Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 472: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (7)

   Xia Tian, ​​with tears still hanging on his face, looked up at Nangong Tianyu, and Nangong Tianyu's face was as expressionless as ever.

   He took Xia Xia's hand and walked into the Admiral's mansion.

   In summer, he followed him obediently and entered the Admiral's Mansion.

  Admiral's mansion is not a bungalow.

  Nangong Tianyu was also sent to Rongcheng three months ago. There were no servants in the house, only one was in charge of cleaning and the other was in charge of cooking.

   When there is something, Nangong Tianyu usually asks the soldiers to do it.

  Nangong Tianyu asked Xia Xia to live in the west wing, and asked her to wash up first and change the men's clothes on her body.

   After washing up in summer and changing out of men's clothes, Nangong Tianyu took her to the dining room to eat.

   It was five o'clock in the afternoon, and Nangong Tianyu was about to have dinner.

   From entering the admiral's mansion in summer to finishing dinner, Nangong Tianyu never spoke again.

  Summer didn’t speak, just bowed his head obediently and ate.

   Although the two did not communicate verbally, Nangong Tianyu glanced at Xia Xia from time to time.

   Nangong Tianyu was surprised that he escaped from marriage in summer and came to him.

   After all, his relationship with this concubine is not close.

  Why does she think that he will protect her?

  Nangong Tianyu never liked to take care of the Nangong family's affairs, whether it was business or other household chores.

   He doesn't care about anything except his mother and sister.

   So it stands to reason that as long as Father Nangong is not going to marry his own sister, he has no interest in taking care of this concubine.

  But now, Shumei came to the door.

   And he didn't mean to worry about it...

   After the two of them finished their dinner, Nangong Tianyu finally spoke.

   He said, "I will inform my father that you are here."

   This is probably the longest sentence Nangong Tianyu said to Xia Xia, just what he said...

   Xia Xia, who was sitting opposite Nangong Tianyu, instantly blushed, and the tears came so quickly that Nangong Tianyu was dumbfounded.

   "Brother, please don't tell your father that I am here! I don't want to marry Chen Siyuan, I don't want to be beaten to death!"

  Nangong Tianyu opened his mouth and wanted to explain, 'I will tell my father not to marry you casually'.

   But before he could say it, Xia Xia had already walked over to him, tearfully pulling his arm.

  The big eyes wrapped in tears were crystal clear, and then the tears fell down like drops of water.

   Xia Xia didn't cry, just looked at Nangong Tianyu.

   It’s okay to cry out loud, but it makes people feel more pity for not crying out loud.

  Nangong Tianyu was taken aback by Xia Xia for a while, and then inexplicably agreed to her, promising that she would not tell Father Nangong that she was here for the time being.

   received Nangong Tianyu's promise, and Xia Xia immediately burst into tears.

   She gave Nangong Tianyu a big hug: "I knew you wouldn't leave me alone, eldest brother!"

   Because of the stuffy nose, Summer's voice was a little crying.

   The hugged Nangong Tianyu smelled the body fragrance from the girl and felt a little uncomfortable.

   Today, he has been in close contact with Xia Xia three times.

   Twice he was hugged by Xia Xia, and once he took the initiative to hold his hand.

   After living for twenty-five years, it seems that apart from his mother and sister, he has never had such close contact with the opposite sex.

   It is undeniable that Nangong Tianyu is really at a loss.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 50%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"


   Xia Xia knew that Nangong Tianyu was someone who would do what he said.

   As long as Nangong Tianyu promised her, he would never tell Father Nangong that she was here.

   But after that, Nangong Tianyu still called Nangong's house to go back.

  Xiamen has been watching from the side, staring at him with a worried look, as if he was afraid that Nangong Tianyu would suddenly leak his mouth.

   Her small eyes and expression made Nangong Tianyu wonder whether to laugh or cry.

  Why didn't you think this concubine was cute before?

   Of course, that was all his heart activity, and his face was still tense.

   It was the eldest lady who was on the phone with Nangong Tianyu. He did not mention the summer season to the eldest lady, but only asked if there was anything going on at home these days.

  Because he was talking to the eldest lady, Nangong Tianyu's tone was softer than speaking to other people.

   But, just a little softer.

   Hearing Nangong Tianyu's question, the eldest lady also mentioned the matter of escaping marriage and running away from home in the summer.

  Nangong Tianyu glanced at Xia Xia next to him, and asked the eldest lady, "Why escape marriage?"

Madam    said, "It's your father who wants that girl Qingqing and Chen Siyuan, the son of the Chen family, to be engaged, and even the wedding date has been set. If nothing else happens, they will get married next month."

  Although Nangong Tianyu believed that Xia Xia did not lie to him, he was still inexplicably angry when he heard it from his mother again.

   He thought he might be thinking that Summer was his sister anyway, so he was angry.

  Nangong Tianyu did not speak, and continued to listen to the eldest lady: "Your father is indeed going too far. After all, Qingqing is only sixteen years old, and she is still married to Chen Siyuan."

  Many people know that Chen Siyuan's character is not very good, but they just don't know that he has violent tendencies.

   "Your father has been very angry these days. He sent people to look for it. Even the police were alerted, but they still couldn't find it."

   On the second day of summer, the servant found her missing.

  The servant went to her room to wake her up, but no one answered the call, so she pushed the door and went in.

   It turns out that summer is not in the room at all!

   There was a letter on the bed.

  The servant didn't dare to read the letter, so he quickly took it down and showed it to Father Nangong.

  Summer's letter contained only two sentences:

  'Sorry father, please allow your daughter to be self-willed, her daughter is unwilling to marry Chen Siyuan!

   So my daughter is gone, please act like you never had a daughter! ’

   After reading the letter, Father Nangong's face darkened. He threw the letter on the fourth lady's face: "Tell me! Where did that stinky girl go?!"

  The fourth lady is still confused, how does she know where her daughter has gone!

   looked down at the letter, the fourth lady had red eyes, and her face was full of worry: "Master, send someone to look for it, Qingqing runs out alone, what if you encounter a bad person?!"

   Father Nangong also knew that the Fourth Madam was a liar, and looking at her like this, she believed that the Fourth Madam did not know where she went in the summer.

   He snorted and said, "This is the good daughter you taught! The wings have grown hard, so dare to disobey me!"

   What annoyed Father Nangong the most was that Xia Xia was so well-behaved in front of him, making him think she would really be obedient.

  I didn't expect to be so daring in the summer that he dared to escape from marriage!

   How does this make him explain to the Chen family? !

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