few days ago?"

   As soon as this guess came out, it was also recognized by many people.

  Because they have never seen Ying Ting beside other opposite sex, Xia is the only one.

   Of course, some people questioned this guess: "Impossible! If it was that private secretary, why did he become a wife in half a month?!"

   "That's right! He is obviously a private secretary, how could he become a wife so quickly?"

   "Oh, stop guessing! Since there should always be a wife, it must be a wedding! We'll know who it is soon!"

   "That's right, you should always get married, you can't do it quietly, there will definitely be a wedding."

   "Hey~ Mr. Ying is married now, those who want to marry Mr. Ying have no chance!"

   "There's no chance if you don't get married, or else you should be able to get married after thirty-seven?"

   "Well, that's right..."

   Ying Ting's phone call in the conference room quickly spread throughout the Ruisheng Group, and naturally it also reached the ears of Wei Qiming, the team leader of the Planning Department.

   Everyone is guessing whether Ying Ting's wife is summer, but not sure.

   Only Wei Qiming knew that the wife Ying Ting said must be Summer.

  Although he was also surprised, Wei Qiming was more excited and looking forward to it.

   He thought that the person he loved in Xia Xia was him, and marrying Ying Ting was just for money.

   I don't know who gave him the confidence to think that he should not be in court in the summer.

   However, now, Wei Qiming has begun to fantasize that he and Xia will join forces to kill Yingting, and then get the property of Ying's family.

   He felt that the beautiful and rich life was already waving to him...

   However, the ringtone of the cell phone interrupted Wei Qiming's fantasy.

   The caller was from an unfamiliar number, Wei Qiming pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

   "Second brother, it's me!" On the other end of the phone was a loud man's voice, Wei Qiming was no stranger to it.

   Wei Qiming frowned, glanced at the number on his mobile phone, and determined that it was a call from Beijing's public phone: "Have you come to Beijing?"

   Wei Qigang on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Second brother, you are so smart! We are at the Beijing Railway Station now. Come and pick us up."

   "You? Who else is here besides you?" Wei Qiming frowned even more.

   Wei Qigang said: "Our parents, our mother, our eldest sister, eldest brother-in-law, nephew, and fourth sister are all here!"

   Wei Qiming heard this, and stood up from his chair: "What did you say?!"

   His reaction was so excited that everyone turned to look at him.

  Wei Qiming was stunned for a while, and hurriedly took his mobile phone to the bathroom.

   Entering the bathroom, Wei Qiming shouted into the phone, "Why are you all here?! Are the crops at home gone?!"

  Crops are secondary, Wei Qiming didn't want his family from the countryside to come to Beijing, after all, he went to university in Beijing.

   In case it is known that he is not from the city but from the countryside...

   "Hey~ Second brother, you are already living a good life in Beijing, what else are you going to do with the crops in the countryside!"

   Wei Qigang is 23 years old this year, and his studies are different from Wei Qiming. He didn't go to junior high school.

   So Wei Qigang's words are all ruffian.

   "Who told you that I have a good life in Beijing! I..."

Before Wei Qiming could finish his words, he was interrupted by Wei Qiming over there: "Okay second brother, our family is still waiting at the train station, come pick us up quickly, you have no money and you starve to death. all!"

  Wei Qiming really wanted to say starvation to death, but he came to Beijing without saying hello. What a mess!

But obviously, Wei Qigang knew his second brother very well, so he didn't wait for Wei Qiming to speak, he added with a smile: "If you don't come quickly, I'll take a taxi directly to your company to find you, Ruisheng. The group is a big company, drivers should know about it, right?"

   Hearing this, Wei Qiming was so angry that he quickly said, "I'll ask for leave now to pick you up, you guys are waiting there."

   These words were completely squeezed out of Wei Qiming's teeth, and Wei Qigang could certainly hear it.

   He still smiled and replied: "Okay! We will wait for you, second brother, at the gate of the train station!"

   Wei Qiming hurriedly hung up the phone, he was afraid that if he didn't hang up again, he could not help but curse.

   Damn Wei Qigang! He even brought the whole family to Beijing!

  The relationship between Wei Qiming and Wei Qigang was not good. Wei Qiming couldn't get used to Wei Qigang's lack of ambition, and felt that it would be a loss of face to have him as his younger brother.

  Wei Qigang couldn't get used to Wei Qiming's self-righteous appearance, which was pretentious and disgusting.

   Knowing that Wei Qiming had a good life in Beijing, how could Wei Qigang, who has been doing nothing in the town, willingly let Wei Qiming have such a good life in Beijing.

   Wei Qigang had said before that he was going to come to Beijing, but Wei’s father and Wei’s mother prevented him from coming, saying, “Your second brother’s life in Beijing is not easy, so let’s not go to the trouble.”

   The main thing is that Wei Qiming made a promise to Wei's father and Wei's mother, saying that when he stabilized in Beijing, he would take them to Beijing to live a good life.

   So Wei's father and Wei's mother are counting on Wei Qiming to pick them up to live in Beijing!

   It was also Wei Qigang who said to Wei’s father and Wei’s mother a few days ago, ‘Second brother is doing well in Beijing, and he bought a house, so we can go to Beijing’!

   Buying a house is true, and Wei Qiming got the money from Xia Xia.

  Xiamen was very straightforward. Without a word, he went to Ying Ting to get money and paid Wei Qiming a down payment.

  Yes, just down payment.

   Wei Qiming's fancy house has 200 square meters. Although the price is not particularly expensive, it is definitely something Wei Qiming can't afford to pay for the down payment even after ten years of work.

  According to Wei Qiming's meaning, it is to let the summer pay the full amount directly.

  Xiamen refused, on the grounds that she has not yet gained the full trust of Ying Court and cannot ask for too much money.

   Wei Qiming thinks so too, so let's make a down payment.

   But even for housing, the monthly cost is much more than Wei Qiming's current salary.

   However, Wei Qiming is not worried at all. Anyway, he can get it every month in summer!

   But what he didn’t know was that even buying a house was in the calculation of summer—


  【Update completed~】

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