Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 484: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (19)

  Lin Wei didn't react immediately to what Xia Xia said.

   In the face of Summer's attack, Lin Wei had no choice but to hurry up if he didn't want to die.

   Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would be raided by Summer.

   The two fought together, and the big sword and the long sword made a collision sound.

   After a few tricks, Lin Wei was covered with paint.

   Only then did he know that he underestimated Summer.

   Originally, Lin Wei thought that in summer, he was the same as the people in this place, but he only knew some three-legged cat kung fu.

  I didn’t expect that in summer, not only would he be able to learn ancient martial arts, but he would also have deep internal skills.

   If he hadn't absorbed the inner strength of his master before coming to this place, I'm afraid he wouldn't be a match for Xia Xia.

   Even now, Lin Wei can only barely cope with the summer, and his face and arms have been slashed several times.

   Xia Xia was constantly fast and very ruthless, but she didn't want his life.

  Lin Wei knew that as long as Xia Xia thought about it, she could actually solve him in one move.

  Xiamen really wanted to solve Lin Wei with one move, but the aura of the protagonist above Lin Wei's head was very bright and dazzling, as if reminding her all the time that Lin Wei couldn't kill...

  There is no other way, Xia Xia can only continue to entangle with Lin Wei.

   But the problem is that Lin Wei's skills are not weak. If she doesn't kill her with one move, it is estimated that she will be hit until dawn.

How to do it? She didn't want to compete with Lin Wei.

   In order not to continue to entangle with Lin Wei, in the summer, he simply bought 'Ruanjinsan' in the platform mall and went to Lin Weisa.

  'Ruanjinsan' was inhaled into the nasal cavity by Lin Wei like dust, and it worked soon after entering the body.

  Lin Wei fell limply to the ground, realizing that something was wrong. He knew that there must be something wrong with the powder sprinkled in the summer just now.

   He glared at Xia Xia fiercely: "You, you actually cheated! How despicable!"

   Hearing Lin Wei's words, Xia Xia threw away the big knife in his hand and walked to him.

   She hooked her lips and smiled, but her eyes were full of coldness: "Who stipulated that you can't cheat in a fight with you? What's more, to deal with an unrighteous person like you, you have to use means!"

   "You, who the **** are you?" Why does it seem that he knows his details very well?

   Just now Xia Xia shot too fast, and the tricks were very sharp, Lin Wei never dared to be distracted to ask Xia Xia's details.

   "Who am I? As I said just now, I am the one who wants to make your life worse than death."

   "You, why do you know my name?" This is what Lin Wei is most puzzled about.

   has been here for a while, but he has not left the bandit den because of his injuries.

   Anyone who knows his name is a bandit in a bandit den.

  Lin Wei doesn't think Xia Xia learned it from those bandits, because Xia Xia said before, 'Hum~ I still know all the details of you! ’

   Knowing all his details, what does it mean?

   "I know that you, Lin Wei, are from Nanzhou of the Eagle Country, and your father is a blacksmith, but you have been fond of martial arts since childhood, so you entered the arena despite your father's opposition."

"I know that you are a good student of martial arts, and I have also found a master with high martial arts skills. But the so-called "upper beam is not upright and lower beam is crooked", and what kind of master has any kind of apprentice. Your master's character is not good, and you are insidious. Cunning, you're not a good thing either."

   Lin Wei was already stunned when he heard this.

   He didn't expect to know this in summer! Why would she know?

  Lin Wei carefully looked at the appearance of summer, she did not make any cover up, so that people can clearly see her appearance.

   Ke Linwei is very sure that he has never seen Xia Xia before, and doesn't know her at all!

"who are you?

   Lin Wei couldn't ask what he said, and heard Xia Xia say something that made him unable to calm down.

  Xiamen said: "I also know that the reason why your inner strength is so deep is because you forcibly absorbed your master's inner strength."

   At this moment, Lin Wei's mood can no longer be described as shock and disbelief.

   Half a year ago, Lin Wei got a cheat book. There is a forbidden technique in the cheat book. After learning it, he can absorb the internal strength of others and belong to himself.

  Lin Wei learned, and absorbed the inner strength of the first person, which was his master.

  But he and Master were the only ones present at the time, there was no third person at all.

   He thought no one would know about it!

   But in summer she...

   "One night a few days ago, you suddenly came to this place. Although you thought it was strange, you were immediately distracted."

   "Because you saw someone you thought you knew, but they just looked alike."

   "But you hurt him and nearly killed him!"

   is already dead, if it wasn't for Sharon's timely shot.

   Having said this, Xia Xia paused for a while, and then told Lin Wei: "Unfortunately, the person you hurt is very important to me!"

   "So you said, should I let you live rather than die?"

  Lin Wei was stunned, completely stunned.

   Even Xia Xia knew his details so well that she knew even those things that others didn't know.

  Then logically speaking, she should have come with him!

  Why, she seems to know the world very well?

   And she said that the person who was hurt by him that night was the person who was very important to her!

   That means, Xia knew people in this world!

   But why does she know the people of this world but know him?

what is this? !

  Lin Wei felt that his brain was already knotted, and he had no ability to think at all.

  Xiamen was too lazy to talk to Lin Wei anymore and dragged him into a room.

   She decided that she will stay here for the past few days. This place is relatively safe, otherwise the military will not be able to do anything about it.

   So stay here, she doesn't have to worry about being disturbed.

   She can rest assured and slowly torture Lin Wei...until the protagonist's aura dissipates!

  Since you want to stay in the bandit den, the corpse of the bandit in the next room has to be disposed of, otherwise it will stink!

   In order to solve it quickly and conveniently, in the summer, he simply burned down the house and burned it completely.

  Fortunately, there are no flowers, plants, trees, etc. in the front and back of the house, and there is no need to worry about burning other places.

  The fire burned all night, and both the house and the people turned to ashes——

  Lin Wei's 'Ruanjinsan' has long since passed its efficacy, but he has no way to escape.

  He helped him up in the summer, and the way of tying the knot was very special.

   Not to mention that the way of tying the knot is so special that Lin Wei will not be able to untie it. At this time, Lin Wei, who has been in the summer for such a night, has no way to break free.

   His tendons and tendons were all torn off by Summer.

   "You kill me..." Lin Wei gasped and fell to the ground, looking at Xia Xia holding a dagger in his hand, sitting there leisurely.

   He knew, knew that he was no match for Summer.

   also knew that if he wanted to rely on his own ability, I am afraid there was no way to escape.

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