Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 485: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (Twenty)

  Since that's the case, it's better to ask Summer to give him a good time.

   Hearing Lin Wei's words, Xia Xia turned to look at him.

   "Kill you? I said, I want to make your life worse than death, this game has just begun, we are not in a hurry."

   She hooked her lips and smiled, causing Lin Wei to instinctively fear.

   He was smiling when he broke his tendons and hamstrings last night in the summer...

   Tortured a person's body to dissipate the aura of the protagonist above his head. This is the first time in summer.

   But there is no way, just use whatever method to deal with what kind of person.

   And in summer, this method is also the fastest.

  Look, in one night, the aura of the protagonist above Lin Wei's head has dissipated more than half.

   And the aura of the protagonist on the head of Song Ruanruan, who was far away in Tongcheng, also became stronger——

In the days after   , what Lin Wei said most to Xia Xia was to let her kill him.

I don't kill him in summer, and I don't torture Lin Wei very much every day. I just don't let him eat or drink. When I have nothing to do, I make a few cuts on his body. He won't bleed to death, but he will only sweat cold from the pain. .

   After about five days, the aura of the protagonist above Lin Wei's head dissipated.

   "Please, kill me..." Today's Lin Wei is the same as yesterday, begging Summer to kill him.

   In five days, he did it in summer, making his life worse than death.

   If he could choose to start over, Lin Wei would never dare to hurt Nangong Tianyu.

  Unfortunately, he has no way to choose to come back...

  What’s different from the past is that today Lin Weiqiu killed him in Xia Xia, Xia Xia agreed.

   "Lin Wei, before sending you off, tell me how many people you have killed over the years?"

  Lin Wei opened his eyes with great effort and recalled it carefully.

   Over the years, the number of people he has killed is unknown.

   But he suddenly remembered that he once tortured a person in the same way he tortured him in the summer now.

   However, his methods are much more ruthless than Summer.

   At that time, he destroyed the whole family of a family, leaving only the young master and his wife.

   He punctured the male master's tendons and hamstrings, and disabled his martial arts.

   Then he violated his wife in front of the master...

  Lin Wei thought, probably everything he suffered in the past few days was retribution.

  I finally believed what someone said, "Good and evil will be repaid in the end, it's not that the time has not come." ’

  Lin Wei closed his eyes and accepted his fate!

   "Let's do it."

   Tortured Lin Wei for five days, and that was enough. Summer gave him a simple one.

After    killed Lin Wei, Xia Xia heard the sound of the bugfix being completed.

   This is probably the fastest bugfix ever made by her.

   It only took five days to completely dissipate the aura of a person's protagonist.

  Well, now she can go back and continue to increase the favorability of Nangong Tianyu!

Before    left, a torch in summer set the bandit den on fire.

   Of course, she did not burn the money and gold, silver and jewelry robbed by the bandits, but quietly sent them to those impoverished villages.

   Wherever there is poverty, send it to where.

   calmly returned to Tongcheng, and sent it all the way in the summer until all the money from the bandit den was delivered.

   In order to give those away, it took two more days to return to Tongcheng in summer.

   In those days, there was a rumor in the rivers and lakes about a heroine who robbed the rich and helped the poor...

   After returning to Tongcheng, Xia Xia washed off his disguise and restored the appearance of Nangong Qingqing.

   After coming out of the hotel, she didn't go back to Nangong's house immediately, but wandered around the street.

   Because Xia Lun told her that Nangong Tianyu came out.

   Calculate the time, Nangong Tianyu has been awake for nine days.

   In nine days, his body had already been conditioned, but he did not return to Rongcheng right away.

   Because he felt that summer should not be in Rongcheng.

   So he stayed and stayed in Tongcheng to find summer.

  Although I was looking for summer, I didn’t delay my business.

   This afternoon, Nangong Tianyu will have a meeting.

   After the meeting, he was sitting in the car and preparing to go back to Nangong's house.

  Nangong Tianyu's eyes fell outside the car window, and he glanced suddenly, he seemed to see summer.

   "Stop!" Nangong Tianyu said in a hurry.


  The driver braked suddenly, and Nangong Tianyu hurriedly opened the door and went out.

   He stood where he had just seen the summer, looking back and forth.

   But there are so many people coming and going on the streets, none of them is summer!

   Just when Nangong Tianyu thought he had just read it wrong, he saw Xia Xia walking out of a shop.

   Although it was only a profile face, Nangong Tianyu still recognized her!

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 90%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Hearing the alert sound of the strategy system, Xia Xia turned his head to look in the direction of Nangong Tianyu.

   Two people, just looking at each other.

  Xiamen was stunned for a while, then a happy smile appeared on his face.

   "Big Brother!"

   Xia Xia ran towards Nangong Tianyu and fell directly into his arms.

  Nangong Tianyu raised his hand and surrounded the summer.

   Never once was he so happy with summer hugs.

   "It's great that you're okay, big brother! I heard that you were injured, and I'm so worried about you!" Xia Xia said in a muffled voice in Nangong Tianyu's arms.

  Nangong Tianyu's hand around Xia Xia gradually tightened. Xia Xia was worried about him, so why didn't he worry about her!

   Wake up these few days, he has been worried about summer, worried about not eating well, not sleeping well.

   Now that summer is in his arms, the heart that he was holding has finally fallen.

   "Where have you been these days?" Nangong Tianyu asked Xia Xia.

   He asked people to find them near Rongcheng, and also from Rongcheng to Tongcheng, but he didn't find Summer.

  Xiamen raised his head and looked at Nangong Tianyu: "I heard that you were missing, so I ran to find you... But I didn't find it... Then I heard that you were back in Rongcheng, so I came back..."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 91%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Follow me home." Nangong Tianyu said.

  Xiamen shook his head again and again, and said with a look of fear: "I'm not going back..."

   "Chen Siyuan is dead."

   "Ah? He's dead?!" Xia Xia stared at Nangong Tianyu with wide eyes, the surprised look didn't look like she was acting.

   I have to admit that I did a good job playing silly Bai Tian in summer!

  Nangong Tianyu let go of Xia Xia's hand, and instead went to hold her: "Don't worry, I will protect you, no one can control your marriage."

   He can manage Nangong Qingtong's marriage, as well as Nangong Qingqing's marriage!

   Seeing Nangong Tianyu like this, I felt a little worried in summer.

   Because she knew that Nangong Tianyu's current feelings for her were nothing but brother and sister.

   There might be a little bit of other feelings, but he didn't realize it.

  Nangong Tianyu led Xia Xia to the car, Xia Xia was also very well-behaved, and followed him into the car.


  【嘤嘤~ Sorry, I made a mistake, I can’t change 20,000 today, I can change it tomorrow~]

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