Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 508: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (17)

  Xiamer originally planned to ask Bai Xueer, but think about it.

  There is nothing to ask, under such circumstances, if Bai Xueer can still make Qiao Zirui fall in love with her, that is her ability.

  In the original plot, if Xueer hadn't used Yu Qingru's identity at the beginning, how could she have made Qiao Zirui fall in love with her.

  Out of courtesy, Xia Xia asked Qiao Zirui, "Is there anything else?" If there was nothing else, she left.

   "There is something, there is something!"

   "Well, then you say."

  Although he has decided not to haunt Summer in the future, Qiao Zirui still wants to figure out some things.

   He asked Xia Xia: "Is it also a demon who took you away yesterday?"

  Xiaomi nodded: "Well, it's a demon, who specializes in keeping those demons living in the human world from harming humans for no reason."

   "So that's how it is~" Qiao Zirui suddenly realized.

   Then he asked Xia Xia again: "Do you like him?"

  Women's intuition is sharp, and some men's intuition is actually not weak.

  After Sheng Yichen came yesterday, the attention of summer is basically on Sheng Yichen.

   When Yu Qingru rejected him in the past, he always said that he had someone he liked.

   So Qiao Zirui thinks that the person Yu Qingru has always liked is probably Sheng Yichen.

   Summer was not surprised when he heard this question.

   On the contrary, I originally wanted to hear what Qiao Zirui would talk to Xia Xia out of curiosity.

   Unexpectedly, Qiao Zirui would ask this question about Summer.

  Like, does he?

  Like this word is not unfamiliar to Sheng Yichen.

   He has never experienced it, but he has been in this human world for hundreds of years, and he has never eaten pork or seen a pig run.

  Summer, do you like him?

   Sheng Yichen didn't know, and he couldn't see it either.

  He lowered his head and looked at the summer when he didn't speak.

   Suddenly a little nervous and a little anticipation, I want to hear Xia Xia's answer...

  Sheng Yichen's cultivation was so high that Xia Xia didn't even notice that he was by her side.

   But whether or not Sheng Yichen was by her side, her answer was only one: "Yes, I like him."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 70%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Hearing the sound of favorability, Xia Xia was stunned.

  She guessed that Sheng Yichen might be hiding nearby, so she heard her words.

   Sheng Yichen felt that it was unexpected and expected, and his mood was very complicated.

  It was so complicated that he didn't even understand his own mood.

   Qiao Zirui was not surprised when he heard Xia Xia's answer.

   But he frowned and said, "I know, I have no position to persuade you, but I still hope that you, Qingru, can get out in time before you fall into it."

   "After all, shemales have different paths, they are not the same as us..."

   Xia Xia smiled: "I know."

   Only said these three words, and I stopped talking in summer.

  She got up, raised her feet and walked towards the teaching building—

   Looking at Summer's back, Qiao Zirui sighed.

  Yu Qingru was the first girl he liked, and he thought she was his first love.

   The funny fact is that he maintained his first love for half a month, and it turned out to be a rabbit demon.

   If you say this, no one will believe it, right?

   Qiao Zirui is watching summer, and Sheng Yichen is also watching summer.

   He couldn't help but think, when did he start to like him in the summer?

  Why, do you like him?

   Knowing that he is liked by Summer, Sheng Yichen really doesn't know what kind of mood he is in at this time.

   But he knew very well that shemales had a different path.

   The most important thing he should do is to let Summer stop liking him.

  So, Sheng Yichen followed Xia Xia, intending to erase her feelings for him—

   Xia Xia knew that Sheng Yichen should be following her, so she thought about making a mistake, but she added the favorability.

   This is also a good thing for her.

   If she had known Sheng Yichen was invisible, she would probably have behaved better.

   Now this is not bad, the favorability has been increased to 70%.

   She previously thought of increasing her favorability to 80% or 90% within a month, but now it seems very promising.

   Just when he was thinking happily in the summer, Sheng Yichen started.

   He just wanted to erase Xia's feelings for him, but he didn't expect Xia's body structure to be strange.

   The body is one person, and the soul is another person.

   His attack directly erased Xia Xia's own memory, not just Xia Xia's feelings for him.

   Not only that, but what Sheng Yichen did was erased forever…

  Sheng Yichen hugged Xia Xia, who fell into a coma because of memory loss, and didn't know what he did.

   After seeing what Sheng Yichen was doing, Sharon, who was far away in the Plane Association, directly sprayed the water he drank into his mouth.

   He stared at the display with wide eyes, speechless.

   "A Yu, are you digging a hole to bury yourself?!"

  Although at this time, as long as Sharon contacts Xia Xia, explains to her, or manually repairs her memory, it will be fine.

   But Sharon thought wickedly, since Sheng Yichen did this, he had to let him experience the consequences first.

  Sheng Yichen probably didn't expect that he erased Xia's feelings for him, and he will regret it in the future...


  Wake up in the summer and find yourself in the room.

   At this moment, Summer's mind is a little confused.

   always felt that she... seemed to be missing something, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't remember it.

   rubbed his swollen head, summer doesn't even know what day it is today.

   She reached out and picked up the phone on the bedside table to check the time, and was surprised to find that the date seemed different from what she remembered.


   So messy, so messy!

  Because my brain is too confused, I feel very uneasy in summer.

   She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, wanting to find someone to ask about the situation.

  The door was pushed open, and Sheng Yichen, who looked like Duan Linran, walked in.

  Sheng Yichen didn't know that what he erased was not only his feelings for her in summer, but also his memory.

   Seeing that Xia Xia had woken up, he opened his mouth, just about to speak, Xia Xia had already opened his mouth.

   "Brother, what's the matter, am I sick again? Have I slept for a long time?"

elder brother?

  Call him brother in summer?

   There are no outsiders in the room, so why do you call him brother in summer?

   "You are not sick." Sheng Yichen replied.

   He hadn't noticed that something was wrong with Xia Xia at this time, but Xia Xia felt that something was wrong with him.

   "Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood? Why are you so cold?" Xia Xia walked to his side and put his hand on his arm.

   Until this time, Sheng Yichen didn't realize that something was wrong.

   is very wrong!

   "Yu Qingru, you..."

   "Brother, what do you call my full name?"

  Sheng Yichen: "…"

   Now he knows, that summer has lost part of his memory.


   [Cough, although the update is late, there will be no less than 10,000 updates, so please rest assured lovers! Still that sentence, save it for the next day, so I won't wait for the update~]

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