Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 622: A woman blinded by love (18)

   In stark contrast to Xia Xia's decency and generosity, Wei Qiming's pale face was frightened.

  Because of him, he seemed to see his end...

   He felt that today might be his last day at Ruisheng Group.

   But he is not reconciled!

   Looking at the smiling summer sitting next to Ying Ting, Wei Qiming was really unwilling to destroy the beautiful days he worked so hard to create!

  Suddenly, he thought of a method, a method that he had used many times and was useful!

   He felt that this time, it must also be useful——

After the    meeting, Wei Qiming stopped her while she was leaving Yingting's office in the summer.


  Xiamen stopped and turned to look at Wei Qiming.

  Wei Qiming walked up to Xia Xia and asked Xia Xia with a concerned expression on his face: "I've been looking for you for the past two months, and I'm so worried about you! Where have you been for the past two months?"

   Wei Qiming's acting skills are average, at least in summer, his acting skills are very ordinary.

   Especially the way he pretends to care, it's disgusting!

  Xiaomi chuckled twice with a mocking tone, and said, "Where have I been, do I need to report to you?"

"Of course I need it! What's the relationship between us! After knowing that you were in the hospital, I was worried about you, but my mother said that you were gone, so I took the train back to find you. I couldn't find it for several days, so I came again. Beijing is looking for..."

   "Okay Wei Qiming, you know whether you're going back to find me or not, and I know too." Xia Xia pretended to be impatient and turned around to leave.

  Wei Qiming hurriedly grabbed her, Xia couldn't break free.

   Xia Xia was pulled to the top of the stairs, Wei Qiming also looked left and right to make sure no one let go of her hand.

"Xiaotong, you don't know how worried I am about you! When you saw me yesterday, why didn't you recognize me? What's your relationship with Ying always? Is there that kind of relationship between you two? He... you tell me I, I won't despise you, we can start over again..."

   "Wei Qiming, are you here to be funny?" Xia Xia originally wanted to cooperate with Wei Qiming.

   But when she heard his sentence, "I won't despise you," she couldn't help it.

   What qualifications does someone like Wei Qiming have to despise her?

   also showed a great look, how can there be such a brazen person?

  Although the world is huge, she still wants to see and complain once.

   "Xiaotong, we've known each other for so many years, don't you know me? I really won't despise you, no matter what you become!"

  Wei Qiming looked at Xia Xia, trying his best to have deep affection in his eyes.

   Shi Jiatong in the past liked that Wei Qiming looked at her with that kind of eyes, because she felt that Wei Qiming was very focused when he looked at her with that kind of eyes, as if she was everything to him.

  Tsk... Shi Jiatong is absolutely blind!

"I will answer your questions slowly, first of all, if I read it right, your white, rich and beautiful friend was the one who went shopping with you yesterday. I think if you recognized me yesterday, you would not Do you want me to recognize you?"

   Wei Qiming did not deny this question.

   In fact, if he had recognized Xia Xia yesterday, he would have left with Du Mengwen immediately, instead of taking the initiative to say hello and blocking Xia Xia and Ying Ting's way.

   was pierced by his thoughts, and the expression on Wei Qiming's face was a little unnatural.

  Xiamen continued: "I have nothing to do with Mr. Ying. I don't think it's necessary to be honest with you. Didn't you propose to break up with me? Then we have nothing to do with it now..."

   Before she could finish speaking, she saw that Wei Qiming was about to speak.

Xia Xia raised his hand and stopped him from speaking: "Even if I have an ambiguous or substantive relationship with Ying, why do you say that you dislike me? Look at yourself in the mirror and look at Ying, who is... Who should you despise?"

   The last sentence made Wei Qiming's face completely dull.

   is so insulting!

   But this is a fact that he has to admit!

   Whether it is appearance, ability or family background, he is nothing compared to Ying Court.

   He and Ying Ting are the difference between cloud and mud.

   Summer's words are mercilessly trampling on his dignity, the dignity he cares about most!

   So after the words Niu said in the summer, Wei Qiming had no way to hide his anger.

   Originally, he wanted to coax Xia, let Xia continue to be valued by Ying Ting, and let him get promoted at a critical time.

   But he didn't expect that Summer would give him such a disrespect, and he even picked out words he didn't like to hear.

   "Shi Jiatong! Do you have to treat me like this? You said that if you should always know the relationship between us and know that you once gave birth to a child for me, what would he think of you?"

  Look, the soft ones are not good enough, so I'm going to get hard ones.

   also threatened her?

   But what a pity, this threat is not at all lethal to summer.

   After all, Ying Ting knew all about her, if he disliked it, he would have disliked it long ago.

   When she told Aunt Gui about Shi Jiatong, Xia Xia never worried that Ying Ting would dislike her.

  Because she knew that no matter what kind of identity she had or what kind of experience she had, Gu Yanyu would never dislike her.

  Even if it is, he has not recovered his memory...

   But when he heard Wei Qiming's harsh words, Xia Xia's face changed instantly.

  Wei Qiming knew that his words worked, and Xia Xia was 'frightened'.

   Thinking like this, Wei Qiming became very arrogant.

   He said, "Shi Jiatong, you'd better be more acquainted, or I'll tell Ying about you!"

Xia Xia also looked ashamed and angry, and said: "Okay! The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. You tell us about us, it is best to let everyone know that you Wei Qiming is not a city person at all, and you still let a woman The college student who gave it up! Let's see how you can live!"


  Wei Qiming was so angry that he didn't expect to see her for two months. The original yellow-faced woman became a lot more beautiful. Even the quality of what she said was different.

   He took a deep breath and tried to be more peaceful: "Xiaotong, why do we do this? In this bustling city, only we can rely on us!"

"The reason why Mr. Ying likes you is because he doesn't know your past. You said that if Mr. Ying knew about your past, would he still like you? I can help you keep it a secret, just like you can keep it secret for me Same. You said that right?"

   Wei Qiming fell silent after seeing what he had said, secretly delighted in his heart, feeling that there was a drama.

   He decided to keep going and said, "No one can help us, only you and I can rely on it, so... we should help each other, shouldn't we?"

  Wei Qiming didn't know how Xia Xia could stay by Ying Ting's side. If Xia Xia could be on his side, it would be a good thing for him that Xia Xia became Ying Ting's woman!

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