Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 449: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (twenty four)

   Except for Gu Yanyu and Xia Zimu, it seems that everyone chose to believe Qian Qianqian's words.

  Although Gu Yanyu didn't know if it was as Qian Qianqian said yesterday, he believed in his wife.

   Deliberately letting Qian Qianqian wear an inappropriate dress is not something that she would do in summer.

   At the same time, Gu Yanyu was also very unhappy that everyone looked at summer with that kind of eyes.

Xia Zimu next to    is also a madman who protects his sister. Let's not talk about whether Xia Xia really corrected Qian Qianqian. Even if he did, he would also protect his sister.

how? Can't fix it? !

   Gu Yanyu and Xia Zimu just wanted to go crazy, but Xia Xia had already taken the shot first.

   You have to solve your own problems, Qian Qianqian's face has to be beaten by her!

   Just right, today I can show Ouyang Tianhao what the innocent girl he likes is like.

   "Clap clap clap!"

   When everyone thought that Summer would be black-faced, but Xia Xia applauded with a smile on her face.

   Ouyang Tianhao frowned tightly, still looking at Summer with a reproachful expression.

   He has now decided that Summer still likes him, and it is precisely because he likes him that he does such a thing.

   What is such a thing?

   Naturally, it was her 'fixing' Qian Qianqian's business!

"Qian Qianqian, I can't see it! So your acting skills are so good! Eh~ My brother knows who runs a film and television company, why don't I recommend you to act? Although your looks can't play the heroine, you are a bad-hearted one. The maid is still fine."

   When Xia Xia said this, her tone was so relaxed that she couldn't tell that she was angry.

   Of course, she wasn't angry either.

  What is there to be angry about? Qian Qianqian's behavior seemed ridiculous to her.

   Originally, she didn't plan to do anything, just watch the excitement.

   But Qian Qianqian wanted her to take the blame.

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Qian Qianqian felt guilty.

   At the same time, I was also surprised.

   She thought that if she said such slanderous words, Xia Xia would definitely be very angry after hearing it, and immediately rushed over to tear her up.

   If that's the case, even if it makes sense in summer, it will become unreasonable, and then everyone will not believe in summer's explanation.

   All this, she has already thought about it.

  But Qian Qianqian didn't expect that she would play cards out of common sense in the summer!

   Qian Qianqian's eyes flickered, but fortunately her makeup was too heavy, so no one could see her guilty conscience.

   "I...I don't understand what you mean by Summer...Forget it, Tianhao, take me to change my clothes, I'll change my clothes and return them to Summer..."

   said, Qian Qianqian was about to pull Ouyang Tianhao to 'escape the scene'.

   And her guilty conscience is shown in Ouyang Tianhao's view, that is, kindness doesn't care. A stark contrast to summer!

  Ouyang Tianhao nodded, ready to take Qian Qianqian to change clothes and remove makeup.

   Could it give Qian Qianqian a chance to leave in the summer?

   "Wait!" Summer stopped Qian Qianqian and Ouyang Tianhao.

   "Rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. Some things should be explained clearly..."

   Before she finished speaking, Ouyang Tianhao couldn't help but scold her: "Don't be aggressive in the summer! Qian Qian doesn't care about you anymore, you still need to..."

  Ouyang Tianhao's eyes and tone full of disgust, not to mention that Gu Yanyu wanted to smash the red wine glass in his hand on his head, even Xia Zimu got angry.

   "Ouyang Tianhao who allowed you to interrupt my sister! Is she talking to you?! As the host, did you treat our guests like this? I really saw it!"

  Xia Zimu's face no longer had a smile on her face, and when she had a cold face, her aura was very intimidating.

   At least, he is much stronger than Ouyang Tianhao, who is the male protagonist.

  Gu Yanyu chose silence, not because he didn't want or dared to treat Ouyang Tianhao.

   But his identity is not suitable for doing that, Xia Zimu is very suitable.

   But not doing anything to Ouyang Tianhao on the surface doesn't mean he doesn't do anything secretly.

   If you dare to yell at him in summer, you will have to pay the price...

   "Misunderstanding! It must be a misunderstanding! It's good that everyone has something to say!"

   Seeing Xia Zimu getting angry, Father Ouyang, who didn't care about these things, hurried over.

  's mother Ouyang also quickly said: "Yes, yes, there must be some misunderstanding here! Tianhao, don't you hurry up and apologize to Xia Xia and President Xia!"

  Ouyang Tianhao is still angry, how could he be willing to apologize to Xia Xia and Xia Zimu!

   He snorted coldly: "My girlfriend was bullied, mother, do you want me to apologize to the person who bullied my girlfriend?"

  Ouyang's mother was so angry that she almost had a heart attack, and she wanted to yell "Damn".

But Xia Xia laughed twice, and his eyes fell on Qian Qianqian: "Qian Qianqian, I forgot to tell you, yesterday I put a camera in the room, if you are questioning my bad memory, even say I don't remember what happened, why don't we take a look?"

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Qian Qianqian was really dumbfounded. She didn't expect Xia Xia to install a camera in her room!

   "Why are you so perverted, you installed a camera in the room!!" Qian Qianqian blurted out this sentence because she was surprised.

After listening to   Xiamen, she only found it funny, and she did laugh: "I'm a pervert? First, I didn't install it in the bathroom. Second, I have to report to you when I install a camera in my room?"

   Qian Qianqian, who was already guilty, became even more guilty after hearing Xia Xia said that she had installed a camera.

   Yesterday, of course, Xia Xia didn't say that she looked good in this dress.

   On the contrary, Xia Xia probably saw that she was not suitable for this skirt, so Xia Xia repeatedly asked her if she wanted to choose this skirt.

  If that video was released, everyone would know she was lying.

  Qian Qianqian didn't say a word, but a smart person could see from her expression that there was something else hidden.

  Ouyang's mother really didn't like this person named Qian Qianqian, and she made such a big joke when she came.

   Now, Xia Zimu is very dissatisfied with her son.

   Anyone who yells at their beloved sister in front of their own face will be angry.

  It's all Qian Qianqian's fault!

  If Qian Qianqian didn't show up, her son would be on stage to cooperate with Xia Xia!

   "Okay! You put the video out in the summer so we all know what's going on!"

   This sentence was said by Ouyang's mother.

   She wanted to see what happened.

   Here, she is definitely on the summer side.

   Not to mention that Summer is her satisfactory future daughter-in-law candidate, she just doesn't like Qian Qianqian very much!

  If it wasn't for the sake of self-cultivation, Ouyang's mother really wanted to have Qian Qianqian kicked out.

   "No!" Qian Qianqian exclaimed.

   Don't let others see the video! Absolutely not!

   Qian Qianqian's excitement made everyone focus on her again.

   "What? Are you guilty?" Xia Xia asked Qian Qianqian with a smile.

  Camera or something, of course she didn't install it!

   If she pretended, why didn't she share it with Luo Ke yesterday!

The reason    said that he installed a camera was just to scare Qian Qianqian.

  Look, isn't it very useful!

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