Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 473: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (8)

  Nangong's father's eyes fell on Nangong Tianxiao. Just as he was about to suspect that he knew Xia's whereabouts, Nangong Tianxiao had already opened his mouth and said to him, "Father, why don't you call the police? If the police find it, it will be much faster!"

  Nangong Tianxiao had a worried look on his face, and was a little restless: "I don't know if Qingqing has brought money out, she must be still in Tongcheng now!"

  Nangong Tianxiao's acting skills are good, at least Nangong's father also believes that he does not know Xia's whereabouts——

  Although the eldest lady also thinks that Father Nangong has done too much, but it is not her daughter, she will not have much sympathy.

   At the end, the eldest lady also sighed: "Tian Yu, your sister is really lucky to have you protecting her!"

   She is also the daughter of the Nangong family. If Nangong Tianyu is not strong enough, why would Father Nangong be afraid of him?

  If there is no Nangong Tianyu, I am afraid that the one who is arranged to marry Chen Siyuan is Nangong Qingtong.

   It is because of Nangong Tianyu, so even if there is only Nangong Qingtong left in Nangong's family, Nangong's father would not dare to hit her on the head.

  Nangong Tianyu, however, added his favor to Summer because of the words of the eldest lady.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 60%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  I didn't expect Nangong Tianyu's favorability to be added so smoothly in summer. Does that mean that adding favorability later will be so smooth?


   Until the end of the call, Nangong Tianyu didn't tell the eldest lady what happened to him in the summer.

   Not because he promised Xia Xia, nor because he didn't trust the eldest lady, but because he knew that if he told the eldest lady, the eldest lady would definitely tell Father Nangong.

After    hung up the phone, Nangong Tianyu said to Xia Xia, "Go to bed."

  Xiamen nodded, got up and went back to the west wing.

   It was still early, and I didn’t feel sleepy in the summer when I returned to my room.

   She was lying on the bed, and when she was bored, she repeated some plots in this novel world.

   looked at it and fell asleep...

   In the middle of the night, Summer was awakened by the sound of walking in military boots.

   Listening to the footsteps, there is more than one person wearing military boots!

  Summer got up from the bed, put on a coat and went out to watch.

   In the dark of night, she saw Nangong Tianyu wearing a military uniform with a gun on his waist, ready to go out.

   And behind him, there were soldiers with torches and robberies.

   It seems that Nangong Tianyu should be going out.

  Xiamen originally wanted to ask Nangong Tianyu where he was going, but he walked too fast, and before the summer passed, he had already left the gate.

  So, Xia Xia couldn't talk to Nangong Tianyu.

   She stood in the yard for a while before returning to her room, lying on the bed but did not feel sleepy.

  I was hesitating in summer, should I follow Nangong Tianyu to see it?

  Nangong Tianyu went out in the middle of the night, there must be some emergency.

   Forget it, she might as well not go.

  According to normal circumstances, Nangong Tianyu is also in danger of life in the big war next year.

   Before that, Nangong Tianyu was at most slightly injured.

   So she doesn't need to worry about Nangong Tianyu's safety.

   Even though I said so, I couldn’t help but worry in summer.

   is just a little bit in my heart, not at ease...

   An hour later, Xia suddenly heard the siren of a big loophole.

   Xia Xia, who was about to fall asleep, was startled and sat up from the bed. He instinctively felt that the bug alarm sound was related to Nangong Tianyu.

   She bought a locator for the visual scene and searched for the location of Nangong Tianyu.

   The place where Nangong Tianyu was located was ablaze with flames. Seeing him fall in a pool of blood in summer, he seemed to have lost his breath.

  In summer, I got up from the bed, and I didn't even have time to put on my clothes and shoes, so I rushed over to where Nangong Tianyu was—

   At the same time, Sharon, who was planning to go home from get off work, suddenly heard the siren of a big loophole and looked back.

   He was fine just now, but now he saw Nangong Tianyu fall to the ground.

   This body was seriously injured. Seeing that Gu Yanyu's brain waves were about to leave the novel world automatically, Xia Lun hurriedly stopped it.

   He contacted Xia Xia while preventing Gu Yanyu's brain waves from leaving that novel world.

   As soon as I contacted Xia Xia, Xia Lun didn't say much nonsense and went straight to the topic: "A Yu's host has died, should I leave his brain waves in this world?"

   Hearing that Xia Lun said that Gu Yanyu's host had died, Xia Xia, who was rushing away, felt weak and almost fell.

   But her feet didn't know what they were stepping on, they cut a big hole and blood flowed.

   Even though he knew that even if the host died, Gu Yanyu's brain waves would not suffer any loss.

  But this is the first time, the first time Gu Yanyu walks in front of her...

   felt that it was as uncomfortable for her as Gu Yanyu died.

   Xia Xia regretted that she did not follow Gu Yanyu secretly.

  If she followed, she would definitely not let such a thing happen!

   "Keep it!"

   If Gu Yanyu leaves this novel world, she will definitely leave too.

   But she didn't want to let go of the person who killed Nangong Tianyu, so she couldn't leave immediately!

Xia Lun's thoughts flew around and he thought of a way: "Well, I'll leave A Yu's brain waves in this world first, and also keep Nangong Tianyu's memory, and then you rush over as soon as possible to give Nangong Tianyu a life-saving pill. , save his body first, and I'll find a way to get A Yu back to that body."

"it is good!"

   Hearing Sharon's words, the speed of summer was even faster.

   Even though her foot was injured, she seemed to have no intuition at all—


   Nangong Tianyu is located in a small village.

  There were countless casualties in the village, and the fire was blazing into the sky.

   The soldiers who followed Nangong Tianyu were all dead, and many villagers remained.

   Summer found Nangong Tianyu and gave him life-saving pills.

   With the help of Xia Lun, Nangong Tianyu, who had no signs of life, began to breathe weakly.

  Xiamen, whose nerves had been tense all the time, finally breathed a sigh of relief, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground.

   In the blood of the fire, Xia Tian, ​​who was wearing a lingerie and had messy hair, sat beside Nangong Tianyu, his face turned pale.

   She lowered her head and looked at Nangong Tianyu.

   Nangong Tianyu had many wounds on his body, but it seemed that it was not a gunshot wound, but a sharp weapon.

   fatal wound, in the abdomen.

   "It was wounded by a long knife," Sharon told Summer.

   "I just checked, another character from the ancient novel world came into being due to a loophole and came across this novel world, and started to attack Nangong Tianyu for no apparent reason..."

   "I'll double-check to see what's willing."

   Xia Xia didn't speak for a long time, and gave Nangong Tianyu medicine to repair the wound.

   "Where is that person?" She didn't care about that person's origin, she just wanted to kill that person right away.

   Seeing that Xia Xia's whole person exuded murderous aura, Sharon knew what she wanted to do.

   "No, you can't kill him in the summer, he has the aura of the protagonist."

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