Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 621: A woman blinded by love (17)

   Ying Ting just reacted, yes, in addition to being his personal secretary in summer, he also has to take care of his diet and daily life.

   "Let's come back early that afternoon together."

   It’s rare, workaholics are willing to leave work early.

   By the way, Ying Ting has a secretary, right?

   So she's his personal secretary, what should she do?

   Soon, Summer will know what her private secretary is going to do...

   In fact, it is a private secretary, it is better to be accompanied by an accompanying person, or better... a female companion?

   Xia Xia asked Ying Ting what kind of work he arranged for her.

   Ying Ting does have a secretary, and his secretary is very capable.

   said that he made Xia Xia his personal secretary, but he just wanted to be able to see her for a longer time every day.

   Therefore, Ying Ting really didn't think about what work to arrange for the summer.

   So he said, let Summer take care of him, pour him coffee or something.

  At noon, I accompany him to lunch in summer.

   When you have nothing to do, you can talk and talk with him in summer.

  This is summer work.

   is really leisurely enough!

   But it's not bad, so she has more time to accompany Yingting, isn't it?

   In this countdown situation, she has no intention of being a strong woman, so she should stay by Ying Ting's side honestly!


   Today's Ruisheng Group is very lively, and the excitement is about to explode.

   Internal employees will definitely whisper when they meet, and the theme of the whisper is 'Mr. Ying brought a woman to work today! ’

   You must know that Ying Ting is already thirty-seven years old, and a mature man of thirty-seven has never been close to women!

   Those who want to rely on the convenience of their work to approach Ying Court are simply impossible. The secretaries employed by Ying Court are all men.

   In fact, some people have long guessed whether Ying Ting likes men, otherwise how can you [abstain] sexuality] like this?

   Thirty-seven-year-old man] Abstinence] Sex] is simply unscientific!

   So, like men?

   But his secretary...that looks like the type that Ying Ting would like!

   What's more, the secretary is already married, and his wife is still working in the Ruisheng Group. The two have a very good relationship.

   Homosexual rumors are naturally self-defeating.

   Just when everyone thought Ying Ting might want to become a monk, he brought a woman to work! !

  The woman looked very young, probably in her early twenties.

   The two were very close. When they were in the lobby of the company, someone saw Ying Ting taking the initiative to talk to her, with a soft expression and a small smile.

  Oh my god...

   The black-faced **** has a smile on his face!

   This is even stranger than the sun rising from the west!

  So, that woman is not ordinary! Very unusual!

  Everyone in the Ruisheng Group is guessing who Xia is and who is standing beside Ying Ting.

   Today is the semi-annual general meeting of Ruisheng Group, that is to say, employees of each department must attend.

   In this meeting, those employees can also ask the leader some questions and so on.

   Ying Ting attended with the summer, which is even more eye-catching.

  Wei Qiming was sitting in the classified seat of the planning department. When he saw the summer sitting next to Ying Ting on the stage, he thought it was unexpected and expected.

   When he came in the morning, he heard rumors in the company, because he didn't see it with his own eyes, so although Wei Qiming suspected that the woman Ying Ting brought to the company was Summer, he was still not sure.

   But now seeing Xia Xia sitting next to Ying Ting, Wei Qiming thought 'no wonder', no wonder Ying Ting went shopping with Xia Ying yesterday.

   The relationship between two people is indeed very unusual, right?

   But...who is this woman?

  Why does he feel so familiar?

   Also, what did she mean by that meaningful smile yesterday?

  Wei Qiming has been watching the summer, racking his brains.

   His gaze is too strong to ignore in summer.

   She turned her head slightly and looked at Wei Qiming, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, a smile that was not a smile.

   noticed that Xia Xia was looking in one direction, Ying Ting also looked in that direction, and then saw Wei Qiming.

   Thinking of the relationship between Xia Xia and Wei Qiming, Ying Ting felt a little uncomfortable.

   He didn't know that this kind of discomfort was actually called jealousy.

   He froze, coughed twice, and signaled the chairperson to start speaking.

  Xiamen withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

   During the meeting, someone dared to ask Ying Ting Xia's identity.

   Ying Ting did not answer immediately, but glanced at Xia Xia first, then at Wei Qiming.

   "My private secretary, Shi Jiatong." Ying Ting answered the man's question.

The words    private secretary made everyone in Ruisheng Group exclaim in surprise, and their expressions and moods were in sync.

   Unlike others, Wei Qiming was surprised by the three words 'Shi Jiatong' said by Ying Ting.

   If the chairs were not fixed, and there were chairs blocking the left, right, front, and rear, Wei Qiming might have slumped and fell to the ground.

   He looked at Xia Tian who was sitting on the stage next to Ying Ting in disbelief.

   Shi Jiatong... How could it be Shi Jiatong? !

  Wei Qiming wanted to tell himself that maybe it was just a coincidence.

   But the more the people on the stage looked, the more it overlapped with the 18-year-old appearance of Shi Jiatong in deep memory.

When I was   , my father loved his daughter very much, so even though he was born in a rural area, he also pampered her.

   Of course, because of his family background, he is not as pampered as the rich people in the city.

   But in the countryside, there is no need to do any farm work, and Shi Jiatong with fair and tender skin is the envy of many girls.

  Although the age is different, the clothes are different, but the appearance is indeed Shi Jiatong.

   He said how he felt familiar in summer but couldn't remember where he had seen it before!

  It turned out to be because Jiatong always stayed up late and worked part-time in the past few years, making her look haggard. Slowly, Wei Qiming also forgot Shi Jiatong's original appearance of fairness and tenderness...

   He has been looking for two months, and for two months he has been worried about whether Shi Jiatong will suddenly come out and expose his lies one day.

  Beijing city is so big, it is really difficult to find someone!

  Wei Qiming comforted himself, maybe Jiatong died from time to time?

   Didn't you say that she was heavily drugged?

   She was not hospitalized, and she had no money on her body, so it was not certain that she died of illness in any corner.

  Only by thinking like this, Wei Qiming won't be worried all the time.

   Okay, why did Shi Jiatong suddenly appear!

   And still, in this way! Such an identity!

  Shi Jiatong...became the private secretary of Ying Ting, the largest shareholder of Ruisheng Group!

  Then he, is he finished? !

How to do? ! What should he do? !

   Xia Xia and Ying Ting had a panoramic view of Wei Qiming's panic.

  Xiamen stood up from his seat with a smile on his face, and said to the Ruisheng Group employees under the stage: "Hello everyone, I'm Shi Jiatong, I'm very happy to be colleagues with everyone!"


【update completed! 】

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