Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 450: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (twenty five)

   Qian Qianqian's eyes flickered, and she tried her best to pretend to be calm.

   "I...may be mistaken...I may be saying that you say skirts look good in summer, but it sounds like I wear them well..."

   "Oh, sorry, I didn't say anything about the beautiful dress, although the dress my brother gave me is really beautiful."

   After listening to the conversation between the two, everyone except Ouyang Tianhao understood what was going on.

  Xiamen stepped forward and approached Qian Qianqian.

   Although Qian Qianqian was wearing a 14cm tall, she seemed to be about the same height as Summer.

   But in terms of momentum, she unconsciously was a head shorter than Summer.

   She even lowered her head and dared not look at the summer.

  Xiamen raised her hand and lifted Qian Qianqian's chin with her index finger, forcing her to look up at her.

   "Qian Qianqian, I kindly lend you a dress, but you want to slander me? I said, it's always blatant who I want to treat in summer!"

   "I gave you a chance yesterday and asked you a few times if you are sure you want to wear this. You think you are dressed as beautiful as a fairy, and you can deceive yourself by looking in the mirror. You are also amazing!"

   Summer's rude words made Qian Qianqian's face flush with embarrassment.

   And after the summer, her complexion changed and changed.

   "You have to dress like this, don't you allow me to look forward to watching your jokes?"

   It turns out that in the summer, she is sure that she will be making a joke today!

   It’s just, it’s so nasty!

   If she told her yesterday that she didn't look good in this skirt, she wouldn't insist on wearing this skirt!

   Of course, this was just what Qian Qianqian thought out of anger.

   Maybe even if it was said in the summer, she would think that she was dressed too well, so she lied to her that it was not good-looking in the summer.

   "Do you know why I came to Ouyang Tianhao's birthday party?" Xia Xia asked her.

   Of course Qian Qianqian can answer this question: "Because, you like Tianhao..."


wrong? How could it be wrong?

  Ouyang Tianhao is by Qian Qianqian's side, so naturally he is quite close to Summer.

   He could clearly see every look and every subtle expression that Xia Xia looked at Qian Qianqian.

   When Xia Xia said 'wrong', Ouyang Tianhao was also stunned.

   Because when he heard Xia Xia asked Qian Qianqian that question, his answer in his heart was the same as Qian Qianqian's.

   "As I said, I don't like Ouyang Tianhao anymore, so I didn't plan to come to this banquet at all."

   In a word, Qian Qianqian didn't react yet, but Ouyang Tianhao's eyes had changed.

   So... Summer said that he no longer likes him, is he serious?

   She really doesn't like him anymore?

   Mingming was still very angry that Xia Xia deliberately rectified Qian Qianqian, but now his heart has been filled with loss.

  Xiamen grinned and said to Qian Qianqian, "Thank you, I came to see your jokes."

   Qian Qianqian: "..."

   "Well, you really didn't disappoint me, even if you wear this dress like this, I think it's worth it!"

   "I can see that you like this dress very much. I won't wear it again anyway you wear it..."

  Xiamen turned his head and looked at Xia Zimu who was standing behind her like a protector with Gu Yanyu: "Brother, can I dispose of this skirt as garbage?"

  Xia Zimu nodded without hesitation: "Of course! You can do whatever you want with your skirt. Next time, brother will buy you the only one in the world, and don't wear the only two."

   Hearing Xia Zimu's answer, Xia Xia looked back at Qian Qianqian and said to her, "Then this dress will be given to you. If you sell it, it will be enough for you to buy a big house, no thanks!"

  This is summer, do you compare her to picking up trash? !

   Is she sending beggars? !

   Qian Qianqian stared at Xia Xia with an angry expression: "Xia Xia, you are too much!"

   "Where did you go too far? I kindly borrowed clothes for you to wear, but you have to do it in reverse. It's for the sake of our classmates that the video hasn't been released."

   "Qian Qianqian, does your face hurt?"

  Oh~ It must be painful.

   After finishing speaking, Xia Xia didn't care how ugly Qian Qianqian's face was, she turned around and took the arms of Gu Yanyu and Xia Zimu, and said, "I've finished watching the excitement, there's nothing to see, let's go home?"

  Gu Yanyu and Xia Zimu nodded at the same time, and replied, "Okay."

   Before leaving, Xia Zimu said to Ouyang's parents that today's events will never affect their business cooperation, so don't worry.

   As for the idea of ​​the marriage between the Xia family and the Ouyang family, even if Xia Zimu didn't say it, Ouyang's parents knew that it was over.

   I scolded Qian Qianqian thousands of times in my heart, and even wanted to beat up my son.

   After the three got off the ship, they went to the villa together.

   They left shortly after the banquet started, and they hadn't eaten much yet.

   So, they went back to the seaside villa first and prepared to have dinner first.

   Xia Zimu was still angry when he was in the car, so he told Ouyang Tianhao not to deal with him in the summer.

   Contrary to Xia Zimu, summer is not angry at all.

   Today's joke was quite enjoyable to her, although Qian Qianqian wanted to frame her, but she didn't succeed!

  Qian Qianqian deliberately destroyed her textbooks because of others' wrongdoing before Xia Xia, but if she said that this time, Xia Xia would definitely be very angry and mad.

  It's a pity, because I don't like Ouyang Tianhao anymore, so the summer is very calm.

   So calm that even if Qian Qianqian framed her like that, she could still smile all over her face and not be angry at all.

   "Brother, don't worry, I really just want to see Qian Qianqian's jokes today."

  Xia Zimu nodded and hummed: "Ouyang Tianhao is not worthy of you, not worthy of your liking."

   "I don't like him anymore!"

   "That's a good decision!"


The    slap in the face of Qian Qianqian has come to an end, no matter how she ends up after that, Ouyang's parents' impression of her is definitely a little worse.

   Not only that, but other people will treat Qian Qianqian as a joke.

   Many of the students present are students of the Oriental Noble School. In the summer, I believe that when I go back to school tomorrow, I can hear a lot of word of mouth about Qian Qianqian's actions——

   After returning to the seaside villa, the first thing to do in summer is to go back to the room to remove makeup, wash hair and take a bath.

   As for Gu Yanyu, he went to prepare dinner very consciously.

   Seeing that Gu Yanyu personally prepared the dinner, Xia Zimu was very surprised.

   "Where's the servant?" He asked Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu washed and cut vegetables skillfully, and answered Xia Zimu's question with a smile: "Xia Tian said that the dishes I cook are delicious."

   He had already told Xia Zimu without a trace that 'I am special to your sister' and 'I covet your sister'.

   However, the thick-lined Xia Zimu didn't notice it at all, and raised her eyebrows with anticipation: "Really?! Then I'll have to try it later!"

  Xia Zimu has such a thick line, no wonder he will see Gu Yanyu coming out of the summer room one day in the future... Only then did he realize that he had a brother-in-law.


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