Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 509: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (18)

   Sheng Yichen frowned slightly, feeling very strange.

   Obviously he just erased his feelings for Xia Xia, how could he even lose his memory?

   Could it be that he hit too hard?

  Sheng Yichen raised his hand silently, covering Xia Xia's head.

  Xiamen blinked and looked at him like that.

  Sheng Yichen wanted to restore the memories of the summer, but he really started too hard, so it is impossible to restore the memories lost in the summer now...

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 75%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Xiamen originally wanted to ask Sheng Yichen why she put her hand on top of her head, but suddenly she heard a voice in her head, but she was frightened.

   Her eyes widened in shock, she turned her head to look around, and then turned to look at Sheng Yichen: "Brother, did you hear me?!"

   "Hear what?" He didn't hear anything.

  Sheng Yichen took back the hand on Xia Xia's head, still expressionless.

   Although he knew that it was impossible to restore the memories lost in the summer, he still had to find a way to try it.

   "I heard someone talking! Very close!"

   Someone speak? He didn't hear anyone talking.

   Sheng Yichen shook his head and said, "No."

   "That's not right! Someone is talking..."

   Before he finished speaking, Xia Xia looked at Sheng Yichen and asked him, "Brother, did you really not hear anyone talking?"

   Sheng Yichen nodded, he really didn't hear anyone talking.

   And besides him and Xia, there is no one else on this floor, so how could anyone else speak.

  Xiamen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That might be my misunderstanding."

   She thought maybe she was a little nervous, so she had auditory hallucinations.

  Who is Sheng Yichen?

What is    favorability?

   What energy harvesting?

   What the heck is going on? !

   She could understand every word that suddenly sounded, but she didn't understand it at all when put together.

   Forget it, I don’t want this problem anymore.

  Xiamen took Sheng Yichen's hand and continued the topic just now.

   Seeing what Xia Xia looked like, Sheng Yichen could only cooperate temporarily, playing the role of Duan Linran in front of her.

   In order to avoid Xia Xia asking him if he was in a bad mood, he made a straight face, so Sheng Yichen smiled.

   Summer asked him questions, and he answered them all patiently.

   Of course, Sheng Yichen didn't tell the truth about some issues.


   After chatting with Sheng Yichen for a while, Xia Xia finally realized a serious problem.

   That is, she lost her memory!

   It's not that I lost all my memory, it's part of it!

  The kind that is very chaotic, half a month of memory is fragmented.

   She wanted to think about those memories, but she couldn't.

   It was as if someone had taken away part of her memory...

  Sheng Yichen frowned at Xia Xia and asked her if she was uncomfortable.

   He was worried about what effect it would have on his body in summer because his hands were too heavy.

   Summer opened his mouth, what he wanted to say.

   But thinking about it, she was worried that after she said it, Sheng Yichen would be worried.

   So she smiled and shook her head at Sheng Yichen and said, "I'm fine."

   Although it was strange, she couldn't say it.

  Before she figured out what her situation was, she still didn't say it, lest her family be worried——

  Because Sheng Yichen erased his summer memory, he didn't have class in summer morning.

   When Sheng Yichen carried Xia Xia back to Yu's house, he only said Xia Xia fainted due to illness.

   In the past, Yu Qingru also often fell ill, but the Yu family did not find it surprising and strange.

  After chatting with Sheng Yichen for a while in summer, it was time for lunch.

  The two went downstairs to eat, only Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu and Mother Yu were at the table, and Father Yu was not at home.

  Father Yu went on a business trip out of town this morning, and it will take about half a month to come back.

   At the dining table, Yu's family was concerned about the body in summer.

  Summer still didn’t say anything about his amnesia, he acted very naturally.

   After lunch, Sheng Yichen should go to the company.

   As for summer, she has classes in the afternoon. Since she is no longer physically uncomfortable, she naturally has to go to school.

  Sheng Yichen was not worried about going to school in summer, and followed her silently.

  Although some memories are gone, summer has not shown any anxiety or restlessness.

   It’s useless to be anxious and uneasy, it’s better to calm down and think about it.

  However, even if I calm down and think about it in summer, I can’t think of it.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 77%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Summer: "!!!"

   heard this voice again!

   She looked everywhere, but still didn't see any suspicious person.

   So, who is the person who said this to her?

  Yes, Sheng Yichen?

   Who is Ke Sheng Yichen? !


   Over the next few days, the strange sound will be heard every now and then in the summer.

   It seemed to remind her that the person named Sheng Yichen had a good impression of her.

   But the problem is, she doesn't know Sheng Yichen at all!

   In the blink of an eye, summer has been amnesia for four days.

  According to the strange voice prompt, Sheng Yichen's favorability to her has reached 81%.

If    is filled it 100%?

If the    is full, what good will it do to her?

What is    energy?

   Could it be... is energy something that can restore her memory?

  Then she, do you want to find that person named Sheng Yichen?

   Maybe that Sheng Yichen knew why she lost her memory?

   Just when he was going to find Sheng Yichen in the summer, something happened to the Yu family.

   That night, everyone was just about to have dinner when Duan Linran, who was full of dust, came back.

   What made everyone stunned was that 'Duan Linran' was sitting at the dining table!

   Then who is Duan Linran standing in the dining room?

   Duan Linran was also stunned when he saw Sheng Yichen. Others are here, but who is sitting at the dining table? !

  Why...they look exactly like him? !

   Sheng Yichen was very calm when he saw Duan Linran.

  Because he had expected this day, he was not panicked.

   He still remembered that Xia Xia said that he wanted Duan Linran to try to be impersonated, and no one believed him.

  Before Duan Linran exclaimed, Sheng Yichen said, "Who are you?!"

   Sheng Yichen spoke first, and the others responded.

Yup! Who is this person in front of him! ?

   "Who am I?! I want to ask you, who are you?!" Duan Linran raised his foot and walked to Sheng Yichen, reaching out to grab his collar.

  But Duan Linran hadn't touched Sheng Yichen yet, as if he had tripped over something, he fell to the ground.

   "Brother, who is this person, and why does he look exactly like you?" Xia Xia looked at Sheng Yichen.

   Sheng Yichen shook his head: "I don't know either."

   Duan Linran got up from the ground and looked at Sheng Yichen in horror: "You, are a demon!"

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